Religion Catholic Church in Victoria linked to 40+ suicides

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Dont be a lemon

Brownlow Medallist
Jun 2, 2006
Party time all the time
AFL Club
CONFIDENTIAL police reports have detailed the suicides of at least 40 people sexually abused by Catholic clergy in Victoria, and have urged a new inquiry into these and many other deaths suspected to be linked to abuse in the church.

In a damning assessment of the church’s handling of abuse issues, the reports say it appears the church has known about a shockingly high rate of suicides and premature deaths but has "chosen to remain silent."


was it the Christian College in Geelong that had about 38 traced to it. And the main offender, who just got done late last year in the supreme court, might have got something like 14 years.

Would these offenders have gone into a childrens home in that era, if they could not become teachers at boarding schools.
Yeh but what we should rabbit on about is the dysfunctionality of gays, contraception users, proponents of legal abortion etc etc

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Personally if I had to go to mass early every Sunday morning, I'd do myself in too.

I have been going for almost fifty years - the only thing that keeps me hanging in are the great people with me in the pews and the average parish priest or nun who are generally nice people. As soon as they get about the rank of Monsignor they are company men divorced from reality
If the government is to conduct an enquiry into that, I hope they also conduct one into several departments under their control; notably DHS (which continues to have a shockingly high proportion of sex offence victims - and over the years set up many to be abused with staggeringly poor decisions) and police until quite recent times (notably a western suburbs station which made a habit of summarily dismissing complaints of sex offences and destroying evidence).

For all the Catholic Church's many failures in this area, they were far from alone through the latter half of last century.

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if only...could you imagine if a non-religious organization was responsible for what the the catholic church has been up to over the years? They would be shut down by now.

Religion is really the root of evil

I detest religion as much as the next mofo. :thumbsu:

However the events at Penn State show that the inability to take appropriate against such crimes can happen in any organisation.
if only...could you imagine if a non-religious organization was responsible for what the the catholic church has been up to over the years? They would be shut down by now.

Religion is really the root of evil

The root of all evil is greed, nothing else even comes close in humanities history.
if only...could you imagine if a non-religious organization was responsible for what the the catholic church has been up to over the years? They would be shut down by now.

Religion is really the root of evil

Im not overly religious, but its not religion thats the problem, its man that use/d it for their own purposes. Theres corrupt man everywhere, police, politics, armies, schools, hospitals, business and so on - but i understand for some its fun to bash religion so carry on.
No, religion is the problem. There will always be good people and there will always be bad people, but you want a good people to do bad things? Nothing is more effective than religion. Do you disagree?
No, religion is the problem. There will always be good people and there will always be bad people, but you want a good people to do bad things? Nothing is more effective than religion. Do you disagree?


Communism begs to differ. Killed more people in 100 years than religion did in 1000.

Communism begs to differ. Killed more people in 100 years than religion did in 1000.

That isn't true. It's obviously harder to get estimates for total religious deaths vs total communism deaths but pretty much every estimate I see puts religion as a level above.

But let's not dwell on details. Even if Communism had killed more, that wouldn't change either of the following:

(i) There is a fundamental difference between the slaughter of millions by a dictatorship and massacres caused by "divinely inspired" people who actually thought they were going good things for God or Allah who whatever ficticious deity they had in their head. The worst kind of evil is often when the person thinks they are actually doing good. I do not doubt that people have faught and killed millions for other causes such as land and resources before, but not quite on the same scale as religion.

(ii) Religion is still a highly effective way of causing otherwise good people to commit atrocities, even if the numbers were to say that Communism was more effective.

Communism begs to differ. Killed more people in 100 years than religion did in 1000.

Also as an interesting point you may want to look up the similarities between communism and religion. I wouldn't go as far as saying communism was a religion, but there are very many interesting and important similarities. I'm not sure if Stalin and co would have been as successful if he didn't have past theocracies to learn from.

But anyway, we're getting off the topic here.
Im not overly religious, but its not religion thats the problem, its man that use/d it for their own purposes. Theres corrupt man everywhere, police, politics, armies, schools, hospitals, business and so on - but i understand for some its fun to bash religion so carry on.

I see what you mean...but religion preaches that God always looks down on us etc... but for some reason the "men of god" Priests seem to slip under the radar and get away with some awful crimes...the man in the cloud is falling asleep on the job.

more seriously, my concerns with religion and there ability to get away with crimes is that for far too long these organisations have had a stranglehold over society too influence governments...I just think or hope that the tide will start to shift against these organisations from both society and governments

Communism begs to differ. Killed more people in 100 years than religion did in 1000.

Even if you believe this, Religion playing second fiddle to communism is no less of an indictment.

That some other ridiculous belief system was more efficient in wiping out it's detractors is moot.

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