Play Nice Scott Morrison - How Long? Part 7 - Prosperity Theology, The Coal Man + His Bootlickers

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To be fair, they are not 'loyalists' as much as people born in China, with friends and relatives in China who understand, as do all intelligent people, that the current Communist Party political regime does not represent the hearts and minds of of 1.5 billion people currently living in China nor the 50 million people of direct Chinese descent (at least) of 50 million worldwide.

Hate to break it to you but the Chinese people are generally satisfied with their government. 700 million lifted out of poverty, massively growing middle class and bette than doing of the pandemic than their rivals the US has solidified support for their government.

Now while attacking the Chinese government may play to the racist bogans in Australia, those Chinese voters in marginal seats aren’t really going to buy it. They aren’t refugees from their own country, and will link the rise in anti-Asian racism to the statements coming out of Canberra, rather than think “yeah I guess I deserve it because of who runs my home country”.
The implication is that the ALP are puppets of China and will be a front for Chinese interests. The implication is that the ALP is effectively a branch of the CCP.

On one hand playing up the racist “yellow peril” fear angle, which has been a staple of Australian politics for over 100 years.

But on another level following a very common play from the US right wing. Call absolutely every left wing opponent a “Communist”, a “Marxist” or a “Socialist”. Repeat ad nauseum.

It’s so effective in the US that the Democrats are now a right wing party, as they are so shit scared of the Republicans calling them commies. They made sure Bernie Sanders did not get the Presidential nomination. They refuse to pass any meaningful welfare or social policy and perform the bidding of major corporations. Even with that every Republican, Trumpist, MAGA and Fox News talking head will still call them Marx worshipping Socialists. They drag the Democrats to the right so they can occupy the far right.

No doubt the Murdoch/Sky News/IPA/Liberal Dries would love to see the same happen in Australia, so get ready for a “red scare” election campaign.

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The implication is that the ALP are puppets of China and will be a front for Chinese interests. The implication is that the ALP is effectively a branch of the CCP.

That notion is outrightly offensive.

It is also ironic given Scott Morrison acts only in the interests of the Pentecostal cult that he is part of.
China if also a lot smarter and probably want the incompetence to continue
The implication is that the ALP are puppets of China and will be a front for Chinese interests. The implication is that the ALP is effectively a branch of the CCP.

That notion is outrightly offensive.

It is also ironic given Scott Morrison acts only in the interests of the Pentecostal cult that he is part of.

Only offensive if anyone took it seriously.
You wont last long with the perpetually outraged, its for suckers, not you.
As if China cares about Australian politics .... some of us overrate our relevance in the world order.
Only offensive if anyone took it seriously.
You wont last long with the perpetually outraged, its for suckers, not you.
As if China cares about Australian politics .... some of us overrate our relevance in the world order.
The first sentence is just a silly personal dig
You reckon they don't care? Do a little bit of research on Chisolm. I wonder how Gladys Liu even got selected...
Except there's nothing conservative about them. Fortunately I think the conservatives in the electorate are finally waking up to that con.
Labor should extend an olive branch to those, rather than see them disappear to the far right
Labor should extend an olive branch to those, rather than see them disappear to the far right
Absolutely. Likewise the Greens. No accident that "conservation" and "conservative" come from the same root.

Australians, even environmental activists, are actually very conservative people. The big thing that's wrong with this nation is that government on all levels has been captured by radical corporatism.
Yay. Go neo liberalism!

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People like Morrison hate government. They worship at the altar of Reagan and Thatcher, with pithy little dumb slogans like 'government is the problem' and 'there is no such thing as society'. The shrinking and crippling of government by these crooks for private gain has done untold damage to the Western world.

It's been written several times that Morrison wants a public service that (rather than serving the people and providing frank advice), just shuts up, sucks off the Liberal Party, carries out their ideological whims, and contracts out its functions to Liberal corporate friends.

If you like good public administration, you should hate Morrison.

And what is with people being so bloody scared of inheritance taxes? They target the super rich, less than 5% of voters. Can we not have a mature conversation about the fact that it is one of the most efficient taxes you can levy?

Australians are ******* a weird lot sometimes. It's just a tax on Richie Rich inheriting ten million bucks, not the government taking nanna's three-bedroom house in the suburbs.

