Religion Ask a Christian - Continued in Part 2

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You seem to have good intentions so I'll try to let you down easy.

Nobody wants to know why you believe in fairytales. I'm not sure why you keep coming back because you have nothing of value to offer and even less to gain from replying to posts in this thread.

If you're happy in life, that's all anyone wants.

If you're not happy, or want to keep selling us sh*t that we don't need, you'll be eaten alive here.

What are getting out of this other than some weird superiority thing.
You come across as a real dick.
sorry but my beliefs aren’t used to justify any of these things
Do you have children, have you given them the opportunity to reject your beliefs or have you convinced them that Jesus is the way, the only thing saving them from an eternity of torture and suffering after their physical lives end?
What are getting out of this other than some weird superiority thing.
You come across as a real dick.
Yet you worship a being that asks it followers to kill, rape and how to beat a slave to within an inch of their lives and you have the ****ing audacity to call someone else a “real dick”.
It just shows how deeply your mind has been poisoned!
Now tell us, name one characteristic your Uber being exhibits?
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Yet you worship a being that asks it followers to kill, rape and how to beat a slave to within an inch of their lives and you have the ******* audacity to call someone else a “real dick”.
It just shows how deeply your mind has been poisoned!
Now tell us, name one characteristic your Uber being exhibits?
If I have a weird superiority thing and I'm a bit of a dick, presumably I'm rather christlike.

I wonder if he's upset that I haven't beaten any slaves or women. Christians are odd.
Was the question too difficult for you
I don't like to judge other people's faith. Trump is not someone I look up to as a role model, but like all of us, we don't know him. I leave the judging to God when it comes to degree of faith and obedience. We will all be judged at some point. There are many Christians I have encountered that have some attributes that are Christ-like and could be regarded as inspiring. I need personal knowledge of people to like their Christianity. ScoMo and Trump
Are those 2 leaders both regarded as Born Again Christians?
On the question of what a Christian is, would you rate Scott Morrison and Donald Trump as genuine Christians?
They're people. Smart people. I can't make them think or believe anything.
So, are you cool with the fact that whilst you’re whooping up with Jesus and the head honcho, your kids will be suffering eternal torture?
They're people. Smart people. I can't make them think or believe anything.
They're older now though, yeah?

When you were 3 or 4 years of age - if you can remember back that far - can you remember winning many arguments with your parents? Were you able to argue rationally that early?

I'm not saying it's impossible. I'm saying that, in general, children are going to go to church, to their religious school, and get lead into it unquestioning. Acceptance is easy when you're a kid.

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They're older now though, yeah?

When you were 3 or 4 years of age - if you can remember back that far - can you remember winning many arguments with your parents? Were you able to argue rationally that early?

I'm not saying it's impossible. I'm saying that, in general, children are going to go to church, to their religious school, and get lead into it unquestioning. Acceptance is easy when you're a kid.

I went to a Christian school. I learned a lot from it but I found my own path to where I am now. My boys are 10 and 12 and don’t go to a Christian school and for most of their lives haven’t gone to church.
I went to a Christian school. I learned a lot from it but I found my own path to where I am now. My boys are 10 and 12 and don’t go to a Christian school and for most of their lives haven’t gone to church.

I was taken to church every Sunday of my life until I was 11-ish, and football became possible on a Sunday morning. My mother had it moved to Saturday night, and so that was when we went. I went through a catholic primary and secondary school; my year 12 year had my time that could've been spent on studying wasted on a subject apologising for christianity and catholicism whilst masquerading as a religious philosophy class.

I'd spent a significant time getting into trouble as a younger child because I'd ask questions about the religious stuff, the sort a kid is capable of asking. I am lucky I didn't go to school twenty years or more earlier, as I'd have gotten the ruler across my knuckles like my father did from the brothers.

What I'm getting at here is that, most of the time, a kid doesn't question or is incapable of disputing their religious upbringing. Most of my questioning came from the other side of my 15th year, when I looked at the Problem of Evil and couldn't find an answer that didn't hold the Christian god culpable.

Kids accept, they don't challenge because they can't.
No I'm not but I can't make that choice for them.
Are you going to put in a good word them, ya know, try to convince the Jewish bloke and Watchmaker that your progeny might not believe in them, but they still don’t deserve eternal hellfire because they’re “like really good people”?
Btw, are concerned that you may have sit next to the likes of Jeffrey Dahmer at dinner time in heaven, whilst the good old devil is shoving a fork up your kids butts or something, is that what he does, like aliens, shoves things up peoples butts, even when they don’t like having things shoved up their butts?
I’m so confused about what really happens in Hell.
Considering it’s eternal and I’m presuming I’m headed there, will I eventually get bored or complacent about the horned dude ramming his blivet up my clacker, could I more than likely actually come to enjoy this after say, 13.8 billion years?
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Are going to put in a good word them, ya know, try to convince the Jewish bloke and Watchmaker that your progeny might not believe in them, but they still don’t deserve eternal hellfire because they’re “like really good people”?
Btw, are concerned that you may have sit next to the likes of Jeffrey Dahmer at dinner time in heaven, whilst the good old devil is shoving a fork up your kids butts or something, is that what he does, like aliens, shoves things up peoples butts, even when they don’t like having things shoved up their butts?
I’m so confused about what really happens in Hell.
Considering it’s eternal and I’m presuming I’m headed there, will I eventually get bored or complacent about the horned dude ramming his blivet up my clacker, could I more than likely actually come to enjoy this after say, 13.8 billion years?

