Why We, (Used To Lose) Grand Finals

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Hasn’t worked for Carlton

i'd be surprised if carlton doesnt win a premiership with this team but both carlton and melbourne went complete incompetent for a long period. I dont think that I like that option.

The grand final losses are hard to bear but the periods in the 1990s where we had no idea, are also a bitter pill. I also havent really liked much of the mcguire buckley period where the club was mouthing off about everything.

I'm a big fan of the current club where everyone shuts their mouth up except for mcrae and he says the minimal amount. I've hardly heard a peep from jeff, graeme, lepa, bolts and even derek hine is low key these days... I dont need to be told daily that we're the biggest club. I just want to see them do their best and if that ends in failure so be it. We try again next year
i'd be surprised if carlton doesnt win a premiership with this team but both carlton and melbourne went complete incompetent for a long period. I dont think that I like that option.

The grand final losses are hard to bear but the periods in the 1990s where we had no idea, are also a bitter pill. I also havent really liked much of the mcguire buckley period where the club was mouthing off about everything.

I'm a big fan of the current club where everyone shuts their mouth up except for mcrae and he says the minimal amount. I've hardly heard a peep from jeff, graeme, lepa, bolts and even derek hine is low key these days... I dont need to be told daily that we're the biggest club. I just want to see them do their best and if that ends in failure so be it. We try again next year
When I look at their team on paper it’s scary. I hope as much for Carlton not to win a flag as I do the Pies to win one
When I look at their team on paper it’s scary. I hope as much for Carlton not to win a flag as I do the Pies to win one

i've lived out of melb for a long long time. Believe me, the eagles shit me far more than carlton. I hate their pensioner supporters all dressed up with their expensive gear. I hate that they only know one rule and that's deliberate out of bounds. i hate how they dominate the airwaves over here. I hate how they beat us in the last minute. Carlton is nothing to me.

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i've lived out of melb for a long long time. Believe me, the eagles s**t me far more than carlton. I hate their pensioner supporters all dressed up with their expensive gear. I hate that they only know one rule and that's deliberate out of bounds. i hate how they dominate the airwaves over here. I hate how they beat us in the last minute. Carlton is nothing to me.
Geelong for me now. They’re like a bad guy in a horror movie that won’t **** off and die
2011 is the one that hurts me the most. Our best was light years ahead of Geelongs that year but the wheels fell off late. We were pumping teams by 10 goals that the cats were only just getting over the top off. Injuries and the Mick saga put an end to it.
To be fair they had our measure all year.
i've lived out of melb for a long long time. Believe me, the eagles s**t me far more than carlton. I hate their pensioner supporters all dressed up with their expensive gear. I hate that they only know one rule and that's deliberate out of bounds. i hate how they dominate the airwaves over here. I hate how they beat us in the last minute. Carlton is nothing to me.
Did you endure the 1970,1979, 1981 nightmare, Mark? It is burned into my soul.
I think F&B makes a fair point but by the same measure he is missing one essential point - especially with an expanded competition.

EVERYTHING has to come together PERFECTLY . . at the same time.

Look at the requirements necessary to take a flag.

Firstly you need a good list, secondly you need a good coach, thirdly you need good development, fourthly you need luck with injuries and finally you need to peak at exactly the right point in time.

1970 we had the slime on toast until Tuddy smashed into Macca.

1977 Hafey trained the squad into the ground in between the two GF's - also Carman got himself rubbed out for the GF.

1979 . . . . Harme's . . . rollseye's - I was there and he was in the third row.

The 1980 reserves GF loss - which was an absolute disgrace - didn't hear the siren MY RRRRRRRRRRS.

The 200something GF where Rocca's goal was disallowed.

2018 again umpired out of a flag.

There is a looooong history of . . . . . . . . . ordinary . . . . . . . umpiring against Collingwood in GF's.

Now to bring this up to date.

There are now 17 other teams to contend against and with so many more sports taking their share of the youth potential there simply aren't enough high quality draftees for more than a couple of GENUINE contender lists.

Add to this the AFL's 'premiership cycle' of punishing successful clubs with draft picks and luck becomes ever more important.

