Religion The God Question (continued in Part 2 - link in last post)

god or advanced entity?

  • god

    Votes: 14 40.0%
  • advanced entity

    Votes: 21 60.0%

  • Total voters

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Does anyone else find it a bit weird when they find out someone is religious? Like, seriously mate? It's like talking to an adult who believes in Santa or something.
Weird, but hardly surprising, given we're dealing with humans. I know what you mean though. If you're having a perfectly normal conversation with someone, and you inadvertently mention something totally unrelated to religion, and it stimulates within the other person an overwhelming impulse to talk about god, it is sort of like being completely blind-sided. It is at this point that one realises that, no matter what you say to such a person, their agenda will be the only one to which they will pay any attention. Walk away, without looking back.
Weird, but hardly surprising, given we're dealing with humans. I know what you mean though. If you're having a perfectly normal conversation with someone, and you inadvertently mention something totally unrelated to religion, and it stimulates within the other person an overwhelming impulse to talk about god, it is sort of like being completely blind-sided. It is at this point that one realises that, no matter what you say to such a person, their agenda will be the only one to which they will pay any attention. Walk away, without looking back.


But even things like finding out someone you know is deeply religious, even though they don't flaunt it.

E.g. I found out an ex boss goes to church every Sunday and listens to weird recordings in his spare time. I had always found him a bit awkward, but upon learning that, it all made sense and I found it much harder to relate to the guy.

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But even things like finding out someone you know is deeply religious, even though they don't flaunt it.

E.g. I found out an ex boss goes to church every Sunday and listens to weird recordings in his spare time. I had always found him a bit awkward, but upon learning that, it all made sense and I found it much harder to relate to the guy.
These people have made a conscious decision to not be here among us. They visit the pixies instead. They are no loss.

Edit: The reason I know they visit the pixies is that I'm one of the pixies. Part of my job is to record the details of our visitors. One day, I'll post information pertaining to the details I have gathered.
What about all of the Christians that have been murdered in the last 10 years ???.

you mean the one's murdered in general or the ones murdered because some other religious dickhead had a beef with them because they were Christians? this is what your failing to grasp, Christians particularly in africa are brutally murdered in large numbers particularly in africa....... but they aren't being massacred by "atheists" pushing "atheism" on them are they? no once again victims of religious people killing people specifically because what they believe conflicts with another set of god botherer's.

What about all of the rape that happens outside of religion ???.
your not understanding the point here, once again you somehow are missing the point, when a girl get's raped and get's compared to uncovered meat by an imam and everybody goes "oh its was a joke" that's because of religious views and teachings, when a boy get's repeatedly raped by priest and it get's covered up by the church thats because of religious institutions, when virgins get raped by gang's of youth as part of an on going religious war once again the culprit is religion.

when rape happens that isn't caused by religion nobody defends it makes jokes or try's to justify or excuse the behaviour, instead the incident is put on the public agenda and we say how can we prevent this from happening again?

but not religion never religion instead we get the same lines touted over and over again "the majority of X religion are nice peaceful people and this isn't caused by the religion" or "oh bigots are just using this as an excuse to attack x religion" but nobody ever questions it nobody goes gee's there's an awful lot of rapes going on should we maybe look into this? a footy player get's accused of rape we have page after page of articles asking if there's a problem in footy. but when institutional rape of children is so wide spread and almost systematically covered up that we end up having a royal commission into it, once again it's down played or shifted to the side. "oh but what about rape outside of religion" nothing more then deflecting from the issue that religion in many areas of the globe has a problem with rape and religious people continue to avoid dealing with these crimes or going about stopping it.

What about all of the tax evasion that happens outside of religion ???
they are dealt with by the law, that don't get carte blanche to avoid paying tax weather they contribute to charity or not.

What about all of the murder that happens outside of religion ???.
do i have to go over this again? this is not about murder, a murderer be them Atheist, Christian, hindu whatever we find the reason we address it, if it's depression we look into mental health, when its political we look into extremist parties, when a person's drunk we target grog, when it's gang crime we try and outlaw MC gang's, when it drugs we look into rehab programs, etc ,etc.

But when someone goes "I'ma kill you because god want's this" nobodies supposed to question if a book that tell's everyone that unless you follow the book your living in sin that your evil and that there will come a great reckoning were your gunna get murdered. while those that believe in god get internal paradise and have no problems and live together or happy and shit, so some mother or father decide this life is shit let's "all go to heaven and be happy" then commits top's themselves and their entire family. nobodies supposed question weather or not these are the sort of teachings we should have in society oh no it's got to be some other cause.......... no matter how many times it occurs it just cannot not be religion, it's something else.

I agree extremism in religion should not be tolerated.
treat the symptom not the cause eh?

Not matter how much you carry on, All of these things would & will still exist regardless of religion/christianity.

there'd still be fatal car accident's without alcohol, we still make drink driving illegal be we want to reduce them.

Yet you rave on about your own works & how awesome you think you are, Your view's a bias to say the least.

Anyway, Murder is murder, rape is rape, tax evasion is tax evasion, Doesn't matter who does it, It's all against the law.

Perhaps I should report you for abuse ??.

Just for your info "Allah" is not God of the bible.

i never claimed to be impartial, the rest of your ranting and raving is just repeating old tropes.

and BTW muslims very much do believe Allah is in fact the "god of the bible" and muslims and christians will continue to kill each other because of it.
i'm not justifying murders at all, the fact you cant tell the difference for say cutting off someones head because you don't like them and cutting off someones head because "it is allah's will" say's it all really.

here's a hint, when people kill shit in the name of god it reflects on their belief in god.
when people kill shit in the name of not believing in god then it reflects on their lack of belief in god.

how you interpreted my post to be anything else is beyond me.

What a load of absolute crap.
Itis solely because of their lack of belief in unicorns.

You view is ridiculous, manufactured apologism, concocted to support an untenable premise.
Like a very large slice of theist "logic" it's made up bull dust.
What a load of absolute crap.
Itis solely because of their lack of belief in unicorns.

You view is ridiculous, manufactured apologism, concocted to support an untenable premise.
Like a very large slice of theist "logic" it's made up bull dust.

Your going to confuse them.
Does anyone else find it a bit weird when they find out someone is religious? Like, seriously mate? It's like talking to an adult who believes in Santa or something.
Wow, is it no wonder then that some people just stare at you, mouth open, looking at you like you're some sort of ****wit.
Does anyone else find it a bit weird when they find out someone is religious? Like, seriously mate? It's like talking to an adult who believes in Santa or something.
No, to be serious for a minute - it's said that by the time a child is ten years old it has a reasonable grasp of the fundamentals of religion is our society - and by your comments - I think that you're a very average child.
No, to be serious for a minute - it's said that by the time a child is ten years old it has a reasonable grasp of the fundamentals of religion is our society - and by your comments - I think that you're a very average child.


You're being serious.

Most clear thinking people would understand societal fundamentals have nothing to do with religion, but have been adapted by religion to try and integrate with basic humanity.

I did say most.

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Wow, is it no wonder then that some people just stare at you, mouth open, looking at you like you're some sort of *******.
Women do this to me all the time. I feel like some sort of sex object. Could you see what you can do for me? Big ask, I know.
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