Family & Relationships Describe the most irritating person/a$$hole you know

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I know a guy at work his name is Larry or as he likes to be called 'L.MAN' he's literally 6.8ft tall, a lanky giant with a balled head and a stupid goatie.

He sits at his desk karate chopping any pencil that needs to be sharpened even if they aren't his, always asking people to hold the pencil for him while he raises his hand yelling "WAX ON" then he chops saying "WAX OFF" seriously the guy is about 35yo.

But thats not even the worst, whenever someone says something like "I'm off to the toilet" or even the 'weather is nice today' he will scream "TAXI!" it doesn't even make sense.

L.MAN also has a stupid obsession with scrunching up paper and I mean if he needs to chuck out a 10 page print he will tightly scrunch up every sheet and take them to the end of the hallway where he will bowl them into the bin 5m away screaming "Donald! Clean Bowl" "Polick, clean Bowl" yes he's a South African fan and he's bloody Australian.

He insists that everyone knows how fast he is at touch typing making immature comments like "Geez Rich, your not that quick at typing." Even asking people for a iphone SMS type off, what a flipping dick!

He asked every girl in the office every ****ing day "Do you think my goatee needs a trim" While he ponders it like a stupid wizard.

I could honestly go on and on, the guys is easily the biggest dick I know.

NO-ONE can beat the "L.MAN" :thumbsdown:

He sounds awesome.

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My cousins daughter (18) had a big bust up with the family. My cousin asked me if I could just have the kid at my house for a bit while things settle down. Never met the kid before as the cousins are from WA and to be frank I just never visit.

I thought i'd do the right thing by my family so I say yeah send her over.

I pick her up from the airport and god damn; I can see why her family dumped her on me. Easily the stupidest girl I have ever met, dumb as dog shit. I organised a job for her at a local nursing home since she claimed she wanted to work with elderly. Worked there one day, cracked the shits and now just stays home all day.

So now she spends all her time eating my god damn food, watching the television and talking on the phone to some pricks called Brad and Micko about how big their dicks are. The strange thing for me is, and this may come off as a little harsh, you would think such an ugly ugly child would have a bit of humilty. She reminds me of a pit pull after a punt to the face.

She chats non-stop through out every thing on televison, even when she's the only one in the room. I tried to watch the football yesterday and every five seconds it was "he's hot", "ball!" (when the ball went out of bounds) or some other irrititating shit.

She rented Twilight the other day and slapped it in the dvd player, fair enough I thought. I'll do some paper work and then come out when she's done and watch something. My office area is next to the loungeroom so I can hear the televison. The movie ends (she claps) and I get up to move into the next room. I watch in disbelief as she take out the dvd and puts it back in (I assume she thinks that needs to be done) and starts the movie again! I mean honestly, I could have been knocked down with a feather.

The killer for me was after getting home late one night from work, wrecked tired I thought i'd reward myself with a drink. Went to the fridge and the little scrag had polished off an entire 6 pack.

I've tried to do the right thing by family here, but there's a limit. I'm saving to travel and this skank is draining my account. I know for a fact her parents gave her a credit card to pay for things but does she offer? No. I'm to pigheaded to ask but still.

Not once during the her enitre stay has she said thankyou or asked if she could have something before taking it.

I told my cousin that I have a work trip so she had better go back home, when she suggested that the brat stays at my house alone I blurted out "God no".

I still have 3 more days with this abomination untill she leaves.

(sigh) it's good to vent.
I know a guy at work his name is Larry or as he likes to be called 'L.MAN' he's literally 6.8ft tall, a lanky giant with a balled head and a stupid goatie.

He sits at his desk karate chopping any pencil that needs to be sharpened even if they aren't his, always asking people to hold the pencil for him while he raises his hand yelling "WAX ON" then he chops saying "WAX OFF" seriously the guy is about 35yo.

But thats not even the worst, whenever someone says something like "I'm off to the toilet" or even the 'weather is nice today' he will scream "TAXI!" it doesn't even make sense.

L.MAN also has a stupid obsession with scrunching up paper and I mean if he needs to chuck out a 10 page print he will tightly scrunch up every sheet and take them to the end of the hallway where he will bowl them into the bin 5m away screaming "Donald! Clean Bowl" "Polick, clean Bowl" yes he's a South African fan and he's bloody Australian.

