Opinion INTERNATIONAL Politics: Adelaide Board Discussion Part 5

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I like this one:
“Trump for blacks is like saying Kirsty Noem for puppies” 🤣
Gordon Ramsey Idiot GIF

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adelaidecrows , maybe you get it right after all.
I knew he would be found guilty. It's the judges I'm worried about. It's highly predictable that come sentencing he will get a few years in jail, probably 4-5, they don't run 7 week trials for 6 months. But it's a certainty he will be released to continue campaigning based on any appeal.

Depends on how long the delay is between this decision and sentencing, any appeal could stretch until September or even after the election. So actual jail within the next 4 months could be unrealistic. Depends on whether the appeals court in NY want to end this trial before the election so there is nothing hanging over Trump's head if verdict is over turned. Which could be the case.

August is scheduled for the insurrection case so it will be interesting. All this timing.

On CPH2371 using BigFooty.com mobile app
Convicted Felon Donald Trump has a nice ring to it, and by a jury of his peers and guilty on all counts.

All those who were shouting Lock Her Up ad infinitum with no court case and no conviction will now have to hear Lock Him Up. 🤣 Bet they won’t like the sound of that quite so much. But you know, if you give you need to learn to take too, even though that isn’t in the school of Trump upbringing, you know taking responsibility like a real adult.

Anyway Can’t argue with that result no matter how much the GOP machine try to spin it. Thank goodness the names and addresses of the jury are under lock and key. Have to be careful in these mob boss cases.
Convicted Felon Donald Trump has a nice ring to it, and by a jury of his peers and guilty on all counts.

All those who were shouting Lock Her Up ad infinitum with no court case and no conviction will now have to hear Lock Him Up. Bet they won’t like the sound of that quite so much. But you know, if you give you need to learn to take too, even though that isn’t in the school of Trump upbringing, you know taking responsibility like a real adult.

Anyway Can’t argue with that result no matter how much the GOP machine try to spin it. Thank goodness the names and addresses of the jury are under lock and key. Have to be careful in these mob boss cases.
By all reports the trial was a complete disaster for Trump and the evidence was over whelming. It is unlikely any appeal would find the verdict unjust. Trump would also have to produce evidence that it was an unjust verdict. Can't see it happening. Just the timing is what counts now. Will get years though. When he gets sentenced, the other cases could come quick.

On CPH2371 using BigFooty.com mobile app
Hang-on .. the GOP don't have to nominate him?

A sentencing hearing has been set for July 11 at 10am – four days before the Republican National Convention, when the party will officially nominate him for President.

He faces a minimum of probation and a maximum of up to four years in prison.
Hang-on .. the GOP don't have to nominate him?

A sentencing hearing has been set for July 11 at 10am – four days before the Republican National Convention, when the party will officially nominate him for President.

He faces a minimum of probation and a maximum of up to four years in prison.
7 week trial is a long time for probation. Surely not! But the US justice system is incredibly reluctant to hold Trump accountable.

Edit: is the probation to 4 years for each individual 34 charges?

On CPH2371 using BigFooty.com mobile app

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Where are all the Trump lovers on this board?

As I’ve said, Trump has never had any ethics or morals. He would have thrown his mother under a bus if it helped him.
The fact individuals follow him like a demigod says more about those individuals than it does about Trump.
What gives you impression any of them have the courage to do that.

Maybe we need to tell them its actually the dark skinned mexican sex offender Donald Gomez, found guilty of these charges,
7 week trial is a long time for probation. Surely not! But the US justice system is incredibly reluctant to hold Trump accountable.

Edit: is the probation to 4 years for each individual 34 charges?
The judge is unlikely to send him to prison, and in any event the case will be stuck in appeals for at least another year.

There are several reasons why Judge Merchan is unlikely to send him to prison -
  • It's the first time he's been convicted of a crime.
  • It's a white-collar, non-violent, crime.
  • The logistics of having him sent to prison, complete with Secret Service detail.
  • Fears for the safety of the corrections officers who would need to execute the sentence.
This is what Judge Merchan said previously, regarding Trump's contempt of court charges:
“Mr Trump, it’s important to understand that the last thing I want to do is to put you in jail. You are the former president of the United States and possibly the next president, as well,” Merchan said on 6 May, when he issued a $1,000 fine holding Trump in contempt of court for the 10th time. He went on to explain why putting Trump in jail at that time was “truly a last resort for me … I also worry about the people who would have to execute that sanction: the court officers, the correction officers, the Secret Service detail, among others. I worry about them and about what would go into executing such a sanction.

“Of course, I’m also aware of the broader implications of such a sanction. The magnitude of such a decision is not one-sided. But, at the end of the day, I have a job to do, and part of that job is to protect the dignity of the judicial system and compel respect,” he added.

On the other hand, his co-conspirator (Cohen) served prison time for his part in the crime - and Trump was the instigator. On that basis, he should definitely be doing time.

Being a convicted felon will not prevent him from running for President, nor will it even prevent him from voting. Florida bans felons from voting if they would be prevented from voting in the state where the conviction is recorded (i.e. New York). New York law only prevents felons from voting while they are in prison.
I agree, while now a convicted criminal I'd be surprised if Trump ever saw the inside of a jail cell for this.

As for what this does for his chances in the upcoming election, we know that there are the hardcore, rusted on MAGA lunatics who will vote for him no matter what, but you can't win an election with this vote alone.

I suspect that "not voting for a convicted criminal" is probably going to be the line in the sand for many of the more moderate, sensible Republican voters.

Also have to say it's been great to watch a man who's never had to face the music for anything in his life sit and squirm through such a humiliating and public court proceeding.
By all reports the trial was a complete disaster for Trump and the evidence was over whelming. It is unlikely any appeal would find the verdict unjust. Trump would also have to produce evidence that it was an unjust verdict. Can't see it happening. Just the timing is what counts now. Will get years though. When he gets sentenced, the other cases could come quick.

On CPH2371 using BigFooty.com mobile app
I’m not sure he’ll get jail time. Not for this case.

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Opinion INTERNATIONAL Politics: Adelaide Board Discussion Part 5

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