No. I will pray for them and ask that they find Him.

Do you really think if I was in heaven that I'd care one iota who was next to me. Why is it so hard for people like you to say "Ok I - ME - MYSELF - I don't believe this stuff but if I DID, this is what the outcome would be."?

How hard is it to say "ok this guy is a fruitloop and believes hogwash but his belief is that eternal life in heaven is going to be perfect so he's not going to care about what hypothetically awaits him when he gets there."
No. I will pray for them and ask that they find Him.

Do you really think if I was in heaven that I'd care one iota who was next to me. Why is it so hard for people like you to say "Ok I - ME - MYSELF - I don't believe this stuff but if I DID, this is what the outcome would be."?

How hard is it to say "ok this guy is a fruitloop and believes hogwash but his belief is that eternal life in heaven is going to be perfect so he's not going to care about what hypothetically awaits him when he gets there."
You’re cool with living in bliss for eternity, whilst your children are tortured mercilessly infinitely?
Do you have your parental instincts removed at the door or something?
No. I will pray for them and ask that they find Him.

Do you really think if I was in heaven that I'd care one iota who was next to me. Why is it so hard for people like you to say "Ok I - ME - MYSELF - I don't believe this stuff but if I DID, this is what the outcome would be."?

How hard is it to say "ok this guy is a fruitloop and believes hogwash but his belief is that eternal life in heaven is going to be perfect so he's not going to care about what hypothetically awaits him when he gets there."

Do people in heaven get older? Is there an upper limit?

Because no one is talking about the pile of fetuses in the corner.
You’re cool with living in bliss for eternity, whilst your children are tortured mercilessly?
Do you have your parental instincts at the door or something?

Yes because I said earlier how much I want that to happen. Oh wait, no I didn't. Will there come a point where you realise that, dumb as I may be, I actually CAN tell when words are being put in my mouth - or keyboard as it were?

In this life I'd be devastated at the thought. As such I'll do what I can, short of forcing it on them, to help them in their journey. But once I'm in heaven the nature of heaven is that i wouldn't be afflicted by grief. And based on my belief one of my children is already waiting for me there so that in itself is one thing to look forward to from this realm.

Curious to see what spin you will put on my words in your next post.
Yes because I said earlier how much I want that to happen. Oh wait, no I didn't. Will there come a point where you realise that, dumb as I may be, I actually CAN tell when words are being put in my mouth - or keyboard as it were?

In this life I'd be devastated at the thought. As such I'll do what I can, short of forcing it on them, to help them in their journey. But once I'm in heaven the nature of heaven is that i wouldn't be afflicted by grief. And based on my belief one of my children is already waiting for me there so that in itself is one thing to look forward to from this realm.

Curious to see what spin you will put on my words in your next post.

Really sorry about your child but I think we've found the reason for your beliefs.
Yes because I said earlier how much I want that to happen. Oh wait, no I didn't. Will there come a point where you realise that, dumb as I may be, I actually CAN tell when words are being put in my mouth - or keyboard as it were?

In this life I'd be devastated at the thought. As such I'll do what I can, short of forcing it on them, to help them in their journey. But once I'm in heaven the nature of heaven is that i wouldn't be afflicted by grief. And based on my belief one of my children is already waiting for me there so that in itself is one thing to look forward to from this realm.

Curious to see what spin you will put on my words in your next post.
I’m not try to spin anything.
I’ll put it another way, a man rapes tortures and kills everyone of your family members and then eats them, he then confessed to his crimes and repents and gives his life to Jesus.
Are you happy to sit at the table in heaven with him, whilst many of the family members he tortured, killed and ate are being tortured eternally in hellfire for the simple reason of valuing reason over faith?
Really sorry about your child but I think we've found the reason for your beliefs.

Sorry what?

Will there ever come a point where idiots in and, seemingly out, of my life stop trying to diagnose what I think or believe and why I think or believe them? The condescension in here is mind-blowing.

Edit: Sorry I didn't mean to call you an idiot personally its just an issue that keeps raising its head and it is starting to annoy me in general life
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