Remove Sam Newman from the Hall of Fame petition.

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He's had to apologize and pay out Nicky Winmar 3 years ago.
"Three AFL figures including media commentator Sam Newman have issued a formal apology and signed a $100,000 settlement with St Kilda great Nicky Winmar over comments they made on a podcast about Winmar’s famous stand against racism."
And wasn't that a shit show of lies and made up rubbish

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You clearly haven't listened to it. It was Scott who drove the discussion, and he referred to Winmar's reason for lifting his jumper as a misrepresentation. That isn't an innocent discussion. It's calling Winmar a liar. Which is what you say isn't remotely what happened. Interesting.
Wouldn't be the first time history has been changed to suit the narrative.

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"Richmond enforcer Jack Dyer crunched Nicholls on the field and delivered a racist barb that had hurt far more."

As the Trans Continental train carried the Vics towards Perth, Nicholls stared down the young Tiger giant.

When Dyer asked what the problem was, Nicholls snarled: "I don't like you, Jack Dyer – for what you said."

Those in earshot were shocked – after all, lay-preacher Nicholls had only ever been known as quiet and pleasant."

Sam has absolutely nothing on this guy. I can only imagine how vile it was for Nichols to react that way in 1935.
Now where going back to1935 nearly 100 year ago.

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Wearing blackface isn’t a comment, for starters.

Saying ‘there isn’t much indigenous history to learn as they don’t have a history’ is what, carefully considered evaluation?
Blackface is rasist. But back when Newman done it, it wasn't seen as such.
It was a different era.

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Is it a Welcome to Country (led by an indigenous person) or an Acknowledgement of Country (conducted by anyone)?
He’s a white person and he does start off with welcome to country.

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Her public announcement that she has trans people in her crosshairs next suggests to me that she's an ideological warrior whose skin colour is incidental.
Wow. F….. me. Enough said there i reckon.
Called George Floyd 'a piece of s**t' after he was murdered , got suspended by channel 9 for it, blackface mocking Nicky Winmar, his podcast had to give $100,000 to Nicky Winmar and apologize for saying he didn't point to his black skin a few years ago, bagged LeBron James and heaps of black lives matter protestors, many derogatory comments about Adam Goodes, said schools shouldn't teach Indigenous history that is 65,000 years old because-
"The Indigenous people don't have a... almost their history is irrelevant. They don't have a history," Newman said of Australia's Aboriginal history.

"They hunt and they kill things and they eat them?"
Bagged Muslim players for protesting against racism
And other stuff. Look it up yourself. You're lazy or don't want to find out.
George Floyd was an absolute scum bag, his criminal record speaks for itself. If old mate Denyer was murdered and Sam called him a piece of shit, you wouldn't care because Denyer is white.
When Prince Harry wore an SS uniform to a party with a swastika emblazoned on the arm.

Poor choice. Poor form. But he was a kid who didn’t understand how offensive that get-up was to many people.

Interesting to reflect on the nature v nurture debate. Wrong side of the blanket dna v growing up among the royals

Love the guy, he’s just saying what we’re all thinking, good on him.

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Surely you don’t mean the Royal ‘we’ here?

Newman has one quality which is loyalty to his class. He is the quintessential, gormless, inbred, upper class twit so well satirised in Monty Python and Blackadder.
That time he did blackface on national TV?

How far back do you wanna go? How about we start with Al Jolson and work our way forward?

In 25 years maybe we can cancel the adults who put on wigs, blackface and Eagles jumpers and went to primary school to look like their hero Nic Naitanui for footy theme days.
I have a belief that people who treat others badly based on things beyond their control like race, gender, sexuality etc are sh*t humans. I don't treat others badly based on things beyond their control. Therefore I'm not a hypocrite. Does that help you?
ah thanks for that mate. You are the best of the best.
How dumb do you have to be to get excited about Newman "triggering snowflakes"? Dude's the biggest snowflake out FMD. 😂
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