Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack II

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Part I:

Thread Rules:

I recognise that this is a fraught topic for any number of you posting here. Some of you will have family in Israel or Palestine. Some of you will have connections to either side of the conflict. What you need to understand is that this site has rules governing posting standards and the appropriate way to talk to other posters, and you will abide by them.

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  • direct labelling of someone as anti-semitic or a terrorist sympathiser for posting that is merely critical of Israel's response over time. I appreciate that Israel has the right to defend themselves from violence, but that does not mean that Israel has carte blanche to attack disproportionately towards people under their care.
  • deliberate goading or flippant responses, designed to get people reacting to your posting emotionally.
  • abuse.
  • attempts to turn this into a Left vs Right shitfight.
  • If I see the word 'Nazi' in here, you had better be able to justify it in the post you're making and the comparison had better be apt. Godwin's law is in full effect for the purposes of this thread; if you refer to Nazis, you've lost whatever argument you're involved in.
  • Any defense of Hamas' actions on the basis of justification. There's no justification for genocide, regardless of whether or not they have the power to do so.
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Treat each other with the respect each of you deserve.

Thanks all.
Play nicely, all.
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Here's some stuff the Israeli Defence Force was sharing...... and if anyone claims they're not immoral war criminals, they're gullible and simple.

If I hear "oh, they're a modern military trying the most ever to reduce civilian casualties" I won't be able to hold it in any more.

An 11 October post reportedly read: “Burning their mother … You won’t believe the video we got! You can hear the crunch of their bones. We’ll upload it right away, get ready.” Images of Palestinian captives were captioned “Exterminating the roaches … exterminating the Hamas rats … Share this beauty.” A video of an Israeli soldier allegedly dipping machine gun bullets in pork fat had the caption: “What a man!!!!! Lubricates bullets with lard. You won’t get your virgins.” And: “Garbage juice!!!! Another dead terrorist!! You have to watch it with the sound, you’ll die laughing.”
The dehumanisation follows in the footsteps of other genocidal regimes of the last couple of centuries. What makes it so disheartening in this instance is you would have hoped Israeli's would have greater empathy considering the barbarity of the Germans against the Jews in the 1930s/40s.

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When you're talking about two groups of people inciting genocide without the means to do so, I'd say the comparison is apt. Unlike your Jessica Alba wet dream 💦

Someone disagreed with you.
You said they were the same thing because both wouldn't happen.

Wrong. That is not a reason to group them together.
Here's some stuff the Israeli Defence Force was sharing...... and if anyone claims they're not immoral war criminals, they're gullible and simple.

If I hear "oh, they're a modern military trying the most ever to reduce civilian casualties" I won't be able to hold it in any more.

An 11 October post reportedly read: “Burning their mother … You won’t believe the video we got! You can hear the crunch of their bones. We’ll upload it right away, get ready.” Images of Palestinian captives were captioned “Exterminating the roaches … exterminating the Hamas rats … Share this beauty.” A video of an Israeli soldier allegedly dipping machine gun bullets in pork fat had the caption: “What a man!!!!! Lubricates bullets with lard. You won’t get your virgins.” And: “Garbage juice!!!! Another dead terrorist!! You have to watch it with the sound, you’ll die laughing.”

Yeah, but someone at Qantas wore a watermelon pin! It was very upsetting.
Here's some stuff the Israeli Defence Force was sharing...... and if anyone claims they're not immoral war criminals, they're gullible and simple.

If I hear "oh, they're a modern military trying the most ever to reduce civilian casualties" I won't be able to hold it in any more.

An 11 October post reportedly read: “Burning their mother … You won’t believe the video we got! You can hear the crunch of their bones. We’ll upload it right away, get ready.” Images of Palestinian captives were captioned “Exterminating the roaches … exterminating the Hamas rats … Share this beauty.” A video of an Israeli soldier allegedly dipping machine gun bullets in pork fat had the caption: “What a man!!!!! Lubricates bullets with lard. You won’t get your virgins.” And: “Garbage juice!!!! Another dead terrorist!! You have to watch it with the sound, you’ll die laughing.”

