Random Things on Your Mind (Part 5)

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Stag was great about 10 years ago, then shut down and reopened as the pretentious joint you would have known it as in recent years. Good riddance.

Speaking of random things ... I have a new pet hate - when people open a can of soft drink, but they don't pull the ring pull back all the way, so it is only like 80% open. WHY?! WHY?!?! I find it SOOOOO annoying.
Stag was great about 10 years ago, then shut down and reopened as the pretentious joint you would have known it as in recent years. Good riddance.

Speaking of random things ... I have a new pet hate - when people open a can of soft drink, but they don't pull the ring pull back all the way, so it is only like 80% open. WHY?! WHY?!?! I find it SOOOOO annoying.

Who let my wife in ? Don't get her started on leaving little bits on the edge of then can then slurping it up
Stag was great about 10 years ago, then shut down and reopened as the pretentious joint you would have known it as in recent years. Good riddance.

Speaking of random things ... I have a new pet hate - when people open a can of soft drink, but they don't pull the ring pull back all the way, so it is only like 80% open. WHY?! WHY?!?! I find it SOOOOO annoying.
stops the wasps getting in??
stops the wasps getting in??

It's either the ultimate in laziness ... or there's another reason that I'm missing. Can anybody who does it tell me? My gf does and I ask her why but it always just leads to a blow up about me criticising her for everything when I just genuinely want to know the reason.

It annoys me if the part the drink comes out isn't fully open, it doesn't flow to mouth or cup properly.
It's either the ultimate in laziness ... or there's another reason that I'm missing. Can anybody who does it tell me? My gf does and I ask her why but it always just leads to a blow up about me criticising her for everything when I just genuinely want to know the reason.

It annoys me if the part the drink comes out isn't fully open, it doesn't flow to mouth or cup properly.

My OCD would kick in and I would have to close it. It would drive me insane.
It's either the ultimate in laziness ... or there's another reason that I'm missing. Can anybody who does it tell me? My gf does and I ask her why but it always just leads to a blow up about me criticising her for everything when I just genuinely want to know the reason.

It annoys me if the part the drink comes out isn't fully open, it doesn't flow to mouth or cup properly.
Are you Larry David?

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I am a voracious devourer of news, and I find myself from time to time reading American news stories (yes this one is British but it was linked from Drudge Report, so it's Americans commenting)

I am very concerned about the comments sections from American news sites. I thought Australian ones demonstrated our ignorance as a culture, but holy cow, Americans take it to the next level. If you can find a news article where by the fifth comment someone hasn't blamed Liberals, Obama, Mooslems (!), Republicans, Democrats, etc for taking their country to hell, I tip my hat to you.

the worst part is it could be master-level trolling - i read an article today about how Stephen Hawking thinks that to survive as a species, we'd need to colonise the galaxy / universe etc. - and I can't seriously believe people believe what they are writing down. No one is that dumb. Or are they?


I am a voracious devourer of news, and I find myself from time to time reading American news stories (yes this one is British but it was linked from Drudge Report, so it's Americans commenting)

I am very concerned about the comments sections from American news sites. I thought Australian ones demonstrated our ignorance as a culture, but holy cow, Americans take it to the next level. If you can find a news article where by the fifth comment someone hasn't blamed Liberals, Obama, Mooslems (!), Republicans, Democrats, etc for taking their country to hell, I tip my hat to you.

the worst part is it could be master-level trolling - i read an article today about how Stephen Hawking thinks that to survive as a species, we'd need to colonise the galaxy / universe etc. - and I can't seriously believe people believe what they are writing down. No one is that dumb. Or are they?


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I was reading about some of the things Hawking said this morning. His theories as to why there is not a God actually make no sense scientifically, they are really just his opinion. That is all it can be as there is no way of proving or disproving that there was or was not anything before the big bang or even before whatever was in existence before the big bang.

I just wish we could find some kind of life on another planet. Even it is very basic animal life. That's another thing I don't understand ... why do sci fi shows or people in general always assume that life on other planets must be more advanced than us. We may be extremely intelligent compared to other life forms somewhere in the galaxy. Maybe they have not even invented the wheel or discovered how to make fire yet ... or equivalent.
I was reading about some of the things Hawking said this morning. His theories as to why there is not a God actually make no sense scientifically, they are really just his opinion. That is all it can be as there is no way of proving or disproving that there was or was not anything before the big bang or even before whatever was in existence before the big bang.

