VFL Footscray 2023 Season

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Can anyone put the final score up? Gee 🤦
Footscray 10.16.76

narrowly defeated by

Southport 15.12.102

Pretty ordinary game.

Few comments:

1. No one put their hands up for promotion.
2. Gardner is a one dimensional player. There is more to the game than just punching the ball over the boundary every time it comes near you.
3. Skills and fitness are way below expectation, even at VFL level.

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Why be a dick? Not everyone is going to have access to the scores, Jesus christ
Well everyone is posting stuff about the game but no score, it’s like listening to a radio coverage of a game and they don’t give you the scores.
I'd prefer the corpse of Josh Bruce in our AFL backline than Gardner.
Another fade out no pace at all poor old West stuck in the forward pocket.
Mccombe & Sullivan slow and can't kick.
Sweet very ordinary today Darcy quiet
Buslinger & Cleary Raak show some future.

Ps O'donnell looked ok
Sorry I hope this doesn't come across as righteous or arrogant but its a bug bear of mine, (I know I need to get something to worry about) and every second commentator in the AFL makes the same mistake. The word 'laconic' means some one who uses very few words, unless it has another meaning of which I am not aware.
Not to me it doesn't. I'm always up for a discussion of meanings and etymology, but I know it's not everybody's cuppa so I try not to correct people here (even though there are some good howlers at times!)

You're right about the meaning of laconic but among its synonyms/shades of meaning are "casual" and "indifferent" both of which can easily be seen to derive from a person not saying very much. By extension I think this might have also become a term for describing actions, i.e. a casual playing style, being the opposite of intense or busy.

I have another theory though. People may have been confusing laconic and languid. The latter most certainly refers to physical style - i.e. an unwillingness or inability to exert oneself.

Ultimately however, etymology and dictionary meanings are trumped by usage. So if it has come to be used among the general folk as meaning "having a laid back style of playing footy" well that's now a legit meaning of the word, in addition to its original meanings of course.

Don't gnash your teeth over this one TM3. Just go with it.
Another fade out no pace at all poor old West stuck in the forward pocket.
Mccombe & Sullivan slow and can't kick.
Sweet very ordinary today Darcy quiet
Buslinger & Cleary Raak show some future.

Ps O'donnell looked ok
Is Sullivan slow? I'd never noticed because he's usually playing inside or underneath where lack of pace is not a big issue.

If so I can see why he wasn't drafted by us last year. A big no from me. Last thing we need is a one-paced accumulator in the middle. There's a role for them but Libba's not fast and Macrae is slower. And if McLean is going to be our first choice reserve for the midfield then he's no quicker these days. That's already too many, especially when you consider the direction the game is going.
Not to me it doesn't. I'm always up for a discussion of meanings and etymology, but I know it's not everybody's cuppa so I try not to correct people here (even though there are some good howlers at times!)

You're right about the meaning of laconic but among its synonyms/shades of meaning are "casual" and "indifferent" both of which can easily be seen to derive from a person not saying very much. By extension I think this might have also become a term for describing actions, i.e. a casual playing style, being the opposite of intense or busy.

I have another theory though. People may have been confusing laconic and languid. The latter most certainly refers to physical style - i.e. an unwillingness or inability to exert oneself.

Ultimately however, etymology and dictionary meanings are trumped by usage. So if it has come to be used among the general folk as meaning "having a laid back style of playing footy" well that's now a legit meaning of the word, in addition to its original meanings of course.

Don't gnash your teeth over this one TM3. Just go with it.
I do it too but it’s kindly meant. We should all value learning something.

The trouble with “laconic” is it sounds like it means what people think it does! Easygoing or casual.

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An AFL side, not ours. He’d be no.1 ruck at the Eagles right now if he took that offer two years ago
To be fair, I'd be no. 1 ruck at the Eagles right now in that side. And I'm 38, 6 foot, 100kgs with a bunion and possible early on-set arthritis...
James O'Donnell sounding good!

I had the opportunity to get to ETU today

Thought O’Donnell was very good given it was his first game. 1st half he stood out more to me.

Quite athletic type looks a good size probably 3cm short for a key back

Busslinger moves well, just knows how to block space as a key back. Think he gets an afl game before the end of year.

Darcy well he will play a lot at AFL level, just too light at the moment.

West struggled a bit I thought but competed hard all day and really gave it a crack in last to get us up.

McComb well, he has a crack but at vfl level with no pressure and kicking a 20m pass surely you can hit a player with your jumper on ? Enough said …………

Vandermeer we will not see for 6 or so weeks, how unlucky is that bloke, first game back and cleaned up.
Footscray 10.16.76

narrowly defeated by

Southport 15.12.102

Pretty ordinary game.

Few comments:

1. No one put their hands up for promotion.
2. Gardner is a one dimensional player. There is more to the game than just punching the ball over the boundary every time it comes near you.
3. Skills and fitness are way below expectation, even at VFL level.
Gardner grew on me last year. Was definitely right to play regularly over Cordy, started to add marking to his game and grabbed a top 10 B&F finish.

I’m still hopeful there’s a spot for him at AFL level but I am confused why we needed to extend his contract to 2026. Was any other club offering him a guaranteed spot for 4 years?

I feel the same way about Arthur Jones recently. He’s shown some good things and I understand rewarding him with a locked in spot for next year but why did we need to lock on 2025 as well?
Gardner always returns from injury in shit form and takes a month or so to get back to his level. Everyone always writes him off and then he's back in the team doing his thing. He'll be right.
The club - both seniors and at VFl level - needs a Darren Burgess.

I thought after Melbourne he went overseas, but seen earlier this week he’s at Adelaide. Thinking it’s not exactly a coincidence that Adelaide are playing much better and outrunning their opponents & running out games until the end
People disappointed with Gardner should know he takes time to return to form from injury. Some tall players do.
Yep, he’s also not the most confident or most talented player in the world. May take him a while to get up to his “best”. I like Gardner but he was playing at his known peak last year we don’t really know how much better he can get.
Dogs had nine shots at goal in the last quarter, many of those shots were from rushed kicks due to poor delivery into the forward line. Southport won because their foot skills were much better and their forward line entries had much more system than the Dogs. Don't really think it had anything to do with a lack of fitness, Southport were just more efficient and made the most of their opportunities in the last quarter, Dogs got into their forward 50 nine times more, but just wasted it.
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VFL Footscray 2023 Season

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