Which of the expansion teams do you prefer? (Non-supporters)

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I would have said Gold Coast if you asked me two weeks ago but now, I don't know. I think of it as GC Vs GWS. In that game, who do I want to win? My answer is GWS, but I always go for the underdog, unless they are collingwood, carlton, hawthorn etc. I want them to be successful to stick it up Rugby.

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Gold Coast. Why?

1. Still love Gaz.
2. GC is a nice place, went last week.
3. I reckon they have more talent and skills, whereas GWS overpaid some promising but barely proven players.

I actually like GWS's colours, can't find a soft spot for them just through that though.
Ill-informed. Spare me the regurgitated Eddie McGuire bleatings about the 10 percent retention allowance.

With a few exceptions. the Bears were formed largely from the absolute dregs and castoffs of other teams. Carlton gave us a player who had already announced his retirement... how generous.

If you even try to equate what the Suns and Giants are getting to the startup of the Brisbane Bears, I'll laugh hilariously at your post. Even more than usual.

squeal all you like ..but the simple fact is the Lions were gifted success by the AFL ..just as these two new teams will be ..just as west coast was .
It is a bit like asking what would I prefer to die of, Aids or Embola

It's the devil you know that you hate the most, so it's the Suns for me.

Greater Western Sydney :mad: Will be a bunch of Bulldogs fans, shit club shit fans
GWS for me, esp as it seems likely they will draft Setanta O'Hailpin. Can't stand Gary Ablett Jnr or Cambell Brown, more reasons to hate the Scums.
THIS :thumbsu:

GWS easily.

To paraphrase a fomer Ch 10 commentator, "I like the way they go about it'.

Gold Coast is a worthless touristy shithole of roughly 500 K people. Whereas it's imperative that a region like GWS that has over 2 million people succeed; a 'sunny' dump like GC not so much.

Rest assured that this has nothing to do with Ablett, I'd still feel the same way if Ablett was playing for GWS than GC.
Some excellent reasons there man. Especially the second to last. Would be nice to see an indigenous NT team as well. Remember the days of the Winston Abrahams and Scott Chisolhm? So many indigenous players from the mid 90's were amazing to watch in terms of their passion and unorthodox physical approach to the game.

Abraham came from WA though like many indigenous players, why would they want to play in the NT? :confused: Not to mention the NT has produced non-indigenous players like Nathan Buckley and Joel Bowden, players like them definitely should have the right to play in their home state if they wanted. So no, not a fan of the idea at all.

It's a moot point anyway, the NT will never get an AFL team, partly because the market isn't big enough, but mainly because the climate during football season isn't suited to more than a handful of games there per year.
GWS. Despite Sheedy and all the Scully shenanigans, I've got family out west and I like to think of them having a local team, and being from Sydney and spending holidays where I read the Sydney papers, I've wanted a second team there for years just to get a break from the interminable Swans coverage.

I don't like either of them, but if I have to have a preference that's it.

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The Giants tried something different with their colours and Jumper and it has grown on me, whereas the Suns colours and jumper is so damn vanilla and uninspiring.

This whole Gary Ablett is a great captain of the Suns is also tiresome bollocks, he got special treatment not to attend many pre season training sessions as he was shacked up in Melbourne with Lauren.
Gold Coast by a mile, I've always thought that expanding there was a reasonably smart move from the AFL. GWS on the other hand everything so far just screams them being a contrived franchise. I hope I'm wrong, but I suspect they will become a white elephant and will end up as a money pit for the AFL.

As far as names and colours and jumpers go I think GWS is far more marketable than GC' but just dont think there is sufficient enough of a market there in NSW for 2 teams.
GWS. Living I'n the riverina nsw its great for the young up and coming nsw kids.
And if ya wanna hit someone, hit them where it hurts. Hit them when there down.
Rugby league heartland

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