Assumedly it's by members of the IDF, rather than the IDF itself?

In terms of genocide, they're going to be in trouble in regards to opening up the rules of engagement for soldiers - particularly if they don't do enough to find, punish and kick out and imprison the individuals involved with things like this, the t shirts that incite murder of civilians and anything else going on within the military. Not to mention the issues they're going to face in their own society in the future by having enabled psychos to be psychotic.
Assumedly it's by members of the IDF, rather than the IDF itself?

In terms of genocide, they're going to be in trouble in regards to opening up the rules of engagement for soldiers - particularly if they don't do enough to find, punish and kick out and imprison the individuals involved with things like this, the t shirts that incite murder of civilians and anything else going on within the military. Not to mention the issues they're going to face in their own society in the future by having enabled psychos to be psychotic.
Incorrect Assumption.

it was an official operation. It's in the article.

Support for genocide and mocking the dead is official policy.

I wish people would stop imagining excuses for the despicable behaviour
The dehumanisation follows in the footsteps of other genocidal regimes of the last couple of centuries. What makes it so disheartening in this instance is you would have hoped Israeli's would have greater empathy considering the barbarity of the Germans against the Jews in the 1930s/40s.
Because these Zionists aren’t real Jews.

The real Jews are standing up and telling us Zionism isn’t a representation of Judaism. A Jewish person wouldn’t replicate what the Nazis did.

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The dehumanisation follows in the footsteps of other genocidal regimes of the last couple of centuries. What makes it so disheartening in this instance is you would have hoped Israeli's would have greater empathy considering the barbarity of the Germans against the Jews in the 1930s/40s.
and latest estimation is 4.5 million for America's adventurism in Mesopotamia and Afghan over last two decades , Brits and Canberra owe an equal share of those victims

Nation States are bastards , best thing one can say not at the level of Mao or Stalin or 3rdReich

little people don't count , dare say Bibi doesn't give two-hoots on ordinary Israeli Jews neither , more than willing to throw them in the meat grinder , no matter words he says
.... politicaleconomy¹⁰¹
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The clichés are hackneyed and pathetic: "They started," "there is no choice," "what would you have us do?" "The IDF is doing everything it can to avoid the killing of innocent people." The truth is that Israel doesn't care, it doesn't even take any interest. After all, Palestinians don't love their children, and in any case, they would have only grown up to become terrorists.

In the meantime, Israel is erasing generations in Gaza, and its soldiers are killing children in numbers competing with the cruellest of wars. This will not and cannot be forgotten. How can a people ever forget those who killed its children in such a manner? How can people of conscience around the world remain silent over such mass killing of children? The fact that Israel is not deliberating this issue internally, with no tears or conscience in evidence, only desiring more of this war, until a "final victory" is achieved, does not bind the world. The world sees and is shocked.

The truth is, it's impossible to remain silent. Even Israel, so absorbed in its grief and its concern for the fate of the hostages; Israel, which itself sustained horrors on October 7, cannot ignore what is happening in Gaza. It takes seven minutes to display the list of thousands of dead children, passing at the same speed as their miserable lives did. By the end, one cannot remain silent; these are seven minutes that leave you choked up, distressed and deeply ashamed.
It’s weird that Israel manipulate the media so much, because it feeds directly into a problematic conspiracy theory.

when you have control not only the mainstream media but also peeps with power and influence it enables them to ensure most peeps don't know the extent of the censoring, intimidation, threats, cover-ups etc. if there's one positive that will come out of the genocide it is that they are now being exposed.
The article isn't loading for me.

Wow! That's just awful.
The official line is that it "wasn't authorised" even though it was being run by the division of the IDF which would be doing this kind of thing and has done it in the past.

They got found out, so they're pretending they didn't mean it or it wasn't authorised, even though it went on for 6 months, and two months after they first denied it, until they finally admitted it.

Mirrors everything else they've previously denied and then been exposed on. Nobody is ever punished, they just say they didn't authorise it, so it's not officially official. Just that it was funded and executed by the IDF.

This is just the stuff that has been exposed, then you wonder how much other influence and impact they've had.
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