Play Nice Random Chat Thread V

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Not expensive if you buy a yearly ticket. Think it cost me and my 3 kids less than $500 and we could go unlimited amount of times. Admittedly I live only 25 minutes away so can go often.

That’s not too bad. It’s a bit of a drive for me and it was so busy. We have zoo memberships for the same reason. Handy if nothing on and it’s just a couple of stops in the tram.
I just vomited into my mouth a little
In about 95 I reckon, I was flying back to London from Stockholm. There had been a bus in South London blown up by the IRA days before iirc, and my friends in Sweden were a little bit "we reckon you should stay here". Anyway, just as we started our descent into Heathrow, I looked out my window and saw this tiny, glowing orange fireball way off in the distance. I looked again and watched for a few seconds, this thing was heading straight toward us and coming fast, still not big but seemingly getting faster. My heart was pounding, I even started sweating I reckon, I was definitely twitching in my seat and looking for an air hostess. I had my finger on the call the hostess button when I realised that this fireball was in fact the reflection of the sun, off the plane into the London fog. The reason it was getting closer was because the fog was becoming denser. Just about filled my britches.

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Men died in great numbers during wars but women bore the aftermath of it, particularly for the defenders that lost during an invasion. Everyone from Europe can examine their DNA and it is probably littered with the consequences of lost wars and rape.

You would like to hope that we have become more advanced, more civilised, but it doesn't take much to unravel that civility.

Hasn’t something crazy like a third of the world’s population got DNA from the Khans?
It's hard to read into.

Every European is related to Charlemagne, for instance. Just an exponential numbers game the further back you go.

How far down this rabbit hole does someone want to descend?

Humans share around 20% of their genomes with the ancestors of cabbages, which would explain a few things around here.
It's hard to read into.

Every European is related to Charlemagne, for instance. Just an exponential numbers game the further back you go.

Khan also killed so many people that he impacted the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. 700 million tons of carbon was absorbed because he decreased the worlds population and forests grew back. Insane when you think about it. They used to turn up to villages and pretty much anyone who’s head was higher then a wagon wheel they’d kill them.
Sure it wasn't amsterdam you were departing from
In about 95 I reckon, I was flying back to London from Stockholm. There had been a bus in South London blown up by the IRA days before iirc, and my friends in Sweden were a little bit "we reckon you should stay here". Anyway, just as we started our descent into Heathrow, I looked out my window and saw this tiny, glowing orange fireball way off in the distance. I looked again and watched for a few seconds, this thing was heading straight toward us and coming fast, still not big but seemingly getting faster. My heart was pounding, I even started sweating I reckon, I was definitely twitching in my seat and looking for an air hostess. I had my finger on the call the hostess button when I realised that this fireball was in fact the reflection of the sun, off the plane into the London fog. The reason it was getting closer was because the fog was becoming denser. Just about filled my britches.

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Its how a child acts when their big sister annoys them.

In 2021 it qualifies as an entire political strategy.

How did things end up like this?! This is a ****ing Australian senator! It literally stuns me.

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Not expensive if you buy a yearly ticket. Think it cost me and my 3 kids less than $500 and we could go unlimited amount of times. Admittedly I live only 25 minutes away so can go often.
a bloke i know from the car club lives literally across the highway, they have an annual pass and get good value out of it, i guess being close you can pick the days you go as well, a bloke i work with pulls the kids out of school on good days occasionally when he goes so the crowds are less.
And it's shameless, this i feel offended and unsafe business.
It's a pathetic retort

It's a "Clayton's" retort.

It's the response you give when you cannot counter an argument.
Hasn’t something crazy like a third of the world’s population got DNA from the Khans?

I find that hard to believe, given the global population at around that time. But yeah, the further back you go and the smaller the pool of people, the greater the potential for the DNA to be spread to a wider portion of the population. It is why Cheetah have genetic problems, their population levels dropped so low at one point inbreeding was rife and even though their numbers are significantly larger now, they have all pretty much inherited the genetic flaws of that near extinction period.