He insists that everyone knows how fast he is at touch typing making immature comments like "Geez Rich, your not that quick at typing." Even asking people for a iphone SMS type off, what a flipping dick!

He asked every girl in the office every ****ing day "Do you think my goatee needs a trim" While he ponders it like a stupid wizard.

I could honestly go on and on, the guys is easily the biggest dick I know.

NO-ONE can beat the "L.MAN" :thumbsdown:

HAHAHA! This guy sounds hilarious! I can see where he is getting his inspiration from, or at least what sort of shows he is a fan of. :thumbsu:


The strange thing for me is, and this may come off as a little harsh, you would think such an ugly ugly child would have a bit of humilty. She reminds me of a pit pull after a punt to the face.

****in LOL :thumbsu:

sympathy post as well... 3 more days, it'll be over soon enough.

As much of a brat as she is, makes you think - why is she that way? Did her parents not teach her any manners?
L-Man is now my hero. :D

She rented Twilight the other day and slapped it in the dvd player, fair enough I thought. I'll do some paper work and then come out when she's done and watch something. My office area is next to the loungeroom so I can hear the televison. The movie ends (she claps) and I get up to move into the next room. I watch in disbelief as she take out the dvd and puts it back in (I assume she thinks that needs to be done) and starts the movie again! I mean honestly, I could have been knocked down with a feather.

Please tell me this some sort of sick joke? :eek:

I pity you, BR. Hang in there, mate.
As much of a brat as she is, makes you think - why is she that way? Did her parents not teach her any manners?

Her mother always coasted by on looks, thick but at least she's polite. The father however is a complete knobhead. The kind of twat that gets a kid who works for him so drunk at a worksite that he falls into a ditch, breaks his leg and then dodges the fine for an unsafe work environment because the kid was drunk on the job. Filth.

I can easily see how this kid turned out the way she did, I'm typing this while she is in the next room chatting to some prick.

Here is a summarised version of what i've had to listen to the last 2 HOURS.

"hiya...WHA?...oh yeah. Well he's full into yous and mes (yes she said mes plural as well) Nah he's a ********.

WHA? oh yeah he messaged mes the other day saying oi will you suck it? I was like nah I barely knows yous (not a typo. she said knows yous)

WHA?...Oh no I will eventually, he's hot as but I just dont want to be a **** like that mole Trista that lives next door to yous.

Then his bro texts me 5 minutes later asking if i'll cop a boof in the bum (giggles like a ****** in a ball pit) WHA? oh yeah i'll let him do it. He bought me Maccas that time remember"

And it goes on. I wish I was making this shit up, my music can only play so loudly and while the walls can be trembling from the force of my speakers her inane bullshit pierces through.

It hurts my brain listening to her.
Her mother always coasted by on looks, thick but at least she's polite. The father however is a complete knobhead. The kind of twat that gets a kid who works for him so drunk at a worksite that he falls into a ditch, breaks his leg and then dodges the fine for an unsafe work environment because the kid was drunk on the job. Filth.

I can easily see how this kid turned out the way she did, I'm typing this while she is in the next room chatting to some prick.

Here is a summarised version of what i've had to listen to the last 2 HOURS.

"hiya...WHA?...oh yeah. Well he's full into yous and mes (yes she said mes plural as well) Nah he's a ********.

WHA? oh yeah he messaged mes the other day saying oi will you suck it? I was like nah I barely knows yous (not a typo. she said knows yous)

WHA?...Oh no I will eventually, he's hot as but I just dont want to be a **** like that mole Trista that lives next door to yous.

Then his bro texts me 5 minutes later asking if i'll cop a boof in the bum (giggles like a ****** in a ball pit) WHA? oh yeah i'll let him do it. He bought me Maccas that time remember"

And it goes on. I wish I was making this shit up, my music can only play so loudly and while the walls can be trembling from the force of my speakers her inane bullshit pierces through.

It hurts my brain listening to her.

As much as that would shit me off right to the core if I was you, the way you've worded your posts is brilliant.

More please.
The father however is a complete knobhead. The kind of twat that gets a kid who works for him so drunk at a worksite that he falls into a ditch, breaks his leg and then dodges the fine for an unsafe work environment because the kid was drunk on the job. Filth.
Did this actually happen? It's very specific

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My cousins daughter (18) had a big bust up with the family. My cousin asked me if I could just have the kid at my house for a bit while things settle down. Never met the kid before as the cousins are from WA and to be frank I just never visit.

