What are dead giveaways that you won't like someone

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I'm really bad with remembering names of people I just met and I hate it. I have tried lots of tricks to try to remember names, but quite often it's a case of having to hang out with them a couple of times, or maybe get their phone number or something before I actually remember their names. I hate that I so often forget and can see why some would consider it a mark of disrespect or not being interested in them, but it's not always the case....

Though there was the infamous time (I think I mentioned it here before maybe) of going to a friend's going away dinner and I was there kinda early and there was only one other couple at the restaurant besides the hosts. I didn't recognise them and as I got up to the table said hello to my friends and all that and turned to the people I didn't know and motioned to introduce myself and the woman just goes straight out with "Hello radiojake. We've met three times before, you keep forgetting my name...." - It's hard to pretend that you didn't forget them in that circumstance....
Obviously you and I would never get along. ;)

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hehe - Qualifiers at the beginning of a statement....

True story. Only happened last Thursday.

Currently on placement in a year 3/4 class at a primary school. Year 3 student comes up to me and says..

"radiojake... no offence, but you should shave off your beard, because you're kind of ugly"

Haha... no offence, but I'm about to say something likely to be offensive :D
You can still give them a clip across the ear and tell them not be such a cheeky little bastard right?
You can still give them a clip across the ear and tell them not be such a cheeky little bastard right?

I just asked him what made him think I wouldn't be ugly if I did shave off my beard... Seem to confuse him and he ran off...

no doubt the clips across the ear will come when I'm not only 3 days into a placement :thumbsu:
What about when you meet someone and they look you up and down , within that very moment I can't stand them.
Big tough bogans who become kids when you talk to them. Like at work when I have to talk to them about work issues they are always so sensitive and damn quick to get defensive and its like stepping on egg shells to avoid hurting their precious feelings - don't know how many times I've heard "not my fault" or "why should I" or "its not my job". Live up to your shit tough stickers and man up FFS - until then you have zero respect from me.
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You've really got a thing about bogans with stickers. Is there a back story?

Guess Im just envious


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If you wear a bum bag and you're not:
  1. German
  2. A gymnasium steroid dealer
  3. Outrageously homosexual
I don't think we're going to be friends

I had my opinion on bumbags flipped the other day when I saw an otherwise normal looking bloke wearing one with as much confidence as I've seen anyone wear any article of clothing. I want one now.
Those people who always have a story about how they have already done it, seen it and were better at it. You have all come across someone like this at some stage. I do not understand what goes through their minds ?? Who do they think they are fooling ??
Cotchin 9
Its unfortunate that I would say a majority of young people who go the gym these days seem to do it just to 'get huge' all in the name of vanity and that alone. Its so cringe worthy seeing these tools walkaround with tensed arms, peering at themselves in every reflection, posting selfies on crackbook - it just reeks of insecurity. They don't know how embarrassing it is.

Why wouldn't they? Welcome to modern dating. Provided you have basic social skills/confidence, the determining factor in a woman going home with you nowadays is looks (or extreme status if you're part of the tiny minority with it) Although I do think there's an obvious point where the get huge mindset misses the mark re: what's attractive ...
Dudes who wear Supreme, dudes who don't suit beards but grow them because they're fashionable, dudes who wear those chinos or even worse, trackies, with the elasticated bottoms, chicks with bad shoes.
Dudes who wear Supreme, dudes who don't suit beards but grow them because they're fashionable, dudes who wear those chinos or even worse, trackies, with the elasticated bottoms, chicks with bad shoes.
This one is the worst, so many blokes getting round these days with bumfluff/amish style neckbeards/other facial hair that makes them look drastically worse. Fact is beards just don't suit everyone, can't wait for this fashion to die. That said I'd put this more in the 'things that shit me' than the 'we won't get along' category, I count some good mates amongst those who could do with a shave.

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