Preview Round 13: Swans v Cats (a fast preview's a good preview)

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This is a great chance for Swans to spell the demons from the 2022 grand final.
Cats I think you mean, cats.

Demons were now way near the GF. I fact I believe it was the Swans that started our straight sets slide out of finals that year.

Boy I'm glad I'm an honorary swan now.

:heart: u guys.
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Gawd I hope we don't come out flatter than a pancake. We do that a fair bit after a bye.
Did okay in round 6
Just a question folks. I have 10 GA tickets for this game. What time should I be getting to the gate? I understand the seconds are playing on tramway on this day too?
Gates open 2 hrs before first bounce, reckon it's best to be there when they open

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What’s with all the Dees floggos in here?
A technical glitch a few weeks ago invited a whole lot of oppo posters from numerous clubs to an autopsy thread of ours.

Some have stayed on for the light-hearted badinage and sparkling japery for which our ilk are renowned throughout the realm.

I applaud it, personally.
A technical glitch a few weeks ago invited a whole lot of oppo posters from numerous clubs to an autopsy thread of ours.

Some have stayed on for the light-hearted badinage and sparkling japery for which our ilk are renowned throughout the realm.

I applaud it, personally.
Never thought I would read either words badinage or japery on this forum, but here they are together in one post - I dips my lid to you good sir!
Black And White Hello GIF by Mia Page
The Preamble

There will be no long-winded history lesson on the epic matches of years gone past because the only thing you get from looking back, is a stiff neck. So much like the Aussie coat of arms, we can only look forward.

And look forward we shall to a well-rested, at home Swans outfit who are white hot and a Geelong team, who frankly, are not.

With the house full sign to be up and members clamouring to sticker seats, the atmosphere promises to be electric. A fine weather forecast is likely (but not yet confirmed by Donza) with extra sets of eyes on the curator to ensure the sprinklers remain firmly off.

Their Forwards

Their forwards are enormous. And before RubbaDuck gets excited, I’m talking about chest spans, biceps, triceps and quads. They are also strong. How strong you ask ? Well it’s said that Tomahawk can bench press Lloyd on one arm and Cunningham on the other. If you think that’s strong, not even Rowie, Heeney and Wicksy together could lay a tackle such is Jezza’s leg drive. Jezza’s legs are big. How big you ask ? Well it’s said it’s almost like Mal Meninga’s legs and Chris ‘Choppy’ Close’s legs had a love child - and put that child through the Kennedy weights program.

These barrel-chested gorillas will take some stopping with the Geelong hoops accentuating their already massive chest spans.

The Rest of the Team

This Geelong team is tall. How tall you ask ? It’s said they feast on a strict diet of meat and potatoes and with that Geelong sea air, every one of them looks like Andre the giant. Featuring the AA class of Tom Stewart, the polyathlete in Blicavs, the tearaway speed of Holmes, Dangerfield coming back, Stengle who has recaptured his 22 form, they are a force to be reckoned with.

I think we should be scared. How scared you ask ? About as scared as a bunch of skinny kids taking on a bunch of grown men in front of 100,000, or just as frightening, when The King! declares Danger Game.

The Verdict

So our high-flying youngsters take on these Geelong behemoths and you could be forgiven for thinking it will take a superhuman effort in the “I see it but I don’t believe it’ vein, but you’d be wrong. How wrong you ask ? About as wrong as bedford's tipping I’d say.

You see in AFL and in life, the big don’t eat the small, the quick eat the slow. And this Geelong team is slow. How slow you ask ? About as slow as an unsuspecting drive through customer when Sam Reid is out and about.

We will simply outrun and outgun them in what I’m predicting could be a three figure victory. They simply have no answer to our midfield or against any team that is fast. And our team is fast. How fast you ask ? Not Jack Hiscox fast yet but there is burst speed all over the park and we will have energy to burn on the back of a 17 day break. Expect Heeney, Chad, Errol and the Liz to literally trip over each other lining up for goal after goal.

So let’s get out there and get behind the boys in what I think could be our greatest ever win against the Cats.

I like fast players.
A couple of comments

1.Too late, you got me excited as soon as you mentioned the word 'enormous'. It's my unsafe word.
2. If Geelong's hoops accentuate their already massive chest spans, we should counter them by wearing the old Swans' Where's Wally jumper. With 36 enormous guys squeezed into the tight confines of the SCG, we're gonna need Sheldrick
3. With their ins, the Geelong team we face will be the Geelong who sat top of the table unbeaten for quite a few weeks.
4. But we'll win for the reason you've laid before us. Speed on the ball. GWS did it by hard running but that's hard to sustain. We do it by a combination of hard running and deadly accurate ball use by foot.
5. For anyone questioning what Campbell adds to the soup (see what I did there?), rewatch the first quarter against Dogs, two sizzling cannons inside 50, the first marked by Wicks, the second marked
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