I thought i'd do the right thing by my family so I say yeah send her over.

I pick her up from the airport and god damn; I can see why her family dumped her on me. Easily the stupidest girl I have ever met, dumb as dog shit. I organised a job for her at a local nursing home since she claimed she wanted to work with elderly. Worked there one day, cracked the shits and now just stays home all day.

So now she spends all her time eating my god damn food, watching the television and talking on the phone to some pricks called Brad and Micko about how big their dicks are. The strange thing for me is, and this may come off as a little harsh, you would think such an ugly ugly child would have a bit of humilty. She reminds me of a pit pull after a punt to the face.

She chats non-stop through out every thing on televison, even when she's the only one in the room. I tried to watch the football yesterday and every five seconds it was "he's hot", "ball!" (when the ball went out of bounds) or some other irrititating shit.

She rented Twilight the other day and slapped it in the dvd player, fair enough I thought. I'll do some paper work and then come out when she's done and watch something. My office area is next to the loungeroom so I can hear the televison. The movie ends (she claps) and I get up to move into the next room. I watch in disbelief as she take out the dvd and puts it back in (I assume she thinks that needs to be done) and starts the movie again! I mean honestly, I could have been knocked down with a feather.

The killer for me was after getting home late one night from work, wrecked tired I thought i'd reward myself with a drink. Went to the fridge and the little scrag had polished off an entire 6 pack.

I've tried to do the right thing by family here, but there's a limit. I'm saving to travel and this skank is draining my account. I know for a fact her parents gave her a credit card to pay for things but does she offer? No. I'm to pigheaded to ask but still.

Not once during the her enitre stay has she said thankyou or asked if she could have something before taking it.

I told my cousin that I have a work trip so she had better go back home, when she suggested that the brat stays at my house alone I blurted out "God no".

I still have 3 more days with this abomination untill she leaves.

(sigh) it's good to vent.
It would be interesting to see her or hear more about her. But she must be hell to live with.

This thread is why I love the 'General Discussion' board.
Her mother always coasted by on looks, thick but at least she's polite. The father however is a complete knobhead. The kind of twat that gets a kid who works for him so drunk at a worksite that he falls into a ditch, breaks his leg and then dodges the fine for an unsafe work environment because the kid was drunk on the job. Filth.

I can easily see how this kid turned out the way she did, I'm typing this while she is in the next room chatting to some prick.

Here is a summarised version of what i've had to listen to the last 2 HOURS.

"hiya...WHA?...oh yeah. Well he's full into yous and mes (yes she said mes plural as well) Nah he's a ********.

WHA? oh yeah he messaged mes the other day saying oi will you suck it? I was like nah I barely knows yous (not a typo. she said knows yous)

WHA?...Oh no I will eventually, he's hot as but I just dont want to be a **** like that mole Trista that lives next door to yous.

Then his bro texts me 5 minutes later asking if i'll cop a boof in the bum (giggles like a ****** in a ball pit) WHA? oh yeah i'll let him do it. He bought me Maccas that time remember"

And it goes on. I wish I was making this shit up, my music can only play so loudly and while the walls can be trembling from the force of my speakers her inane bullshit pierces through.

It hurts my brain listening to her.

hahaahhahahahaahhahahhahahahaahhaahahahhahahaahahahah that's gold
"Boof in the bum!"

Classy girl number? No; but seriously she sounds like an absolute dero and a leech who sucks the life out of people. How long have you been copping this beating?
"Boof in the bum!"

Classy girl number? No; but seriously she sounds like an absolute dero and a leech who sucks the life out of people. How long have you been copping this beating?
To long obviously
Did this actually happen? It's very specific

Yep the incident took place about 5 years ago. The kid tried to sue but because he had been drinking (with the boss) he got nowhere. He's now blacklisted with most worksites in W.A.

I had a close call tonight, get home from a jog and notice that she isn't in front of the T.V. Strange. I go and investigate and find her out the back with my dog, a very friendly collie. To be fair the girl is nice to the pooch so I have no qualms with her about that untill I see that she is eating my ****ing block of Toblerone I got from a friend for Easter and she's feeding a block of it to the dog.

