Things that sh*t me the seventeenth

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Ohh hmmm I got to 53 and thought 'yeah I'm really doing good for a fat bastard my health is good and just need to lose some weight and watch out everyone'

Then God ( or Baja/Zoro ) looked down and zapped me into nearly 10 years of declining health issues. Heart, cataracts and now diabetes ( for being a fat bastard) , night cramps and getting off the floor being a 5 minute exercise in twisting and one leg at a time

Continue working on your fitness and social activities
We take youth and good health for granted and for too long. Watch what and how much you eat (I can’t eat nearly as much as I used to), cut SUGAR (it’s more damaging than anything else imo), move as much as you can each day, have regular checkups. Genetics also play a big part in your health as you age. Respect your capacities and don’t try to show off. Once, you might have been up for a five-hour hike up a mountain, but maybe not now 🙂

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Went to my in laws place yesterday for Boxing Day lunch (wife is one of four). We were playing card games, and I suggested to my brother in law - who I get on like a house on fire with - suggest him and I play another game and the others continue what they were playing.

My wife's youngest sister said "Cruyff14 you're a campaigner". And it was said with malice and venom like I've never seen before. I stormed out and said don't you ever speak to me like that ever again. It's the angriest I've ever been and I did not want to be under the same roof as her. I packed my stuff up ready to go back home (we were staying the night), but my wife, brother in law and father in law convinced me to stay.

She cracked it again this morning - and the look on her face looked like she was ready to kill someone - because my wife and I went and got coffee for a few of the others (she was still asleep and didn't wake up for another hour after we'd originally left). In her mind she was planning to go with one of my wife's other sisters to go and get coffee despite this never being discussed. That sister her texted her to see if she was OK and she got told to * off.

She also told my MIL yesterday that she "hates coming home and doesn't feel comfortable". For the record my MIL is one of the kindest and caring people you'd meet. That left her in tears.

There's obviously some massive issues going on with my sister in law. Probably needs to see a psychologist, and work out how to manage her anger issues.

But gee whiz it ruined the day.
So fast forward 3.5 months, she's still not apologised. Told her mum she has "already apologised". Said to her other sister to **** off when they were going to come by once but that she needs to apologise still (so they didn't come).

We have seen each other once (MIL's birthday in Feb), we were civil enough but didn't really directly engage with each other and I felt pretty uncomfortable if I am being honest. I made one comment toward her and I was content enough with keeping it civil. My wife hasn't seen her since that day, her sister has also made no effort to see her/my daughter.

Anyway, wife's aforementioned sister is getting married and they're going shopping for bridesmaid dresses on Saturday and they are all going to come back here afterwards. To be perfectly honest, I don't feel comfortable with someone being in my house who doesn't respect me, still hasn't apologised, nor taken any accountability whatsoever.

It leaves me in a very difficult situation. She can come to my house, I feel uncomfortable in my home and act as if everything is fine, or, say she can't come and I end up being the bad guy.

Discussed this at length with my wife and she completely sees where I am coming from. She agrees her sister needs to be made accountable and know that speaking to anyone like that is not acceptable and she needs to apologise to me. But she also thinks I need to accept that perhaps things aren't going to pan out the way I want and I need to get over it, so events in the future aren't awkward etc.

Just a garbage situation. If I get my apology and she gets a proper talking to so she can see the gravity behind her actions, I'd be happy.

Apologies for the long post.
So fast forward 3.5 months, she's still not apologised. Told her mum she has "already apologised". Said to her other sister to * off when they were going to come by once but that she needs to apologise still (so they didn't come).

We have seen each other once (MIL's birthday in Feb), we were civil enough but didn't really directly engage with each other and I felt pretty uncomfortable if I am being honest. I made one comment toward her and I was content enough with keeping it civil. My wife hasn't seen her since that day, her sister has also made no effort to see her/my daughter.

Anyway, wife's aforementioned sister is getting married and they're going shopping for bridesmaid dresses on Saturday and they are all going to come back here afterwards. To be perfectly honest, I don't feel comfortable with someone being in my house who doesn't respect me, still hasn't apologised, nor taken any accountability whatsoever.

It leaves me in a very difficult situation. She can come to my house, I feel uncomfortable in my home and act as if everything is fine, or, say she can't come and I end up being the bad guy.

Discussed this at length with my wife and she completely sees where I am coming from. She agrees her sister needs to be made accountable and know that speaking to anyone like that is not acceptable and she needs to apologise to me. But she also thinks I need to accept that perhaps things aren't going to pan out the way I want and I need to get over it, so events in the future aren't awkward etc.

Just a garbage situation. If I get my apology and she gets a proper talking to so she can see the gravity behind her actions, I'd be happy.

