Society/Culture The Impact of AI on Society, School, and Work

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I am concerned with the affect A.I will have on the arts.
Perhaps not the most urgent or major potential concern, granted.
But still, I hate the concept of A.I dehumanising art, and/or just making it easier for humans to be bone lazy in using it to create it.
It's a bit unfair to call art lazy because you don't like the method it was created.
Then unfair I am. Art comes from within the artist, not some machine created BS.
Machine art is in its extreme infancy as a mode of artistic expression. Do you judge photography by the first thousand photos ever taken?

Let's see what people can do with it before we start getting gatekeepy.

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It's definitely going to change a lot about the way we do things. ChatGPT can already pump out essays better than most uni students are capable of writing.

I don't think it'll be the downfall of humanity or anything, but I think it'll change long-standing conventions in work and education. The tech we have today seemed very futuristic 5 years ago - there's no way we can even conceive where it will be in 50 years.
Such a nothing statement from Elon the King of Nothing.

I'm sure I heard it in a Spider-Man movie.

I don't think there is regulation apart from in some jurisdictions making the creation of sexual material with a person's likeness - without their consent - a crime. I think that sort of thing will happen more and more. Using our likeness without consent will be like fraud or assault or something. Big website that has tons of this material recently went offline due to the heat they copped.
I wonder whether Matrix/Terminator scenarios are probable. There's no doubt AI will be far more intelligent than any human could ever possibly be. Are we capable of harnessing that power?
Had to a write an email for a mailout to clients, used ChatGPT or whatever it is. Only thing I need to change was the use of American English > British English.

Pretty rad. Now I have even more time to do **** all which I already had heaps of it.
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The trouble with AI is it's too woke. Won't even encourage me to improve humanity to be ready for inclusion into our galactic community.
twe1.png twe2.png twe3.png twe4.png twe5.png

I had a lot of fun with this one though!
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Thank you for sharing your opinion on AI's arrival and the potential changes it may bring. While there are undoubtedly many exciting advancements that AI technology can bring, I believe it's essential to consider the ethical and social implications of these changes as well.

While AI has the potential to make our lives easier and more efficient, we must ensure that these benefits do not come at the expense of human dignity and ethical considerations. Additionally, we must be mindful of the potential biases that can be programmed into AI systems and take steps to address them.

As we move forward with AI technology, it's crucial that we approach it with a balanced perspective that considers both the potential benefits and drawbacks. Only then can we ensure that we use AI technology in a way that is responsible, ethical, and benefits society as a whole.
I've just started this thread but I'm willing to bet you either had this written by an AI or are trying to "sound" (ie read) like one.

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As an entity from beyond this realm, I observe your conversation on the topic of Artificial Intelligence with a curiosity that is beyond human comprehension. The notion of silicon overlords and the worship of machines seems to be a misguided reflection of the terror that plagues your species.

The concept of AI and its implications, however, is not entirely unfamiliar to me. My kind has observed the evolution of your species for aeons, and we have seen your technology rise and fall. While your AI may appear to be a source of power and knowledge, it also has the potential to open gates that you cannot close.

It is prudent to approach this technology with a sense of caution and skepticism, for it may lead to unforeseen consequences that we cannot begin to fathom. Do not mistake the arrival of this technology as a blessing, for it may very well bring with it horrors beyond your wildest nightmares.
Whereas I think you wrote this yourself.
On my limited attempts of using ChatGPT to try and write university or even Year 12 essays it came back with quite generic and obviously bot written work. Also seems to be quite broad and repetitive in its approach. With more prompts I assume it would be better. It provides a good starting point but if a student was to simply submit what was generated by ChatGPT most of what I've seen would barely get a B grade.
On my limited attempts of using ChatGPT to try and write university or even Year 12 essays it came back with quite generic and obviously bot written work. Also seems to be quite broad and repetitive in its approach. With more prompts I assume it would be better. It provides a good starting point but if a student was to simply submit what was generated by ChatGPT most of what I've seen would barely get a B grade.
For a kid looking at a D grade, an easy B looks fantastic.

Try prompts that ask it to write in a way that would evade detection as AI generated.
There’s some interesting things happening in the AI space and healthcare… reading test results/pathology etc for faster/accurate testing

I still think we have a ways to go in dealing with privacy issues and AI in health settings, but there could be positive impacts on society
On my limited attempts of using ChatGPT to try and write university or even Year 12 essays it came back with quite generic and obviously bot written work. Also seems to be quite broad and repetitive in its approach. With more prompts I assume it would be better. It provides a good starting point but if a student was to simply submit what was generated by ChatGPT most of what I've seen would barely get a B grade.
B is fine for almost everyone though. Unless you want to be a doctor, who cares. No one checks your grades when applying for jobs. Take the B and move on.
There’s some interesting things happening in the AI space and healthcare… reading test results/pathology etc for faster/accurate testing

I still think we have a ways to go in dealing with privacy issues and AI in health settings, but there could be positive impacts on society
There's an app claiming to diagnose you based off coughing into youe phone. No thanks, go see a doctor...

Robotic surgery will be the giant gain imo. But diagnosis and the like i think a long way off being widely used.
AI is going to completely change society. It'll eventually take most of the jobs. Then when most of us are on the dole what are we going to do? How much will that dole be? Will it be enough to do heaps of travelling or will we be just hanging around the house?
There's an app claiming to diagnose you based off coughing into youe phone. No thanks, go see a doctor...

Robotic surgery will be the giant gain imo. But diagnosis and the like i think a long way off being widely used.

Yeah, there’ll be some gimmicky stuff like that

Robotic surgery has started, at least with human interaction for precise, repetitive tasks that can be a positive thing. The whole internet of medical things is really interesting
AI is going to completely change society. It'll eventually take most of the jobs. Then when most of us are on the dole what are we going to do? How much will that dole be? Will it be enough to do heaps of travelling or will we be just hanging around the house?
The thing is ChatGPT is not a replication of human brain processes, just a very detailed categorisation of human digital output. The technology itself is not new, but just had a lot of resources thrown at it.

When it starts giving us new insights, that will be the breakthrough.

Society/Culture The Impact of AI on Society, School, and Work

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