Toast The Beer Thread

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They have it on some plane flying over. I don't think anyone asks for it. It's what you have reluctantly when everything is gone.
My son and his mates went to the USA when they were 19. They ended up down In Mexico and went to a bar and ordered Coronas. The barman asked them if they were English - and when they said no, they ask why he had asked them that. The barman's response was that none of the locals drink Corona as they think its cats piss.

Bit like Fosters here in OZ.....

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My son and his mates went to the USA when they were 19. They ended up down In Mexico and went to a bar and ordered Coronas. The barman asked them if they were English - and when they said no, they ask why he had asked them that. The barman's response was that none of the locals drink Corona as they think its cats piss.

Bit like Fosters here in OZ.....
I heard a while back that Fosters in the UK is actually Crown Lager..I can't verify that though
I heard a while back that Fosters in the UK is actually Crown Lager..I can't verify that though
I like Crown. That is not what is on the planes. Qantas domestic has/had Fosters but I've never seen passengers asking for it. I don't know where the love of Fosters came from. The Vic's I know wouldnt touch the stuff. I recall the Barry McKenzie movie and that's all he drank. Our Grand Prix was sponsored by Fosters.
I like Crown. That is not what is on the planes. Qantas domestic has/had Fosters but I've never seen passengers asking for it. I don't know where the love of Fosters came from. The Vic's I know wouldnt touch the stuff. I recall the Barry McKenzie movie and that's all he drank. Our Grand Prix was sponsored by Fosters.
I feel like if they re-issued Fosters, it would be popular just for the retro novelty factor
I am drinking the last of a pale ale I hopped with VIC secret and Galaxy, this is 5 months old now and the last is such a good beer, one of the best I have made...I am having a minutes silence for this. It was bloody good four weeks in but five do I put this...and no offense to the ladies but it is like your wife going I have made you a Lemon Meringue pie and whilst you are eating it i am going to sneak under the table.

I know I made it but I'd pay good money to drink this
That looks close to my old seats at Footy Park on the Eastern wing. ;)

But can she do this

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Have a very good copy of the Coopers Pacific Ale going at the moment. For people that brew, it's that one when you get the hops % done spot on, not a degree on either side, just bang on. For those who may be interested for every litre that is 3g of galaxy and 2g of Melba. The beer itself is at 3 months of conditioning but geez bit of back-patting going on whilst I am drinking this
Just turned on the History Channel. A program just starting "Your Shout" It's the history of Beer making in Australia. Should be interesting. Fosters, XXXX, Coopers.

Toast The Beer Thread

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