So in the end all you can do is try your guts out in every game and hope the breaks go your way.
Like many of us on here, I have been through a fair bit of pain.
Would I change anything?
I would much rather be in 40 odd GF's and lose each one because it means a successful year and finals series compared to say Bulldogs and the Saints.
Imagine following a club that has played 3 or so GF's in their entire history???
It’s great that we’ve got this thread again for the 52nd time.

The CFC exist to win games of footy and flags. We’ve won more games than any other club. We should have the most flags.
Let’s be honest though, we’ve had a bit of bad luck over the years.
This year is another great example of why we keep on losing grand finals. We have a pretty average team that is sitting 3rd with a 14-5 record. They do not really have the talent of any of the teams around them and when it comes to big games in September, we will be fighting out of our weight division.

We could have used the year to rebuild. Finish low and get another very talented kid. Instead we have won 10 games in a row and will play finals.

How did we get here? You have all watched it. Heart, dare, determination and spirit. Yes the plan may have gone off the rails, yes we are likely to bow out in September against a more seasoned and talented team, but how can we as supporters ask for anything more? We may have lost more grand finals than any other team, but we have been in 44 of them. Pretty amazing when you think about it.

Would we sacrifice all of these tough wins for a 2-3 year build and a more talented team? That might be able to win a flag?

I don't think I would. It's been some year.

Go Pies.
I would say this is more why we win grand finals. We lose grand finals because of the pressure applied externally, we are the biggest and greatest club…this comes with more pressure. Perhaps lessoned when we come in as an underdog, hence the success you speak of.

Injuries and poor umpiring are the other two factors that have tripped us over in recent years.

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Interesting thought. If Voss was our caoch and Fly Carltons, where do you think the teams would be. Not to be full nuff but on available evidence Mcrae is an infinite better coach than Voss. They looked terrinble last night with a pretty handy side still on the park

Fly is not only a better coach, but it's incredibly obvious that he's a far more intelligent, thoughtful and well rounded human being than Voss. Carlton supporters would scoff but it's immediately evident to anyone that takes the time to observe them both. I spent enough years up in Brisbane listening to "Vossy's sports report" after he retired to know he was the kid who had a constant stream of snot on his top lip in the playground.

Results dont always pan out as an accurate reflection of a coach's intelligence and nous due to all the other variables, but it is what it is.
It feels like we had more 10+ goal wins in 2010/11 than we've had for the last decade.

These days, players clock off once a big lead is established. Either that, or teams simply can't physically put together 4 quarters of football anymore.
My point is we play with an intangible, a heart and fight that will take us a long way. We achieve above what our list should.

I can understand the drain, I've been through it too. But I think all of these amazing little wins along the way add up to more than one premiership. Imo. Need to appreciate achievements apart from premierships.
This years tactic is to get the players to forget how to lose.
No matter what else we are deficient in we are proficient in winning.;);)
We have let the umps **** us over all season but come finals Collingwood will get the balance of frees , just to even up the count for the Umps stats.

Really though just making finals is a momentous achievement this year so what ever happens happens.
It can only be better than 17th.
Knocking Cartoon out of the finals would be a victory in itself.

My tip is Pies defeat Geebung Country Club in the Qualifying final, then Brisvegas in a tight GF, part one of a 3 part onslaught of revenge for the early 2000nds, denying Brissy 3 times as there windows closes for another 20 years.
Pies flags v Brissy in 2022, 2023 and 2024, followed by the 2025 demolition of Melbourne for four on the trot just to put some salt in the wounds.
F and B, you need to change the thread title to "Why we win Grand Finals"

We win them because we have a terrific coach, Wrighty, Wade, assistant coaches, players who are selfless and love each other and many other wonderful people in the club, but lets not forget us, the supporters who really are the 19th man.

What an EPIC GF to have witnessed live after many disappointments. One for the ages!!!
It’s great that we’ve got this thread again for the 52nd time.

The CFC exist to win games of footy and flags. We’ve won more games than any other club. We should have the most flags.
Let’s be honest though, we’ve had a bit of bad luck over the years.
We finally got some luck and look what happened!

Why We, (Used To Lose) Grand Finals

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