Things that sh*t me the seventeenth

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It used to be half day Saturday and then everything shut until Monday morning.
Annoyed the crap out of me when I found out how backwards they were when I moved to Adelaide Easter week year's ago. Went to do the food shopping on what was supposed to be late night (Thursday) but because it was Easter weekend, they had shut at 4 and didn't open till 9 on Tuesday.

On SM-A125F using mobile app
Reddit is shit in general, but I find the footy subreddits to be a little bit more reasonable than the footy boards on here. In particular team boards, you don't get the "SACK EVERYONE WE ALL SUCK, THE SKY IS FALLING" mentality as easy as you do on team boards here.

Isn't that the fun of posting here? I'd rather shit stir some nuffies than listen to a pudgey, 32 year old aged carer "um ackshually" his way to upvotes.
New person in our team is refusing to follow processes and is making things up as they go along and it's already causing havoc.

The person is extremely confrontative as well so I don't envy my snitching blowing back in my face.

Things were going splendidly in this new role and now I have to deal with an idiot who won't do the basics because they "never had a problem" in their old role.

I don't understand people who come into a new role and try to "disrupt" things, whether they're aware of it or not. Come in, don't try to change anything (at least initially) and attempt to become part of the team, generally speaking that's the way to do it.

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I don't understand people who come into a new role and try to "disrupt" things, whether they're aware of it or not. Come in, don't try to change anything (at least initially) and attempt to become part of the team, generally speaking that's the way to do it.
They're experienced in another area and think the same rules apply. It's probably why they left too.

It'll be interesting today. The senior person in my team is going to have a chat.

I thought the new person was going to be better than the senior member but after a week I realized I misjudged them and they're just a loose unit
They're experienced in another area and think the same rules apply. It's probably why they left too.

It'll be interesting today. The senior person in my team is going to have a chat.

I thought the new person was going to be better than the senior member but after a week I realized I misjudged them and they're just a loose unit

You certainly find that when people (some not all) have some experience they tend to be overconfident and think they know everything. Sometimes a little bit of knowledge is less advantageous than knowing nothing.
You certainly find that when people (some not all) have some experience they tend to be overconfident and think they know everything. Sometimes a little bit of knowledge is less advantageous than knowing nothing.
aka hiring practices last 30 years

'' sorry you have too much experience - we are looking to train people up to our methods''

I had one HR/supervisor say '' you could do my job'' and I said yes I could but I only want to drive a forklift

I was/am too old to chase any management rainbow
Annoyed the crap out of me when I found out how backwards they were when I moved to Adelaide Easter week year's ago. Went to do the food shopping on what was supposed to be late night (Thursday) but because it was Easter weekend, they had shut at 4 and didn't open till 9 on Tuesday.

On SM-A125F using mobile app
Bloody hell, where do you shop for food? Generally speaking places will be shut on Good Friday and maybe Easter Monday, open Thursday night until 9pm, Saturday and Sunday. That'd be Coles, Woolies, Foodland, Drakes, Aldi. It's been like that for a very long time.
I think my situation was worse because you can't tell the manager they have nfi. Presumably you can do that with your new team member and escalate it if they don't pull their head in?

Had similar a few years ago when in previous employment we got a new CEO - the first team meeting with them they wanted to take the whole organisation (an ex-service organisation with 25-30 staff) through their ideas for the future, the direction they would like to see taken etc

I had a bad taste in my mouth by the time they finished the presentation, which felt like a direct rehash of the presentation they would have made in the interview process, rather than something you make to the team when introducing yourself. And one of the last statements they made that day was, "If you don't want to get on board with this new direction, there's the door..."

By the time they left by mutual agreement about 14/15 months into a 4-year contract, we had already seen something like 16-18 staff leave, including staff they appointed

We got a new CEO a few months later, they started in the October and come December the following year when I handed in my resignation, I was the 34th person to leave under those two CEOs

For comparison, in my first 6.5 years at the organisation, I'd need just over one hand to count those who had moved one & none of them were to do with the work environment - a couple of retirements, a couple of mothers (not sure where months came from) with young kids who opted to work closer to home with less travel etc

Bad management can have such a negative effect on the work environment, and generally you lose the staff before you lose the management
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Bad managers, I've had a few... but lets not go there.

I used to work for a computer sciences company and it was taken over by a personnel management firm (yeah, I know, but this was the giddy height of neoliberalism laissez-faire).

We had a minicomputer storing our dev backups that also served as the departmental email server and the secretary's word processor (Quadraton Q-Office - shudder) and nowhere to put it except on a trolley against the aisle wall in our semi-open-plan office.

New CEO and entourage breezed in one morning and she made a big show of bumping into the large beige box with no blinking lights. "What's this doing here? Get rid of it! Sell it by tomorrow." and leaned over and pulled the plug.

Many WTF looks were exchanged as we quietly repurposed a dev SCO Xenix box to perform the missing functions and two days later I handed over $500 for a large beige box with no blinking lights, a couple of terminals and a ton of backup tapes. Unpacked the manuals and out fell an invoice for the 15-month-old box for $84000.

It did well as the AT&T Unix implementation of my bulletin board... the forerunner of forums like BigFooty.
Hey Chief.

Can we have the ability to open and close comment threads on here please?

From a Redditor. (AKA, moi.)
Moderators can close threads, users can open threads.

I don't know what you're after...

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