Player Watch Pick #7 (2012) - Ollie Wines

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Don't laugh at me

I went I but a port guernsey from a power store sale. Ben Jacobs was serving at the counter. I thought I would get a number on the back, and since Ben was serving me

This was before he played his first game, so I thought I would get his number and autograph on the gurnsey and that he would become a champion.

*sigh* I am feeling quite foolish.

Fun fact: he said he would be at port for a long long time

I went there the same day I considered putting 16 on my guernsey cos he was behind the counter but ended up getting 17 instead. Dont feel as bad about that now. :p

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Apparently Boxhead is his nickname.
Onto some winning families here I reckon.


First day at the office for @maddiewines@wines16 very special recipe made you two #ownit#watchthisspace#proudestmumintheworld



@PAFC can we please see some photos of the new recruits in training mode? #weareportadelaide

Good Luck @JToumpas! You will love Melbourne just as @wines16will love Adelaide #family+friendsareeverywhere



AND my favourite.

The brother responding to someone bagging Ollie being drafted to Port.

@stuartmoerman I don't know mate, I'm definently not angry. In fact I'm super proud of my brother. I'd like to see you get drafted.#w***er

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