Opinion INTERNATIONAL Politics: Adelaide Board Discussion Part 5

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Exactly. Years, probably decades, of planning and anticipating - waiting until the timing was right to strike.

Once Don was no longer President and sleepy Joe in charge instead.
Putin was fully expecting Trump to win in 2020, especially with Russian election assistance, then Trump would have handed over Ukraine to Putin on a silver platter. Annoying for Putin Trump did not win the 2020 election so Putin had to get his own hands dirty and try to stealUktaine by continuing his invasion. Of course Trump soon complimented him publicly saying how he admired Putin just waltzing in and taking what he wanted ( much like Trump has done his whole life)

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I feel sorry for you, numerous times I've said Trump is a deadset narcissitic self centred a-hole but Joe Biden isn't much better when we're talking candidates for the leader of the free World. Neither should even be considered as candidates let alone President. Your TDS blinds your judgement if you think Biden is in any way, shape or form a respectable candidate for the most important office in this current climate or at any time. Biden should be in an Aged Care Home. It's a pox on both the Republicans and Democrats and indeed the American Political System. Whether you like or dislike Dutton or Albanese or what they stand for at least both are in full control of their mental faculties.
And I don't know how many times I've clearly stated that if it's a 2 horse race between Biden and trump, it's Biden every time

There just isn't another candidate at this point in, though a lot can change between now and November

But you keep banging on about Biden, while refusing to genuinely criticize trump, pretty much beyond what you have repetitively posted above

And sadly, right now, it looks like it will be Biden and trump facing off

You need to stop hiding behind the "there both too old and shit" and start dealing with the current reality
It’s no weirder than the theory that Putin invaded Ukraine so that Trump would get re elected.

I don’t think it’s a weird theory though that Putin thought USA with Biden as President would be weak and so he could have a crack then.
I'm going to go out on limb here and say I've never read anyone post that nonsense here

The reality is it clearly doesn't matter

I will say that trump has been guilty of anti-NATO rhetoric whilst he was president and again since Feb 2022

The response from the US (and also the UK) was intrinsic in providing a united front and organising the supply of weapons for Ukraine to defend itself in the first 12 months of the war

Personally, I think if trump was president he would've sat on his hands and let Ukraine face russia alone, for a number of reasons
I'm going to go out on limb here and say I've never read anyone post that nonsense here

The reality is it clearly doesn't matter

I will say that trump has been guilty of anti-NATO rhetoric whilst he was president and again since Feb 2022

The response from the US (and also the UK) was intrinsic in providing a united front and organising the supply of weapons for Ukraine to defend itself in the first 12 months of the war

Personally, I think if trump was president he would've sat on his hands and let Ukraine face russia alone, for a number of reasons
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Hey, this thread is the most inappropriately titled on Big Footy.

Should be titled "The Trump Dreangement Syndrome Discussion" Or perhaps the "Joe Biden is Highly Articulate Not To Mention Absolutely Wonderful Discussion".

You are using TDS wrong. It was coined appropriately for use when people would bag Trump and denounce him even when he actual did some good work, which funnily enough was evidence backed. Like the economy etc. TDS is incorrectly applied here where you are using it to label those who are correctly and factually calling out his shit.

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Sweden has a lot of weapons and they hate the Russians. I hope their inclusion into NATO means a more hawkish stance on Russia.
I read earlier the Swedes have been already been training Ukrainians on their Gripen fighters. Some one suggested they may finish up get them before the F-16's arrive

No idea how true it is
Which you certainly have demonstrated a lack of
Interesting the dialogue in western media from some sources

We can't do this, we can't do that. We don't want to "cross" some imaginary red line. Nooooo .. we can't do that, that's might cause an escalation

Mean while, Iran is busy supplying the first batch of 400 ballistic missiles to russia with the intent of an ongoing supply

And let not forget the 1000's of Shahed drones Iran has already supplied, and the assistance to russia to build their manufacturing plant for construction

North Korea has provided an estimated 1M artillery shells and is also supplying ballistic missiles to russia

And the russians are launching these missiles largely at civilian targets

And apart from the info in the article below, Macron has finally accepted the purchase of artillery shells for Ukraine outside of the EU

But yeah, lets pretend putin and other autocracies will stop at Ukraine. Let's all just roll over for a tummy rub and let them walk all over us. That sounds like a sound strategy to me :thumbsu:

Interesting the dialogue in western media from some sources

We can't do this, we can't do that. We don't want to "cross" some imaginary red line. Nooooo .. we can't do that, that's might cause an escalation

Mean while, Iran is busy supplying the first batch of 400 ballistic missiles to russia with the intent of an ongoing supply

And let not forget the 1000's of Shahed drones Iran has already supplied, and the assistance to russia to build their manufacturing plant for construction

North Korea has provided an estimated 1M artillery shells and is also supplying ballistic missiles to russia

And the russians are launching these missiles largely at civilian targets

And apart from the info in the article below, Macron has finally accepted the purchase of artillery shells for Ukraine outside of the EU

But yeah, lets pretend putin and other autocracies will stop at Ukraine. Let's all just roll over for a tummy rub and let them walk all over us. That sounds like a sound strategy to me :thumbsu:

Exactly. Putin takes advantage of the West’s hesitation. The only thing he understands is force. He needs to be utterly defeated.
lol .. for the folk here suffering trump derangement syndrome

You know who you are .. we know who you are .. get in here watch this :thumbsu:

lol .. for the folk here suffering trump derangement syndrome

You know who you are .. we know who you are .. get in here watch this :thumbsu:

Like anyone gives a shit about what Costas thinks. I could have sworn he was talking about the Weekend at Bidens President. I see what he's doing, he just thinks about Biden and then attributes it to Trump. Unfortunately for Costas the public can see through his lies. The more they lie the stronger Trump becomes.

Opinion INTERNATIONAL Politics: Adelaide Board Discussion Part 5

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