Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack II

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Part I:

Thread Rules:

I recognise that this is a fraught topic for any number of you posting here. Some of you will have family in Israel or Palestine. Some of you will have connections to either side of the conflict. What you need to understand is that this site has rules governing posting standards and the appropriate way to talk to other posters, and you will abide by them.

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  • direct labelling of someone as anti-semitic or a terrorist sympathiser for posting that is merely critical of Israel's response over time. I appreciate that Israel has the right to defend themselves from violence, but that does not mean that Israel has carte blanche to attack disproportionately towards people under their care.
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  • attempts to turn this into a Left vs Right shitfight.
  • If I see the word 'Nazi' in here, you had better be able to justify it in the post you're making and the comparison had better be apt. Godwin's law is in full effect for the purposes of this thread; if you refer to Nazis, you've lost whatever argument you're involved in.
  • Any defense of Hamas' actions on the basis of justification. There's no justification for genocide, regardless of whether or not they have the power to do so.
Please recognise that this is a difficult time for all involved, and some level of sensitivity is absolutely required to permit discussion to flow. From time to time, mods will reach out to specific posters and do some welfare checks; we may even give posters who get a bit too involved some days off to give people some time to cool down. This is not a reflection on you as a poster, merely that this is an intense subject.

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It has also become apparent that this needs to be said: just because someone moderates a part of this forum that isn't on Int Pol or the SRP does not hold them to a different standard of posting than anyone else. All of us were posters first, and we are allowed to hold opinions on this and share them on this forum.

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Thanks all.
Play nicely, all.
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It is time for the USA to put their big boy pants on and tell Netanyahu to **** off.
  • No to conflict with Iran
  • No to green light in Rafa
  • No codes for the IDF F35's for a week to remind Netanyahu who is actually running this show
P'raps there is a Sullivan/Biden clique in whitehpuse who also mimic Bibi and want regional conflicts in multiple fronts

___we have not heard from Kamala , she undoubtedly will pipe up w something inane to a preschool about geopolitics 🤣
the utter hypocrisy and inhumanity are mind-blowing.

the video is quite long but well worth the time. antony is a truth-teller and a jew that true judaism can be proud of.

Is that where a female beeb interviewer asks for PM now foreign minister Lord David Cameron what the UK would do if a threatening State bombed one of their foreign embassies unprovoked and Lord Cameron says 'wr'd take them out' before attempting to muffle the misstep and alter new less belligerent words 🤣
the zealotry is so extreme it’s reached the point where these merchants of hate feel they can do as they wish, antony. and what’s equally troubling is the support for the genocide within the jewish community, the cheer squad in the media who endorse it, and the censoring of information as can be seen by the n.y.t edict.

the zealotry is so extreme it’s reached the point where these merchants of hate feel they can do as they wish, antony. and what’s equally troubling is the support for the genocide within the jewish community, the cheer squad in the media who endorse it, and the censoring of information as can be seen by the n.y.t edict.

why was morrison meeting australians two or three months back who made aliya to Israel (compulsory service) or were fighting as Jewish foreigners (Australians) and then Abbott on Channel4tv Britain with screed against Palestinians , so Liberal Party former PMs trying to plant the flag for Australia ,

for me this is/was like when DJT has visits from Kanye Milo NickFuentes at Mar-a-Lago to provoke his critics , I disagree w cancelling but DJT hosting them overt provocation , previously i was neutral on DJT and still think the fascist appellation is downright absurd but that provocation was juvenile

Also this reflected badly on Albo trying to manage foreign policy from Canberra , and i presume Morrison and Abbott got paid by foreign dep't of israel, which makes it triply or quadriply bad

¹backchannel representation on foreign policy matters
²paid agent of foreign government
³partisan lobby no regard for foreignpolicy view of canberra
⁴ to a degree* straitjacket handcuffs canberra to policy position

almost traitorous, regardless of Canberra's position in the contretemps , let Jacinta Ardern be special envoy

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Alistair Crooke was British attache in Oslo negotiations

estimates are Netanyahu was 1.3billion in the can to shoot at 300 drone sortie(s) ^ which I believe i utter above were a cosplay not designed to cause gross fatality , crooke here echoes my sentiment , I missed my calling as international grand strategist , w Kissinger gone , there is a vacancy I can fill innit

if the Persians have the Russians on their side Bibi flirts w fatal roulette
the wedge herein lies wrt Bibi domestic woes
¹legal personal
²Ben-Gavir and Smoltret farfar far-right members of his cabinet
³political antagonism of Likud his party w balance of power

⁴American ChristianZionist and diasporaZionists pushing him with political funds

this is^ what I mean re:determined / vectors in alinement , no verified pushback nor avenue to detente

cherf: solid contribution blackcat
blackcat: thanks cherf , unlike you to give me credit 🤣

I missed my calling as international grand strategist , w Kissinger gone , there is a vacancy I can fill innit
right on RussiaGATE confection ✓
right on Iran ✓

Chief needs to put me on the payroll

you would not have heard this in TheAge TheAustralian or ABC
State Department starting to leak, probably in protest against its leadership which everyone in the Department disagrees with. Blinken is going to fall on his political sword to protect Israel's crimes.

i see the corrupt leader is now speaking of using tens of millions of shekels to put israeli settlements in gaza.

it’s always been about the occupation by a corrupt, heartless outfit that has never thought that ordinary decency or rules of order applied to them. time for the yanks to be forced to withdraw financing the extreme zionism and for the west to isolate them and treat them the way pariahs deserve. in the hope, that the countless jewish peeps who are witnessing the terrorism and are appalled by it will assume power.
i see the corrupt leader is now speaking of using tens of millions of shekels to put israeli settlements in gaza.

it’s always been about the occupation by a corrupt, heartless outfit that has never thought that ordinary decency or rules of order applied to them. time for the yanks to be forced to withdraw financing the extreme zionism and for the west to isolate them and treat them the way pariahs deserve. in the hope, that the countless jewish peeps who are witnessing the terrorism and are appalled by it will assume power.
was 5k now 10k* the Israelis have as hostages antagonists gaoled because they get starchamber treatment in hearing/trial ... they picked another 5k jailees in last 6months <japaneseemoji:eyesroll>
i see the corrupt leader is now speaking of using tens of millions of shekels to put israeli settlements in gaza.

it’s always been about the occupation by a corrupt, heartless outfit that has never thought that ordinary decency or rules of order applied to them. time for the yanks to be forced to withdraw financing the extreme zionism and for the west to isolate them and treat them the way pariahs deserve. in the hope, that the countless jewish peeps who are witnessing the terrorism and are appalled by it will assume power.
they are the Western catspaw to keep the Arabs*(persians2) in check , nb not my racist inference , it's DC and Whitehall sponsoring and endorsing it , when Sunak rolls out the big gun Lord Cameron to be his M.E. attache/foreign minister no matter mellifluous silky vowels it is BS in their greatgame , bibi will only do what he does because of overt enabling sponsorship by DC and Downing Street , and I repeat , i don't think you can see gaza in a discrete lens , kiev and gaza cannot be divorced in my view

wars will be waged to divert attention from domestic concerns

bread circuses kinetic engagement abroad
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The attraction of gold is that it is NOT just numbers in an account.

Costello sold the majority of Australia's gold reserves at $331/ ounce.
The current price of gold is $3700/ounce.
Could have paid off the pandemic debt.
"Great economic managers"
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