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I see George Negus has Alzheimers, a discussion around his legacy to Australian journalism with reference to last Sunday's 60 Minutes might be worthwhile in light of this diagnosis.

read that yesterday. gutted a mind like his will start fading away
And what is with people being so bloody scared of inheritance taxes? They target the super rich, less than 5% of voters. Can we not have a mature conversation about the fact that it is one of the most efficient taxes you can levy?

Australians are ******* a weird lot sometimes. It's just a tax on Richie Rich inheriting ten million bucks, not the government taking nanna's three-bedroom house in the suburbs.
Because people only look at the headline scare tactic and not the policy.

A large portion of Australians are simply waiting for an inheritance. Anyone who dares try and take away a small amount of something that they haven’t even earned is a monster.
Only offensive if anyone took it seriously.
You wont last long with the perpetually outraged, its for suckers, not you.
As if China cares about Australian politics .... some of us overrate our relevance in the world order.

Are you serious?

It’s a spectacular allegation to make. And if you cannot see that this government is using China as their primary weapon to hold government then I suggest that you are completely out of touch with what is going on.

Politics is grubby, most of us can cope with that. This line of (unfounded) assault is however, disgusting…even by the LNP’s standards.
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Kwality you do understand that this is a play by the Morrison Government on the poorly hidden fear of the “yellow peril” that many Australians have?

Whether China is meddling in our affairs or not is not even close to being the point. That is a side issue.
I have no knowledge of the Manchurian Candidate beyond it was a movie that I did not see & that is why I asked the question I did.

Do a google search then. It's not hard. It's pretty tedious if everyone has to explain everything to you.
Only offensive if anyone took it seriously.
You wont last long with the perpetually outraged, its for suckers, not you.
As if China cares about Australian politics .... some of us overrate our relevance in the world order.

I actually cant tell if you're being disingenuous of just plain clueless - is it both?

In case you hadn't noticed (which in your case, perhaps you hadn't) a very large proportion of Australians are gullible, easy fodder for disinformation and scare campaigns. Countless examples - again, do some research. It's the MO of the LNP and in particular the Murdoch press, especially leading up to an election. AV-test an issue that will trigger the most fear in greatest number of people and then flood the news cycle with it. The ''yellow peril'' and ''reds under the beds'' is a all-time favourite of the despicable Murdoch.

And regardless of whether people ''take it seriously'' which I would contend enough people do, given their propensity to vote for obvious con artists - when The Australian/Herald Sun/[some other Murdoch rag] and the PM in Parliament, no less make these baseless accusations - it's very much their intent that people take it seriously. And because they know on past experience that enough people will. The intent is more than bad enough.

These accusations are as serious and appalling as it gets, even for this appalling government.
I am not fully familiar with the bible but I am of the assumption that their is a fair few quotes about helping the poor, the sick ect

Jesus in particular was all about care for your fellow human beings, challenging authority/institutions and welcoming with open arms the "outcasts" of society.

That many powerful so called Christians seem to profess the opposite of this both confuses and saddens me.
Kwality you do understand that this is a play by the Morrison Government on the poorly hidden fear of the “yellow peril” that many Australians have?

Whether China is meddling in our affairs or not is not even close to being the point. That is a side issue.
They never mention the interference by the CIA and hence the USA government in the 1970's here in Australia. This interference caused the result of the 1969 election and more importantly the constitutional crisis of 1975. On the same day that Whitlam was going to call out the USA magically the governor general got a tap on the shoulder, not from the PM but the opposition leader and most likely a call from uncle Sam. But it is deeper than that with the CIA backgrounding and manipulating. Great friends.
This song is 90 years ahead of its time :laughv1:.


All the crew were in despair
Some rushed here and some rushed there
But the Captain sat in the Captain's chair
And he played his Ukulele as the ship went down

The Captain said to Fireman Mose
"Get straight into your fireman's clothes
And while you stand and play your hose
I'll play my Ukulele as the ship goes down"

Soon it was a total wreck
The Captain stood on the burning deck
The flames leapt up all around his neck
And burnt his ukulele as the ship went down

The Captain's wife was on the ship
And she was glad she'd made the trip
As she could swim, she might not drown
So he tied her to the anchor as the ship went down


and how about the name of the band ... rather appropriate: "The Blue (LNP) Liars"
Jesus in particular was all about care for your fellow human beings, challenging authority/institutions and welcoming with open arms the "outcasts" of society.

That many powerful so called Christians seem to profess the opposite of this both confuses and saddens me.
jesus never existed and there is no evidence he ever did
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