Mega Thread The Western Bulldogs - The Sack Macca saga

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I think you're out by a year Lachy.
They 2007 GF then 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
We 2010 PF then 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
I see the win loss as less important at this stage, or rather to this stage. Like you, I'd expect more next year. Where I think the similarities with Port are is in the demographics and the talent in those demographics. Our older players will all be gone bar perhaps Griff and Minson (forgetting for the moment this other stuff) by the begining of 2016. Similarly at beginning of 2013 Port had Cornes and Cassissi but brought in Monfires and Shulz. Their core was high end talent in the 21 to 24 range. Our core will be high end talent in the 20 to 25 year range with perhaps the best of it at 20 - 22 yrs (3rd, 4th and 5th year players, 50 to 100 games plus Libba, Wallis, Roughie etc). We, like Port, will also need to bring in at least 2 quality players (23 - 25yrs) and probably both Key Position. Hopefully Jake Carlisle is talking to his manager now about us as Windy Hill burns. That would be 1 down, 1 to go.
Yeah, I agree one year out on direct timelines. I hope we don't have their 2012 next year and I don't believe we will. They committed to their rebuild in 2010, whereas we committed to our in 2012. Either way either this season but more likely next we do need to trade in for needs. We do need to improve our win loss record a lot next season to be more attractive for FA players to come to
A MAJOR review of the Western Bulldogs coaching structure has shored up Brendan McCartney’s position as senior coach.

But McCartney’s coaching panel faces key changes, with the 53-year-old handed specific growth areas in the review to address his shortcomings.

The Herald Sun understands McCartney has conceded he has flaws as a coach which he will aggressively address in the off-season, but his future is in no doubt for 2015.

The review took in the club’s footy department and coaching structure, drilling into the reasons for the fade-out that culminated in an embarrassing loss to Greater Western Sydney.

The Dogs will boost their tactical acumen in the coaching department and are likely to change the way peer and coaching reviews are conducted after some brutally honest feedback in exit interviews.

There is a concession from Whitten Oval that McCartney and his coaching panel went too hard during those exit interviews, which put some players off side.

But no one at the Dogs is apologising for holding players to account after the diabolical finish to the season.

Like Mark Thompson after Geelong’s 2006 review, McCartney will have more time freed up from peripheral issues to concentrate on one-on-one coaching of players.

The review has strongly indicated McCartney is the man to lead the Dogs forward, but must be surrounded by as much coaching depth as possible.

That will include more resources, possibly in opposition analysis, with fans frustrated by the lack of tactical moves put forward by McCartney at times this year.

Bulldogs chief executive Simon Garlick confirmed to the Herald Sun the scope of the review.

“From our point of view it was sat with the way we finished the year,’’ he said.

“It has brought with it a review and assessment of how we can improve and while it has created some discomfort in the club everyone is really committed to moving forward.”

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Article also mentions that Higgins will land a $400k, 4 year deal tomorrow. Surely enough for a second round pick at the very least, if not end of first round.
according to the list manager and the greatest bs reporter ever
Higgins is worth a third round at best.
according to the list manager and the greatest bs reporter ever
Higgins is worth a third round at best.
Worth a 3rd rounder is his opinion. The formula will suggest otherwise. Wallet probably doesn't even understand the difference. Such a muppet.
Worth a 3rd rounder is his opinion. The formula will suggest otherwise. Wallet probably doesn't even understand the difference. Such a muppet.
Not just Wallace but I am staggered at the general lack of knowledge of so called footy experts in regards to FA, RFA, asada processes, trading, father sons an so on. People who are purported to be experts should be experts!!!!
That will include more resources, possibly in opposition analysis, with fans frustrated by the lack of tactical moves put forward by McCartney at times this year.
I allow for the possibility that this is, in part, to appease the fans and/or a public perception when there may, in some instances, have been a quite deliberate choice made to not make tactical moves if there was a greater, longer term benefit to be derived from short term pain. e.g. Stringer in defence earlier in the year had some benefits later in the year. Jones in defence meant we learnt definitively he couldn't defend and is surplus to requirements.
I allow for the possibility that this is, in part, to appease the fans and/or a public perception when there may, in some instances, have been a quite deliberate choice made to not make tactical moves if there was a greater, longer term benefit to be derived from short term pain. e.g. Stringer in defence earlier in the year had some benefits later in the year. Jones in defence meant we learnt definitively he couldn't defend and is surplus to requirements.
As an assistant coach you are working one on one with a group of 10 to 15 players at most in a specific area or on a specific aspect of a players performance.

As the head coach on match days you are gelling all players in all areas of the games with an opposition trying to exploit weaknesses and reduce the effective of strengths. It is a massive step up and takes quite a few years of experience to become good at it. It's this step up that is Maccas biggest challenge and it is imperative the club provides all of the support necessary as it appointed Macca for another 2 years so is obliged to provide al assistance necessary for success

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As an assistant coach you are working one on one with a group of 10 to 15 players at most in a specific area or on a specific aspect of a players performance.

As the head coach on match days you are gelling all players in all areas of the games with an opposition trying to exploit weaknesses and reduce the effective of strengths. It is a massive step up and takes quite a few years of experience to become good at it. It's this step up that is Maccas biggest challenge and it is imperative the club provides all of the support necessary as it appointed Macca for another 2 years so is obliged to provide al assistance necessary for success
No argument. The appeasement angle is "in part". I'll add Jong on Dangerfield to longer term benefits derived from what was moderate short term pain and suggestions of bad tactics.
It appears that most of the rumours were true. The players were pissed off about the exit interviews, and the coach's position has been reviewed, but in the end the club has baulked at making the hard decision to cut him loose.