Apologies for the long post.
I’m no contact with HBF’s brother and very minimal contact with his sister. It’s a tough situation for us all and I empathise with you. His sister came to his birthday party last year and I found it uncomfortable having her in my house.
I’m no contact with HBF’s brother and very minimal contact with his sister. It’s a tough situation for us all and I empathise with you. His sister came to his birthday party last year and I found it uncomfortable having her in my house.
Yeah, it's hard. This has also affected our marriage (not detrimentally so to speak), but we have spoken about it so many times, nothing has changed, and my wife is so incredibly empathetic and understands why I feel the way I do. It's hard for her too as it's her sister as well.

I don't think I am being unreasonable. I feel bad for my other sister in law (getting married) who I have a great relationship with. I would never ruin her wedding, nor would I do anything to jeopardise it.

But if someone does not respect me, why should I let them in my house?
Yeah, it's hard. This has also affected our marriage (not detrimentally so to speak), but we have spoken about it so many times, nothing has changed, and my wife is so incredibly empathetic and understands why I feel the way I do. It's hard for her too as it's her sister as well.

I don't think I am being unreasonable. I feel bad for my other sister in law (getting married) who I have a great relationship with. I would never ruin her wedding, nor would I do anything to jeopardise it.

But if someone does not respect me, why should I let them in my house?
Could you go out for the day and leave them to it?
They're coming around 4ish and we (me and wife) are going out to dinner at 6 (5 year wedding anniversary).

I could, but why should I have to?
It’s your wife’s house too… I know the position you’re in and it’s a shit one but it might make your wife and her other sister’s life easier.
Could you go out for the day and leave them to it?
Really, why should he? Plant yourself on the best seat in the best room and turn on the tv or music (not too loud or you’ll be accused of being passive- aggressive) , drink a few beers, eat chips and ignore them.
Really, why should he? Plant yourself on the best seat in the best room and turn on the tv or music (not too loud or you’ll be accused of being passive- aggressive) , drink a few beers, eat chips and ignore them.
As I said, I’m in a similar position with my husband’s family. I try not to get in the way of his relationship with them. If he chooses to see them, I just stay out of it.

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They're coming around 4ish and we (me and wife) are going out to dinner at 6 (5 year wedding anniversary).

I could, but why should I have to?
Yeah I would just see it as doing your wife and her sister a favour. Swallow the pride and go out for the day.
Yeh, I’m with Chief abd MEB.

You don’t HAVE to but I was in the position of having the shitty family and my partner never made it awkward for me.

It’s not about them, it’s about her and can you make life easier for her.

Again, not obligated to, every right not to, but if you can pop out to watch a movie, or go to the local footy or whatever and make it easier for her, feels like a no brainer to me.
Something that will interest fellow fans of the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four: today is April 4, 2024, 40 years exactly after the day when the first chapter is set. Many of its warnings are only just coming true: mass surveillance, songs and stories written by machine/AI, and the truth itself becoming malleable with mass disinformation.
Something that will interest fellow fans of the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four: today is April 4, 2024, 40 years exactly after the day when the first chapter is set. Many of its warnings are only just coming true: mass surveillance, songs and stories written by machine/AI, and the truth itself becoming malleable with mass disinformation.
Terminator is a documentary.
Something that will interest fellow fans of the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four: today is April 4, 2024, 40 years exactly after the day when the first chapter is set. Many of its warnings are only just coming true: mass surveillance, songs and stories written by machine/AI, and the truth itself becoming malleable with mass disinformation.
We are absolutely, without doubt, hurtling headlong down that path

No turning back now .
Just do what former Black Sabbath drummer Bill Ward used to do, according to lore. He'd rock up to the airport ready to travel with only the clothes he had on and a bottle of hard liquor!

On one tour I believe he bought two bags: one with cider cans and one with beer cans. Thats a fairly sedate request for a tour rider id suggest!
Something that will interest fellow fans of the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four: today is April 4, 2024, 40 years exactly after the day when the first chapter is set. Many of its warnings are only just coming true: mass surveillance, songs and stories written by machine/AI, and the truth itself becoming malleable with mass disinformation.
Truth is whatever the government says it is. That’s literally what the proposed bill says. And they wouldn’t kid you - “my word is my bond”.
I know exactly where they are...
Nothing on the internet ever truly dies. They... live on in digital undeath. Scratcher Gillespie's mum's towel still has that heady aroma lingering somewhere among the electronic tombstones of a refrigerated server farm some square kilometres wide. Ghosts in the machine.

Nothing on the internet ever truly dies.
Nothing on the internet ever truly dies. They... live on in digital undeath. Scratcher Gillespie's mum's towel still has that heady aroma lingering somewhere among the electronic tombstones of a refrigerated server farm some square kilometres wide. Ghosts in the machine.

Nothing on the internet ever truly dies.

Something that will interest fellow fans of the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four: today is April 4, 2024, 40 years exactly after the day when the first chapter is set. Many of its warnings are only just coming true: mass surveillance, songs and stories written by machine/AI, and the truth itself becoming malleable with mass disinformation.

Things that make you feel old.

In I984 I was on a primary school camp and we held a music concert at the end of it.

I performed this song which brought the house down.


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