Now I always assumed it was common knowledge that chocolate is incredibly bad for dogs.

I guess knowing the quickest way to stink up a house with nail polish is a more important fact to have these days.

Thankfully my dog, while a glutton, seemed to figure out pretty quickly that it was no good so she started to eat grass and eventually brought it back up. She's fine now touch wood. It's good to have at least one other intelligent creature in the house.

I gave out to the brat and snatched my chocolate away. I'm heading back to the fridge to put it back only to find it has had the top of every single triangle bitten off. ****ITY **** ****.

To say my anger knew no bounds would be putting it lightly.
I only have 2 more days, so the end is in sight but i'm struggling. At least it's providing a good laugh for some people though.
Yep the incident took place about 5 years ago. The kid tried to sue but because he had been drinking (with the boss) he got nowhere. He's now blacklisted with most worksites in W.A.

I had a close call tonight, get home from a jog and notice that she isn't in front of the T.V. Strange. I go and investigate and find her out the back with my dog, a very friendly collie. To be fair the girl is nice to the pooch so I have no qualms with her about that untill I see that she is eating my ****ing block of Toblerone I got from a friend for Easter and she's feeding a block of it to the dog.

Now I always assumed it was common knowledge that chocolate is incredibly bad for dogs.

I guess knowing the quickest way to stink up a house with nail polish is a more important fact to have these days.

Thankfully my dog, while a glutton, seemed to figure out pretty quickly that it was no good so she started to eat grass and eventually brought it back up. She's fine now touch wood. It's good to have at least one other intelligent creature in the house.

I gave out to the brat and snatched my chocolate away. I'm heading back to the fridge to put it back only to find it has had the top of every single triangle bitten off. ****ITY **** ****.

To say my anger knew no bounds would be putting it lightly.
I only have 2 more days, so the end is in sight but i'm struggling. At least it's providing a good laugh for some people though.

Bloody hell, it's like every moment you are associated with her, she displays stupidity.

For the greater good of BF, please document your finals 2 days with her.
I gave out to the brat and snatched my chocolate away. I'm heading back to the fridge to put it back only to find it has had the top of every single triangle bitten off. ****ITY **** ****.

Surely, SURELY, you're making it up. :eek:

Either way, enthralling read. Get her round your place every weekend so the laughs keep coming. :D
Christ, that girl sounds like the roomie from hell. I reckon I would've booted her out on to the streets by now or even paid for her to stay at a cheap hostel or something just to get rid of her. Family or not you shouldn't have to put up with that shit.
Haha, are you a Mr Show fan? I've not encountered "****ity **** ****" anywhere else.

I saw the shit out of it.

Surely, SURELY, you're making it up. :eek:

I wish

The big questions are will she actually leave, and what will you do if she doesn't?

Shut up shut up. She's leaving. There is no other possible outcome from this. She is leaving. She is leaving. She is leaving.

Today wasn't that bad really, the fact that she is leaving tomorrow made everything easier to deal with. I timed my self very well. I left for work, leaving money so she could get a pizza because if I hadn't she would have called me hassling me about what to eat seeing as she refuses to spend her own money. I normally wouldn't give her the cash that easily but **** it she's leaving.

Worked late, followed by a meeting and then a catch up with some old friends that I planned in order to avoid dealing with her. So some good has come out of her stay. I had a great laugh.

I came home around midnight and she was in the spare room on the phone. Great, I think, she's not speaking about some guy 'cave diving' with her in my earshot and I have the loungeroom to myself. I go to the fridge for the beer I hid in the veggie crisper (watching the Simpsons pays off again). I open the fridge to find several odd things.

A capsicum with a bite taken out of it, an filled ice cube tray, a spoon and some liquid soap. I've come to the point where due to a mixture of excitement she's leaving and acceptance of her stupidity that i'm not even mildly angry. I'm just shocked that she can handle breathing and walking at the same time.

The house is a mess, it stinks, my food is all gone, I fear for the future of this country when she inevitably breeds around 13 kids all likely to named Jayden or Simba and my bank account has taken a hit but, **** it...she's leaving. She's leaving.
3.00pm, Wednesday, April 7th, 2010. The day I get my house back and the day Western Australias average I.Q drops significantly.

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