Society/Culture The Impact of AI on Society, School, and Work

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Have you seen the videos of the researchers giving it access to tools? It's fuzzy on maths so give it a calculator tool and it goes and uses it without being told.

That's not the game changer. The next improvement is. Then the next one. Think what all this points to rather than strictly about its limitations right now.
The tech will get there eventually. I just dont think its only one improvement away. I think its lots more improvements.
We’ve just started using it at work producing content on different sustainability technologies for a website.

Content-wise, it produces about 75% of what we need. More usefully it gives the short pieces of text a good structure. Saves at least an hour for each piece.

My dream scenario is when it can answer my emails.

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ChatGPT isn't the final evolution of AI. Jobs are being increasingly automated. AI will be a massive jump in the process. Combine it with advances in robotics and more and more people are going to become unemployable.

They could always go live on mars cos apparently all of a sudden ai and robotics isn’t good enoug there…this from musk who thinks cars shouldn’t be driven by people
Can it manage it security and respond to threats?

Seems like the biggest consumer of IT manpower these days
Businesses and governments with secure environments that I am aware of have already issued edicts not to use GPT at all because whatever you type into the prompt trains the model and thereby potentially leaks data. Will need a lot of fine tuning before it is ready for the corporate world.
So really any advances in ai make managing corporate systems and information MORE labour intensive not less.

Good for employment then in IT at least.

AI replacing all the thinkers and doers, but HR audit and IT just gets a bigger and bigger payroll
Its a word calculator people. Stop calling it AI. Calling it AI is dodgy marketing aimed at making money. Did you call a calculator AI when they invented it 50 years ago?
What is your definition of "artificial intelligence"?

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What is your definition of "artificial intelligence"?
Its not what definition I think of as AI that matters. Its the definition of what the general public thinks is AI and whether or not what the tech companies are claiming is AI is consistent with that definition or even consistent with a pathway to that definition. My view is that it is not and the tech companies are lying to you.

chaptgpt is not only a couple of steps away from creating new and innovative work based on some simple instruction given to it. And its certainly not on the pathway to creating consciousness or anything that can create its own objectives.

Its not what definition I think of as AI that matters. Its the definition of what the general public thinks is AI and whether or not what the tech companies are claiming is AI is consistent with that definition or even consistent with a pathway to that definition. My view is that it is not and the tech companies are lying to you.

What do you think the general public believes AI is?
chaptgpt is not only a couple of steps away from creating new and innovative work based on some simple instruction given to it. And its certainly not on the pathway to creating consciousness or anything that can create its own objectives.

What do you think the general public believes AI is?
Its a word calculator people. Stop calling it AI. Calling it AI is dodgy marketing aimed at making money. Did you call a calculator AI when they invented it 50 years ago?
I was fascinated with a calculator in Kindergarten I seem to recall, in the 70''s.
It didnt even switch on.
Sooooo, Imma going to say, yes.
In a study published in Nature today, scientists revealed that they measured and recorded the rodents’ brain activity using electrode probes inserted into their brains’ visual cortex region — as well as optical probes for mice that had been genetically engineered so that the neurons in their brains glow green when firing and transmitting information.

The researchers trained CEBRA using movies watched by mice and their real-time brain activity. Using this data, CEBRA learned which brain signals are associated with which frames of a particular movie.
Lot of work went into it.
Well, naturally?
This dosen't amaze and frighten you at the same time?
It's pretty cool but also they're not recreating an image from thought patterns of someone random watching telly so it's not too scary.

(Actually VERY cool, but not scary.)
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Made a pretty rudimentary personal assistant using chatGPT that I'm looking to keep working on

You can essentially load up topics to discuss (e.g. "Work", "June Holiday", etc.) and have assumptions tied to that. For example, for my work profile it has the assumptions that user stories will be written in a "GIVEN, WHEN, THEN" format - and encountered problems should be analysed using the TRIZ method.

Having fun with it so far - but also finding some genuine use. Only started working on it this morning though, so I have lots of ideas still.
Made a pretty rudimentary personal assistant using chatGPT that I'm looking to keep working on

You can essentially load up topics to discuss (e.g. "Work", "June Holiday", etc.) and have assumptions tied to that. For example, for my work profile it has the assumptions that user stories will be written in a "GIVEN, WHEN, THEN" format - and encountered problems should be analysed using the TRIZ method.

Having fun with it so far - but also finding some genuine use. Only started working on it this morning though, so I have lots of ideas still.
How did you get started with this?

Society/Culture The Impact of AI on Society, School, and Work

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