Live Event Toby Greene fronts the tribunal - Suspension appeal

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Not suggesting any impropriety, but having the MRO and also 2 out of 3 (ie. majority) of the tribunal panel members being ex Collingwood players is 'interesting' considering who GWS are playing this week in the PF. A cynical view would be that this gross over-representation on the Match Review/ Tribunal has influenced the apparent inconsistency between last week's and this week's charges and verdicts. Unless I've missed it, nobody seems to have raised this blatant conflict of interest.
However, I personally think the apparent inconsistency has been more media-driven than anything else. Toby Greene's actions have been pretty dumb and arguably grubby, so he probably deserves what he's got, but it looks to me that the evidence in this latest case is speculative or inconclusive at best.

What is also interesting is how come the blown up vision was not widely spread throughout the media. Are the media owned???

Why was Neale allowed to be made to look like a fool??? Is this a message to players and others not to treat the authorities like a fool?? Is this a subtle message the the players do not play us?? Is this a message to Willie Rioli???

What message does this send the fans when they are allowed to believe Toby is unjustly treated when the real blown up vision is shown right at the end in the aftermath. Why string along the fans or was that not their intention??? There seems to be a few issues regardless of Toby's guilt in regard to the integrity of the process!!

For example if the blown up vision was displayed throughout so all stakeholders of the AFL community could view it with would rationale consensus be achieved so GWS and Toby would be convinced not to bother challenging the one week in the first place?? Why was the football community seemingly strung along regarding the release of the blown up vision?? Have the fans been been belittled by the authorities through the media through the selective drip feed of information??

If the powers that be, through superior knowledge from witnesses, feel their was a case to answer with Toby in terms of something more sinister with his actions of the past why string him and his closer stakeholders along?? Why not come out with the definitive footage blown spreading it wide and far before the tribunal took place?? Why the need for the extra drama and contention with other stakeholders in regard to questionable pub test adjudications because all the evidence was not fully revealed?? Did the powers that be allow this to fester by not proactively promoting change with Toby informally beforehand even through his closer confidents such as those at GWS who have a greater interest in the well being of Toby on and off the field??
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No not at all...
Then why do you bring it up - a disgusting slur.

(Isn't Lenny Hayes the midfield coach - didn't he instruct him to go after the Bont in the previous game? - maybe Lenny giving him Bakers old notes on how to play football) See how easy it is to slur?

Hmmm - last year Greene was reported in the first final GWS V Sydney for dropping his knees into Heeneys back - got off with a fine, so was able to play the Pies the following week in the 2nd Semi- Christian was MRO then too... obviously biased

2nd Semi 2018 - Played on Maynard - got 9 possessions for the entire game. Up to and including that match that time Greene had played the Pies six times - only scored one goal in total. Got reported for fighting with Adams after the siren too - guess what? Another fine.

Stick to lying in the mud at Moorabbin behind the grassy knoll...
Ex Collingwood Tribunal member 2 weeks ago in Collingwood rooms wearing Collingwood jumper saying he hopes they make the grand final, no nothing to see here Afl....

Ex Collingwood Tribunal member 2 weeks ago in Collingwood rooms wearing Collingwood jumper saying he hopes they make the grand final, no nothing to see here Afl....

View attachment 748082

Was that just to ensure they got the decision they wanted how they wanted rather than just a biased decision?

In other words, we want someone close to manufacture a process to broadcast a result the way we want it rather than through someone slightly more independent who could call into question the process and sense something untoward in the authorities approach??

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Ex Collingwood Tribunal member 2 weeks ago in Collingwood rooms wearing Collingwood jumper saying he hopes they make the grand final, no nothing to see here Afl....

View attachment 748082
Still quite staggered by who they sat on the tribunal for this case.

It's the perception of Conflict of Interest that matters, not whether those involved swear there is no CoI

What a farcical night for the AFL.
If they were corrupt then they wouldn't have allowed Neale to even give evidence.
The presiding judge allowed Neale to give evidence. He also instructed the jury to disregard any previous Indiscretions. He could clearly see Greene was not guilty and the vision evidence was tenuous at best.The Collingwood jury though disagreed.
Clear contact with the eye there but those in denial in this thread will tell you that it never happened.
Except it’s not clear contact with the eye. It’s clear his hand is in the vicinity. That could quite easily have been an inch above his eye. If that action actually got his eye, Neale would definitly have felt it
LOL an Essendon supporter pontificating about supporters cheering on dirty players.
LOL a Collingwood supporter pontificating on about the views of other people.
Much more likely was that he was looking around for the umpire as players often do when appealing for htb. If you actually watched the replay of it this is the most obvious explanation for him looking up.

Any other explanation is highly imaginative.
I agree with this. And probably just trying to keep the ball under Neale. Via his face. Last week though, definitely not. Shocking treatment of Bontempelli. Ironic, hey. Suck it up, Toby.

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Should’ve been given two weeks last week.
Precisely. And this all would have been over and done with. Now their wet lettuce leaf approach to their love child (GWS) has led to two weeks of their beloved cash cow finals period derailed and the spotlight put on their super poor governance.

Bravo AFL.
Amateur football league.
Apologies for having dinner.

Anyways, How does Greene, playing or not playing effect me? Personally I think both the Tigers and Pies will win regardless of the tribunal hearings over the last two nights, with the Tigers winning the flag.

I thought we all on here had a good laugh. To think there could be a sequel to this enthralling decision tonight.
you have some SALT on that dinner?
Except it’s not clear contact with the eye. It’s clear his hand is in the vicinity. That could quite easily have been an inch above his eye. If that action actually got his eye, Neale would definitly have felt it
2 weeks runnings he’s done the same thing, this wasn’t even his BBQ! Just like the Gatorade sample, it doesn’t matter if the cheating works, it’s that he tried to cheat. How can any one stand up for someone doing shit like this? The whole pinchy pinchy thing we had still makes me cringe with embarrassment . Maybe us Collingwood fans are not so much relieved because we fear his talent, but because we don’t want it to be one of our players when he gets to third time lucky. He could blind someone doing this, it’s absolutely disgusting
This cretin gets himself rubbed out after showing up in consecutive weeks for the same offence and feeble minds make out its somehow Collingwood's fault. get a grip
I agree he’s a grub however don’t you think the afl look stupid having wakelin on the tribunal regardless if it actually influenced his decision? Do you ever see in world sport a referee from one of the countries playing? I’m not blaming Collingwood I’m pointing out how amateur the afl is when they keep cocking things like this up.
you have some SALT on that dinner?

First instinct in the morning is to troll.

Youre a strange grub, lol. How does Greene play or not play effect me as a supporter?

Yes if my team was one of the remaining four, of course. Im a neutral supporter.
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