'The review strongly indicated that McCartney is the man to lead the Dogs but must be surrounded by as much coaching depth as possible'

Which I interpret as; the club has decided to not to terminate his contract but thinks it needs a bunch of new people to come in because it realises he isn't very good at a lot of things.

We are now going into the trade period committed to a senior coach who the club publicly admits is not very good tactically, or in how he deals with players, happens to have an abysmal winning percentage, and lacks AFL playing experience. Oh and apparently he needs his old mate at Essendon to admonish our senior players in public to help shore up his position.

Does anyone really think that disgruntled players will be satisfied by this outcome, and everything will be hunky dory next year?
Cue 400 pages more......

Mods can we please lock this thread until pre season and only open it if something noteworthy appears, kick it in the guts? IMO there isn't going to be anything new barring the well done Macca for picking player x or Macca is shit because he picked player y. The club has come out and done a review...hello Geelong of 2006, the issues are to be addressed apparently so there is nothing more to see here for a while, please, I am begging you. Lock it.

I know you don't have to read it, but surely now we are going to go round the merry go round again with the same opinions from both sides for the next 3 months

Just asking
Cue 400 pages more......

Mods can we please lock this thread until pre season and only open it if something noteworthy appears, kick it in the guts? IMO there isn't going to be anything new barring the well done Macca for picking player x or Macca is shit because he picked player y. The club has come out and done a review...hello Geelong of 2006, the issues are to be addressed apparently so there is nothing more to see here for a while, please, I am begging you. Lock it.

I know you don't have to read it, but surely now we are going to go round the merry go round again with the same opinions from both sides for the next 3 months

Just asking

Hey Grassman , don't you enjoy being bored shitless ?
Its like watching Bathurst , round in circles we go.
Does anyone really think that disgruntled players will be satisfied by this outcome, and everything will be hunky dory next year?

Some players yes, some no. You cant read minds..

But as a positive way forward I implore you to to call the club administration at Barkly St, make an appointment with Simon Garlick to vent your concerns. You can bring up your arguments here, which are all valid IMO but they aren't going to cause the club to change any of its decisions as Im sure they wouldnt base tactical decisions on what the WB BigFooty minority supporter base thinks...
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It appears that most of the rumours were true. The players were pissed off about the exit interviews, and the coach's position has been reviewed, but in the end the club has baulked at making the hard decision to cut him loose.

'The review strongly indicated that McCartney is the man to lead the Dogs but must be surrounded by as much coaching depth as possible'

Which I interpret as; the club has decided to not to terminate his contract but thinks it needs a bunch of new people to come in because it realises he isn't very good at a lot of things.

We are now going into the trade period committed to a senior coach who the club publicly admits is not very good tactically, or in how he deals with players, happens to have an abysmal winning percentage, and lacks AFL playing experience. Oh and apparently he needs his old mate at Essendon to admonish our senior players in public to help shore up his position.

Does anyone really think that disgruntled players will be satisfied by this outcome, and everything will be hunky dory next year?

Proff this is exactly what should have happened at the club. Unlike your maniacal dislike of one individual the football department is made up of many people.

At the end of each year a thorough review of the entire department must take place, particularly after this season. What it identifies is where peoples strengths are not being properly utilised and where they need improvement and support. The whole department undergoes the same review and analysis.

The outcome varies on results of the review. If areas that are not being done well cannot be improved under current arrangements the structure is changed either through people or process.

ALL people have certain deficiencies, what the review will determine is can these deficiencies be supported to ensure the strengths of the person can be maximised, or is no hope of this happening. One leads to termination the other provides support.

Both Bomber Thompson in 2006 and Rodeney Eade in 2007 and their entire football departments underwent a similar review. before the Geelong one it was widely expected in the media and by disgruntled supporters Bomber would be sacked. It didn't happen, they restructured Bombers role, put in support where he had weaknesses and the rest is history. Same process for Eade.

This review being as thorough and brutal as it was is good for both sides of the Macca debate. For those pro Macca and more importantly pro the current direction of the club you know that every effort is being made to ensure the development is successful. For those anti Macca, you will know something formal has been put in place and if next season is not a massive improvement on this his position will be clearly untenable. For those of us who are not pro or anti Macca and can see strong elements on both sides of the debate when the are well articulated it is also a good result as we will either see the improvement next year and there are no excuses for there not to be improvement.

As for the players, no matter whether they were pissed off or not, if they are professional they will see not only have their concerns been addressed but they will also have the opportunity to ply and develop their trade at the highest possible level.

A good offseason day for the doggies
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Article also mentions that Higgins will land a $400k, 4 year deal tomorrow. Surely enough for a second round pick at the very least, if not end of first round.
That really must be close to band 2 compo, and after getting screwed with Ward the AFL owe us.
I love our club. They've been terrific in the media today and clearly have people there with vision and commitment.
I love that they did this. I question whether it was front-footed communication, or reactionary, particularly to brain-dead idiots on social media wondering why superstars such as Jones, Tutt and Higgins are leaving and why we haven't completed any trades before trade period opens.
Where are those who assured us that McCartney would be sacked at a Board meeting to be held yesterday?

There was no Board meeting yesterday and of course no coach sacking and therefore no credibility for the "sack Macca" crew.
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I love that they did this. I question whether it was front-footed communication, or reactionary, particularly to brain-dead idiots on social media wondering why superstars such as Jones, Tutt and Higgins are leaving and why we haven't completed any trades before trade period opens.

...everyone knows trade weeks starts as soon as your club can't make finals, GSW

ask any facebook fan, you'll see.
Where are those who assured us that McCartney would be sacked at a Board meeting to be held yesterday?

There was no Board meeting yesterday and of course no coach sacking and therefore no credibility for the "sack Macca" crew.
Happy with the reported review and it's findings mutt??
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