I just wish we could find some kind of life on another planet. Even it is very basic animal life. That's another thing I don't understand ... why do sci fi shows or people in general always assume that life on other planets must be more advanced than us. We may be extremely intelligent compared to other life forms somewhere in the galaxy. Maybe they have not even invented the wheel or discovered how to make fire yet ... or equivalent.
Not all of them do. For example, in the Star Trek universe there are some cultures which are far in advance of our own (e.g. the Q continuum), others that are well behind our own (mostly story of the week type civilisations), but the ones which get most of the airtime are near peer civilisations such as the Vulcans, Klingons, Romulans, Bajorans, Ferengi etc.

Any sci-fi set in a contemporary period will almost, by definition, feature more advanced civilisations. Humans have not yet mastered space travel. The furthest we've ever been (on a manned mission) is the moon, with plans for a one-way trip to Mars. For us to travel beyond our solar system would require faster than light speeds and/or some form of stasis, neither of which is likely to eventuate in my lifetime. Any alien civilisation that visits us would have also had to address those same issues and must, therefore, be well advanced compared to humanity.
Random: what's the point of having a version of Coke with 30% less sugar? Drink 30% more and the benefit is gone. Just drink full strength Coke or Coke Zero.

Less random and more footy-related: how come whenever a high-flying Victorian side (or Port) loses unexpectedly it's an 'off day', 'hiccup' or 'some issues', and when it happens to us it's a 'reality check'? Like whenever we do well it must be an illusion. As my friend said, the way we won our two premierships must really burn those Victorians.
Random: what's the point of having a version of Coke with 30% less sugar? Drink 30% more and the benefit is gone. Just drink full strength Coke or Coke Zero.

Less random and more footy-related: how come whenever a high-flying Victorian side (or Port) loses unexpectedly it's an 'off day', 'hiccup' or 'some issues', and when it happens to us it's a 'reality check'? Like whenever we do well it must be an illusion. As my friend said, the way we won our two premierships must really burn those Victorians.

It will be off the shelves soon enough. Bring back Mello Yellow, the original version not the last crappy one.
Coke are trying anything to be seen as offering a healthy alternative. Our water bottles at work are from the Coca-Cola company anyway, so they have completely cornered the market on environmental waste.

I usually drink coke zero now, I actually prefer the taste to full strength ... still go the full strength occasionally tho .... when I feel like really taking a risk!!!!
Jon Bones Jones has been stripped of his title and suspended indefinitely by the UFC. Didn't think they had the balls to do that to one of their best fighters. Definitely would have happened if it was a nobody involved in a hit & run, leaving marijuana behind him in the car, but the UFC has a long history of playing favourites and I really didn't expect Jones to suffer any major consequences in the short term.
I was in Nepal almost 12 months ago. To see what has happened makes me ****ing sick to my stomach. These people have nothing and what they did have is gone. My frame of mind is, 'how are they ever gonna get through this?' Thankfully they are more resilient than most, but still, its a huge mountain to climb and they don't deserve this shit.
I was in Nepal almost 12 months ago. To see what has happened makes me ******* sick to my stomach. These people have nothing and what they did have is gone. My frame of mind is, 'how are they ever gonna get through this?' Thankfully they are more resilient than most, but still, its a huge mountain to climb and they don't deserve this shit.
Intentional pun?
I was in Nepal almost 12 months ago. To see what has happened makes me ******* sick to my stomach. These people have nothing and what they did have is gone. My frame of mind is, 'how are they ever gonna get through this?' Thankfully they are more resilient than most, but still, its a huge mountain to climb and they don't deserve this shit.

Were u doing charity work there? Or just visited as a tourist?

I would like to take a year off work and do some charity work in places like Nepal and Cambodia ... am so worried I will not get a job when I return tho, especially in the current climate. 1st world promblems, hey?

They will of course get through it, shocking as the situation is. The most admirable trait of humans is resilience. Think of how bad the Boxing Day tsunami was and how those communities have recovered. Of course not completely but amazingly well for the most part.

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