Opinion AUSTRALIAN Politics: Adelaide Board Discussion Part 5

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Amazing the ego when a guess is right. But it might not cut it the next time something happens. Hopefully it never happens but damn, you can't always go running back to the guesses well and say my extensive 1 hour of research on this determined how right I was. You know how many people did that on their death bed during covid in the USA. Just because it didn't affect you personally, perhaps don't be so arrogant to suggest it didn't happen to others.
I wasn't guessing; I was listening to epidemiologists from Stanford, Harvard and Oxford who study that shit every day. I was also reading pandemic plans carefully written by the same kind of experts you say we should be listening to.

Meanwhile our state government was listening to a paediatrician.
I wasn't guessing; I was listening to epidemiologists from Stanford, Harvard and Oxford who study that s**t every day. I was also reading pandemic plans carefully written by the same kind of experts you say we should be listening to.

Meanwhile our state government was listening to a paediatrician.

back 3 years ago. **** me. you were listening to current. amazing.

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I wasn't guessing; I was listening to epidemiologists from Stanford, Harvard and Oxford who study that s**t every day. I was also reading pandemic plans carefully written by the same kind of experts you say we should be listening to.

Meanwhile our state government was listening to a paediatrician.
You were listening to Joe Rogan and that other grifter, Campbell, weren’t you 🤣 Fess up.😀
back 3 years ago. heck me. you were listening to current. amazing.
Come On Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
You were listening to Joe Rogan and that other grifter, Campbell, weren’t you 🤣 Fess up.😀
Never listened to Rogan and I don't watch YT monologues from anyone.

The interesting thing about Campbell is if you dig out the very early Covid threads here on SRP or GD you'll find his videos enthusiastically shared by the same posters who later denounced him. He only became a 'grifter' when he started challenging the narrative.
Never listened to Rogan and I don't watch YT monologues from anyone.

The interesting thing about Campbell is if you dig out the very early Covid threads here on SRP or GD you'll find his videos enthusiastically shared by the same posters who later denounced him. He only became a 'grifter' when he started challenging the narrative.
The funny thing about Campbell is he saw which side his bread was buttered and earns millions from the anti vax cohort.
And at least you have confirmed my point.
More and more, Christian Nationalism appears to be the Christian version of Islamic State.
This has to be the most ridiculous and deluded thing you've ever posted and believe me that's no mean feat in of itself.

You should be ashamed of yourself, really ashamed.
It wasn't luck to say that there had never been a successful coronavirus vaccine, largely because the rate of mutation means you're always chasing your own tail. So people getting sick after how many shots supposed to 'vaccinate' them against that very disease was entirely predictable.

I think you might be confusing the ability of COVID vaccines to (a) prevent transmission full stop with (b) their ability to prevent severe illness and death.

If (a), yes with earlier variants COVID vaccines provided decent protection against infection for several months, after which this protection started to wane. For Omicron and future variants (ie December 2021 onwards) these vaccines haven’t offered reliable protection against transmission.

If (b), no. COVID vaccines did a remarkable job of durably reducing risk of hospitalisation and death, particularly with those much higher risk first waves of infection.

This is the primary aim of any vaccine or medicine and they were indisputably a success from this perspective.

That the vast majority of Australians had received 2 doses of vaccine prior to contracting COVID for the first time was the significant factor in us not being hit anywhere as hard by this infection as so many other countries.
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We really need to talk about this

New laws to be introduced into a highly charged political context will make it a criminal offence to vilify a person based on race, sexuality, gender, disability or religion.

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus is drafting new hate speech laws that will impose criminal penalties for serious instances of vilification based on a person’s race, sexuality, gender, disability or religion.

Labor’s hate speech bill, which is still being finalised, will enhance the federal protections that exist for minority groups in Australia and stems from the government’s view that existing laws have not been enforced and are not effective.
We really need to talk about this

New laws to be introduced into a highly charged political context will make it a criminal offence to vilify a person based on race, sexuality, gender, disability or religion.

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus is drafting new hate speech laws that will impose criminal penalties for serious instances of vilification based on a person’s race, sexuality, gender, disability or religion.

Labor’s hate speech bill, which is still being finalised, will enhance the federal protections that exist for minority groups in Australia and stems from the government’s view that existing laws have not been enforced and are not effective.
Sticks and stones...

I guess anything that takes the focus off their myriad of failures works for them. Cost of living pressures, the bin fire that is immigration on all levels, a budget that has come under heavy fire on many fronts leadership on many fronts etc etc
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You don’t understand Christian Nationalism then. Do some of your ‘research’ on Mike Flynn.
Bullshit, I suggest you do some serious research on Islamic State, it's amazing , no make that mind numbing you can't see the difference.
We really need to talk about this

New laws to be introduced into a highly charged political context will make it a criminal offence to vilify a person based on race, sexuality, gender, disability or religion.

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus is drafting new hate speech laws that will impose criminal penalties for serious instances of vilification based on a person’s race, sexuality, gender, disability or religion.

Labor’s hate speech bill, which is still being finalised, will enhance the federal protections that exist for minority groups in Australia and stems from the government’s view that existing laws have not been enforced and are not effective.

Do we?

I don’t think so.
We really need to talk about this

New laws to be introduced into a highly charged political context will make it a criminal offence to vilify a person based on race, sexuality, gender, disability or religion.

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus is drafting new hate speech laws that will impose criminal penalties for serious instances of vilification based on a person’s race, sexuality, gender, disability or religion.

Labor’s hate speech bill, which is still being finalised, will enhance the federal protections that exist for minority groups in Australia and stems from the government’s view that existing laws have not been enforced and are not effective.
I would assume it's still okay for me and my Leftie mates to chant from "the river to the sea"? A guys got to have hobbies.
How have we been sucked in?

Again, you pick and choose.

Coal won’t be part of our power grid eventually, that is the reality.
Yet we'll keep exporting our coal to be burnt elsewhere which will make no difference to Climate Change...unless of course you think Climate Change is only exclusive to Australia and surely you're not that dumb..
Yet we'll keep exporting our coal to be burnt elsewhere which will make no difference to Climate Change...unless of course you think Climate Change is only exclusive to Australia and surely you're not that dumb..

Of course not but your answer is do nothing. But you see the world actually is doing something - you just can’t stop burning fossil fuels. You transition.

So typical of a Coalition supporter, no matter which area we talk about, it is do nothing attitude.

I look forward to the laugh emoji from you.

Perhaps you need to get a broader view

Of course not but your answer is do nothing.

So typical of a Coalition supporter, no matter which area we talk about, do nothing. That is you go to.

I look forward to the laugh emoji from you.

Perhaps you need to get a broader view

yeah burning our coal (cheap electricity) to manufacture Solar panels to sell to us and the rest of the World....

Maybe it's you that can't see the woods for the trees.

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