According to they estimate about 17m men from Asia to Europe have his Y DNA profile, this is about 0.22% of the population, or double that to 0.44% of men, given women do no carry it.
I find that hard to believe, given the global population at around that time. But yeah, the further back you go and the smaller the pool of people, the greater the potential for the DNA to be spread to a wider portion of the population. It is why Cheetah have genetic problems, their population levels dropped so low at one point inbreeding was rife and even though their numbers are significantly larger now, they have all pretty much inherited the genetic flaws of that near extinction period.

According to they estimate about 17m men from Asia to Europe have his Y DNA profile, this is about 0.22% of the population, or double that to 0.44% of men, given women do no carry it.

Well, guess who’s been misleading people for years then. Awkward
The Queen Carti B once said ‘if it’s up, then it’s up, then it’s up, then it’s stuck’

The king Freddie Mercury also once said ‘Fat-bottomed girls you make the rocking world go round’

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It’s f’ed up. Really feel for anyone in the 17-25 year range that are being robbed of the most fun years of their life.

Speaking anecdotally, throughout uni & for a couple of years after I finished I was quite poor and never travelled and did fun shit like some of my mates did (contiki tours, gap years, living overseas etc.) as any money I had went towards paying the bills. It's only been in the last 2 years or so that I've become established enough in my career to not only consistently pay all my bills & live relatively comfortably, but to also save up money to actually do some of that fun stuff. I was supposed to head overseas to the US & Canada last April for at least 2 months, without any set plans on when (if) I would come back, basically taking full of advantage of having the financial freedom to do pretty much whatever I felt like for the first time in my adult life. I'd been planning it since Jan and it was a literally a week or two after I'd finalised my flights and paid for the other small things (SIM card, travel insurance, International Drivers License etc.) that they declared the pandemic and stopped international travel.

I'm 26 now and it's looking like the earliest I could possibly travel currently (avoiding the US now) is late this year due to the fact I am so far back in the vaccine queue, and that's assuming there are no major setbacks in distribution or any complications, both here and overseas. Meanwhile most of my mates who got the travel bug out of the way early on are starting to settle down now with their partners, looking to buy property, have kids, two cats and a dog etc.
I had been so set on travelling as well that I have practically put my life on hold throughout this pandemic as to make sure I am still motivated to do my trip when I can (so I don't regret not doing it in 30 years time), just drifted through the monotony of everyday life, avoided any serious relationships (women in their mid-late 20's really stop accepting "I want to travel" as a reason not to get serious, as I have been finding out recently :sweatsmile:) and just been avoiding putting any sort of roots down in general.

Logically I know there are plenty of years ahead of me when I can travel, but mentally it feels like there is a little less freedom in travelling when I'm edging towards my late 20's with the pressure starting to set in to do what all my friends are doing and settle down, and as cliche as it sounds I don't want to miss out on being able to travel as a young, carefree single man.

I think there would be a lot of others with the same/similar experiences to me, but with that all being said there are plenty of people who have it far far worse. For instance, I have a mate who was living in Japan (his fiancee is Japanese) and had come back to Aus briefly for work right as the pandemic hit and they haven't been able to get an exemption so haven't seen each other since this began, which is absolutely ****ed. And don't get me started on the people who have actually been directly impacted by COVID and it's effects. I am thankful everyday that nobody I know has died or suffered any long lasting debilitating effects as a result of this virus, and that we as a country have been so relatively unscathed compared to elsewhere, so I try and keep that in mind whenever I start feeling too sorry for myself.

Thankyou for listening to my TED talk.
The Queen Carti B once said ‘if it’s up, then it’s up, then it’s up, then it’s stuck’

The king Freddie Mercury also once said ‘Fat-bottomed girls you make the rocking world go round’

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Elvis was King, and he said "thank you, thank you very much"
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