EDFL Div 1 Discussion 2023

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1st time long time

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Oct 5, 2021
AFL Club
St Kilda
The good WRFL teams are actually really good. Altona, Werribee, Deer Park. They would definitely be competitive and probably be better than AH, ED and AW but might not get it done against Keilor, Strathmore and Abers.
They wouldn't beat the Prem top 4 from this year, Pacco beat Keilor in the SF.
Correct me if I’m wrong but from memory Sunbury Kangaroos were placed in D2 and took the piss, went the whole season undefeated and won the reserves too.

It was the wise move putting Ruperswood in D1 as they were a competitive mid table inclusion.

As an outsider, it seems like Deer Park should be going to Premier where they most likely won’t be relegated and be competitive rather than tainting the integrity of D1 footy in ‘23.

I could be wrong here but that seems like the happy medium resolution to all of this.
Everything you posted is correct, this is the obvious solution.

Edfl just can’t tamper with precious premier div.

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Correct me if I’m wrong but from memory Sunbury Kangaroos were placed in D2 and took the piss, went the whole season undefeated and won the reserves too.

It was the wise move putting Ruperswood in D1 as they were a competitive mid table inclusion.

As an outsider, it seems like Deer Park should be going to Premier where they most likely won’t be relegated and be competitive rather than tainting the integrity of D1 footy in ‘23.

I could be wrong here but that seems like the happy medium resolution to all of this.
Sunbury didn’t quite take the piss. They had competition from MV each time they played including the GF and didn’t win by an alarming margin. Should they have been put in Div 2? Probably not but that’s where they are now again and with a few other things happening maybe the EDFL was right on that move after all. They ended up where they belong and will most likely stay this year.

Deer Park is not a Div 1 side so hopefully someone comes to their senses and elevates to Prem before the season starts. Hard enough for clubs to win a premiership as it is, let alone when you’re playing against a team like that.
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Sunbury didn’t quite take the piss. They had competition from MV each time they played including the GF and didn’t win by an alarming margin. Should they have been put in Div 2? Probably not but that’s where they are now again and with all the grim rumblings about their new coach and a few other things happening maybe the EDFL was right on that move after all. They ended up where they belong and will most likely stay this year.

Deer Park is not a Div 1 side so hopefully someone comes to their senses and elevates to Prem before the season starts. Hard enough for clubs to win a premiership as it is, let alone when you’re playing against a team like that.
The only thing you got right about Sunbury in that entire paragraph was that they are now in Div 2.

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Not a bad outcome I guess…. Still think they have removed promotion for any team next year by allowing DP in Div 1, apart from that I have no issue with the two teams joining.

Should of put DP in prem and done a similar promotion relegation thing to have the same outcome in 2025

Sent from my iPhone using BigFooty.com
Not a bad outcome I guess…. Still think they have removed promotion for any team next year by allowing DP in Div 1, apart from that I have no issue with the two teams joining.

Should of put DP in prem and done a similar promotion relegation thing to have the same outcome in 2025

Sent from my iPhone using BigFooty.com

Not sure why they couldn’t have an 11 team Premier and an 11 team div.1. Relegate bottom 2 next season in both divs and don’t promote the div.2 winner and you get 3 x 10 team divisions a year earlier than it will occur now.

EDFL not treating all clubs with equal respect they deserve. Deer Park would be an interesting inclusion into Premier and create automatic buzz. Instead they will win 20 games by an average of 60+ and waste 11 clubs time and effort.
The CEO has apparently gone according to my inner EDFL sources, however still nothing advertised on social media.
Also according to the EDFL website today, all staff and the Board are current in their positions running the competition.

The decision I was referring to like new clubs being admitted, were made then submitted to AFL Vic in late September, Kyte was a major part of it.
The CEO and Football Netball Manager then went overseas for 3 weeks only, that's 5 weeks back, both still haven't been sighted at HQ in Napier Street.
Not sure how good your inner sources mail is? What is the update on Kyte and co?
Not sure why they couldn’t have an 11 team Premier and an 11 team div.1. Relegate bottom 2 next season in both divs and don’t promote the div.2 winner and you get 3 x 10 team divisions a year earlier than it will occur now.

EDFL not treating all clubs with equal respect they deserve. Deer Park would be an interesting inclusion into Premier and create automatic buzz. Instead they will win 20 games by an average of 60+ and waste 11 clubs time and effort.
Spot on. Wasting 11 other clubs time, effort and money for a whole season and ruining a division for 12 months. It’s just a disgrace from the EDFL. Clubs HAVE complained, clubs have voiced disapproval, only to be told bad luck this is what is happening they are both in division 1. Deer Park are retaining and recruiting very nicely and keeping it quiet to avoid anymore backlash on the EDFL for allowing them to come into division 1. They are going to make a mockery of this comp next season and the EDFL are going to have a lot to answer for. Deer Park will play next season with a side that would be more than competitive in Premier and we all know how huge the gap is.
Spot on. Wasting 11 other clubs time, effort and money for a whole season and ruining a division for 12 months. It’s just a disgrace from the EDFL. Clubs HAVE complained, clubs have voiced disapproval, only to be told bad luck this is what is happening they are both in division 1. Deer Park are retaining and recruiting very nicely and keeping it quiet to avoid anymore backlash on the EDFL for allowing them to come into division 1. They are going to make a mockery of this comp next season and the EDFL are going to have a lot to answer for. Deer Park will play next season with a side that would be more than competitive in Premier and we all know how huge the gap is.
I wish you lot in Divy 1 can get over Deer Park and St Albans entering your comp. WRFL had numerous years where they both cheated the salary cap.
I wish you lot in Divy 1 can get over Deer Park and St Albans entering your comp. WRFL had numerous years where they both cheated the salary cap.

Nobody has an issue with them coming over, it's the idiotic, pathetic decision to put one of them in Div 1 which has angered people. I'm pretty confident there are Div 1 teams who will have no issue playing against St Albans.
Nobody has an issue with them coming over, it's the idiotic, pathetic decision to put one of them in Div 1 which has angered people. I'm pretty confident there are Div 1 teams who will have no issue playing against St Albans.

And St.Albans will be a legitimate finals contender and could win it, would be perfect addition to the competition. Deer Park likewise in Premier, it’s infuriating because the league is just ignoring logic to please the Premier set up of 10 teams.
Nobody has an issue with them coming over, it's the idiotic, pathetic decision to put one of them in Div 1 which has angered people. I'm pretty confident there are Div 1 teams who will have no issue playing against St Albans.
Is there a remote chance that Deer Park will not win the div1 premiership or is there list that good that the other clubs might as well put there que in the rack?

EDFL Div 1 Discussion 2023

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