Health Coronavirus 2020 / Worldwide (Stats live update in OP) Part 4

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London: British scientists are discovering “emerging evidence” that the new and more transmissible mutant coronavirus strain running rampant across the country might be 30 per cent more deadly.

If I didn't have people I cared about living there I'd be quite happy to see covid do in most of south east England. Britian would emerge a much stronger country.

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What are you on about?

I think culturally they wear their masks more if they are not feeling well to stop spread. You said they do it for air quality, I don’t think in Japan their air quality is that bad (which is backed up by the air quality index website).

It’s probably a bit of both.

Im pretty sure what you think of Japanese Air quality does little to influence if a Japanese citizen chooses to wear one to counter it.

See its their own choice not one made for the masses.

And never said pollution was the reason Japanese wear masks just one of them.
Im pretty sure what you think of Japanese Air quality does little to influence if a Japanese citizen chooses to wear one to counter it.

See its their own choice not one made for the masses.

And never said pollution was the reason Japanese wear masks just one of them.
London: British scientists are discovering “emerging evidence” that the new and more transmissible mutant coronavirus strain running rampant across the country might be 30 per cent more deadly.

Experts are not so sure.
London: British scientists are discovering “emerging evidence” that the new and more transmissible mutant coronavirus strain running rampant across the country might be 30 per cent more deadly.

I have my doubts about this. Generally when a virus becomes more virulent, it becomes less lethal, not more. It doesn't give a shit about its host (it's not even alive) but the idea is that a virus should do its best to survive for as long as possible.
I have my doubts about this. Generally when a virus becomes more virulent, it becomes less lethal, not more. It doesn't give a sh*t about its host (it's not even alive) but the idea is that a virus should do its best to survive for as long as possible.
I wouldnt bank on that

Reported cases of Spanish flu dropped off over the summer of 1918, and there was hope at the beginning of August that the virus had run its course.
In retrospect, it was only the calm before the storm.
Somewhere in Europe, a mutated strain of the Spanish flu virus had emerged that had the power to kill a perfectly healthy young man or woman within 24 hours of showing the first signs of infection.

In late August 1918, military ships departed the English port city of Plymouth carrying troops unknowingly infected with this new, far deadlier strain of Spanish flu.
Thousands of people in Hong Kong have been ordered to stay in their homes in the city’s first coronavirus lockdown, as authorities battle an outbreak in one of its poorest and most densely packed districts.

Sri Lanka's health minister, who publicly endorsed sorcery and magic potions to stop surging coronavirus infections in the island, has tested positive to COVID-19.
She and her close contacts will self-isolate, officials said on Saturday.
Pavithra Wanniarachchi had publicly consumed and endorsed a magic potion, later revealed to contain honey and nutmeg, manufactured by a sorcerer who claimed it worked as a life-long inoculation against the virus.
She also poured a pot of "blessed" water into a river in November after a self-styled god-man told her that it would end the pandemic.

Sri Lanka's health minister, who publicly endorsed sorcery and magic potions to stop surging coronavirus infections in the island, has tested positive to COVID-19.
She and her close contacts will self-isolate, officials said on Saturday.
Pavithra Wanniarachchi had publicly consumed and endorsed a magic potion, later revealed to contain honey and nutmeg, manufactured by a sorcerer who claimed it worked as a life-long inoculation against the virus.
She also poured a pot of "blessed" water into a river in November after a self-styled god-man told her that it would end the pandemic.

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about on par with Scomo and Margaret Court praying together for the protection of the blood of Jesus
WA Premier Mark McGowan says his government could release its border restrictions with Victoria early but is still waiting for 28 days of no locally acquired cases.

“They [Victorians] are doing well, I would say congratulations,” Mr McGowan said.

“A case came from Sydney [to Melbourne] and the virus spread from there but the government appears to have crushed it at this point.

“It’s still 10 days away [28 days of no local cases], we will consider it in the lead up to that day.”

Jesus Christ. Surely WA people are seeing through the bs of this guy by now. I'd put my life on their stance changing as soon as the election is done.
Thousands of people in Hong Kong have been ordered to stay in their homes in the city’s first coronavirus lockdown, as authorities battle an outbreak in one of its poorest and most densely packed districts.

This time, they are blaming south Asians, last time they banned Africans from stores as they were the source. At least they like to share the racism around and it isn't all reserved for the poor Tibetans and Uighars.

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WA Premier Mark McGowan says his government could release its border restrictions with Victoria early but is still waiting for 28 days of no locally acquired cases.

“They [Victorians] are doing well, I would say congratulations,” Mr McGowan said.

“A case came from Sydney [to Melbourne] and the virus spread from there but the government appears to have crushed it at this point.

“It’s still 10 days away [28 days of no local cases], we will consider it in the lead up to that day.”

Jesus Christ. Surely WA people are seeing through the bs of this guy by now. I'd put my life on their stance changing as soon as the election is done.
If you were him would you risk it getting in right before the election?
If you were him would you risk it getting in right before the election?
Well no (but there is currently no risk - even country wide it's 7 days no cases), but the 28 day thing I find baffling. It's not required to QLD anymore so it's obviously flexible and not some hard science and here he is saying he may end it before 28 days to Vic but not now and maybe closer to the 28 days.
imo WA is doing lasting damage to its tourism industry that wont be felt for another six months.

Firstly to clarify I really like WA, it’s a fantastic state and tourist destination.

However your right, a lot of aussies would now be reluctant to travel to WA as there’s a chance the border can be shut at a moments notice or you have to cut your holidays short and fly home immediately or quarantine.
Well no (but there is currently no risk - even country wide it's 7 days no cases), but the 28 day thing I find baffling. It's not required to QLD anymore so it's obviously flexible and not some hard science and here he is saying he may end it before 28 days to Vic but not now and maybe closer to the 28 days.
Let me rephrase, would you if you were him change your process 6 weeks out from the election and risk importing a case from interstate into the community?
Even New Zealand has picked up another case - did the 14 days quarantine on arrival, two negative tests, came down with it three days later.
BUT! She has religiously used the contact tracing app and scanned the QR code everywhere she went.

We've known for a year that incubation is anywhere from 3 to 26/7/8 days, the 14 day quarantine is just a nominal figure that catches most cases but won't pick up the edge cases. Equally, you can't quarantine everyone for 28 days just in case they are the 1 in 1000 outlier.
Last year Morrison assured us the we would all have vaccinations and that he'd secured enough doses. Turns out he was talking bollocks again.

Did he say we would all have it by January?

I mean, you’re cherry picking a bit of a bizarre one to have a go about here.

Would be much easier to talk about how the federal government has been basically MIA on any kind of national approach to this whole thing. Something they could actually control, unlike vaccine development.

The UQ vaccine being a no-go would have had an impact, but it sounds like CSL is going to manufacture 50 million doses if this article is still accurate.

Did he say we would all have it by January?

I mean, you’re cherry picking a bit of a bizarre one to have a go about here.

Would be much easier to talk about how the federal government has been basically MIA on any kind of national approach to this whole thing. Something they could actually control, unlike vaccine development.

The UQ vaccine being a no-go would have had an impact, but it sounds like CSL is going to manufacture 50 million doses if this article is still accurate.

Having abrogated all of his responsibilities to to actually do something about the virus to the states, Morrison had one job, the vaccine and the useless fat campaigner has f***ed that up.
Having abrogated all of his responsibilities to to actually do something about the virus to the states, Morrison had one job, the vaccine and the useless fat campaigner has f***ed that up.

Was he meant to personally manufacture it?

If CSL are going to make 50 million doses of the AZ vaccine, enough for the entire population, what is the issue?
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