Covid-19 Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Part 4 - Ivermectin doesn't work either.

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Continued in Part 5:

So you draw parallels to influenza in your response, then get annoyed when it's pointed out they are not the same thing.

No. As I said, you are being disingenuous.

I pointed out that the case fatality rate for under 50s with Sars-Cov-2 Delta variant is 0.02%.

You asked what was the stat without intense medical intervention?

I pointed out that we have also intense medical interventions for influenza, which can have a greater CFR than for the Delta variant - but we have never before introduced vaccine passports, hotel quarantine, mandatory mask wearing etc.

You are not drawing any parallels or contrasts between influenza and Covid, you are just saying stupid shit.
They go to hospital cos they feel extra sick on top of their existing conditions without knowing why. The reason they are feeling worse is they also have Covid.

That's guesswork on your part. There's a lot of people contracting Covid in the UK while in hospital for something else.

If hospitalisations from Covid are a key determinant of how concerned we should be and resultant public policy then the data should not be presented in a way that could lead to the wrong conclusions being drawn.
They go to hospital cos they feel extra sick on top of their existing conditions without knowing why. The reason they are feeling worse is they also have Covid.

aids never directly killed anyone. It just caused deaths. In some cases Covid is the same. its still a cause of death even if it’s in combination with existing illnesses. It’s the combination that kills people.
Covid overwhelms the immune system already weakened by other conditions. It spreads throughout the body via the bloodstream, even to the brain and other organs. That’s why they can’t control it. So it does cause death.

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which can have a greater CFR than for the Delta variant
Even if true, Delta is much more infectious and Covid has many more long term complications. Many, many more people can become infected leading to a much higher load on hospitals and health services in the long term, and so a much higher total number of deaths and impairment.

Covid isn’t influenza.

Different measures are needed.
Here's an interesting stat this week from the UK.

More than half of Covid hospitalisations are patients who only tested positive after admission, leaked data reveal.​
The figures suggest vast numbers are being classed as hospitalised by Covid when they were admitted with other ailments, with the virus picked up by routine testing.​
Experts said it meant the national statistics, published daily on the government website and frequently referred to by ministers, may far overstate the levels of pressures on the NHS.​
The leaked data – covering all NHS trusts in England – show that, as of last Thursday, just 44 per cent of patients classed as being hospitalised with Covid had tested positive by the time they were admitted.​
The majority of cases were not detected until patients underwent standard Covid tests, carried out on everyone admitted to hospital for any reason.​
Overall, 56 per cent of Covid hospitalisations fell into this category, the data, seen by The Telegraph, show.​

(probably paywalled)
This is not an issue. The uk are trying to detect cases and you need to test to cohort rooms - and also likely with the case volume patients caught covid via hospitals.
Nsw might be seeing similar with Liverpool hospital
Percentage of the population that are murderers = .00001%
Percentage of the population that are victims of murderers = .00001%

Why do we lock up murderers for life when they present such a small risk to such a small proportion of the population?
Well we tend not to lock them up for life, legal system is a bit lettuce leaf…
That's guesswork on your part. There's a lot of people contracting Covid in the UK while in hospital for something else.

If hospitalisations from Covid are a key determinant of how concerned we should be and resultant public policy then the data should not be presented in a way that could lead to the wrong conclusions being drawn.
Patients present without knowing they are positive, get tested while in ED, get to ward with result pending then comes back positive- would fall into the category of “test positive after admission “ as well
If the UK deaths rates remain this low, with ~30 million people still unvaccinated, in one of the most densely populated countries on earth, while delta rages. Does this mean?
Bojo is a genius and has achieved herd immunity or delta isn't actually that bad?
The case numbers are coming down too

Too early to call but good signs. We have a reasonably high percentage over over 70s with a first jab, and over 50s are trending up to. It will be interesting to see whether we can do something similar in a couple of months, reducing time between AZ. Our under 50/40 numbers are the concern

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Good one BoJo:

But we do know what conditions help a virus evolve. And what hinders it.

At the moment, the world’s helping it.

Especially Britain.

Covid-19 has been handed the perfect opportunity to learn how to overcome our vaccine defences.

This is the worst possible spin on the UK being presented in australia as click bait. As can be seen most in the UK are quietly confident

and the author goes out of their way to make the virus sound like a living thinking thing. it isn’t and can’t reproduce without a host

As someone said the worst authoritarian responses could be making it worse… like locking up healthy vaccinated people with infectious people inside …which everyone now seems to agree is the worst place

the author seems to be in the cohort barracking for the UK to fail, where a win in the UKwould be great news for the world as a whole
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Gladys planning to vaccinate school children because she doesn't want them "getting the virus and taking it home to their families". But but the vax doesn't stop you getting it or passing it on, does it? I'm confused.

confused or confusing. It’s a numbers game. You don’t get individual guaranteed immunity, but a society is less disadvantaged. They should have a term for it maybe herd immunity?
Also western hubris about vaccines from other countries
It is not hubris. Their is a complete lack of transparency on the development Russian and Chinese vaccines, and their is very large question marks about the efficacy of the Chinese vaccines in particular.

Their very good reasons not trust them until the safety and efficacy is demonstrated in studies conducted that are reputable and trustworthy.
There’s an unofficial track and trace going on here in UK.

a person I spent 2 hours with outside at a pub told me the next day he had tested positive (and was subsequently moderately under the weather for a few days.

since he’d known about his contact, he’d tested daily and it hadn’t shown until day 4

next day he called me said he’d tested positive on flow test, 4 days after he’d a known contact with unvaccinated positive colleague inside at work (who got really sick) he is vaccinated (as am I)

so I kept away from people for 4-5 days, testing daily. it’s now 10 days and I’m still clear. I had to postpone a couple of reunions with other family. But all good.

from 16 aug, this will be official policy here. I didn’t have to do 10 days officially as I wasn’t pinged by the app. But in a lot of cases the pinging could be for minor contact, and you don’t get the back story to judge your risk factor

As it didn’t test positive till day 4, that’s probably how cases get out of hotel quarantine. An uninfected person gets in in day 10-14 of their HQ, but are testing positive on release.

I also heard on the grapevine kids have worked out how to get a false positive on a flow test to get off school. It doesn’t need much imagination to guess adults are faking it too.

the weather forecast is crap or any reason for cancelling an Airbnb booking? Get a positive covid test (I think it has to be a lab one though)and get full refund
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