Event Saturday Night Fever

Ah, rivalry round.

Where teams get shoehorned into a rivalry to suit the league.
Ah, rivalry round.

Where the Wonders play the Demons and it doesn't matter what the rest of the teams do that weekend.
Hello all,

I have come to the conclusion that this event is a negative force on the league. As such, I will be blocked all Wonders and Demons players.

Much love,

You will be blocked?
This was all raised in committee by me in the off season re switching our heritage fixture from Hawks to Royals. We have no history with the Hawks. With the Royals we are both chasing our first flags and are the two most recent expansion clubs (Bears were a rerun), we're currently tied on all time wins at 100 apiece heading into this week, would have been a great lead in.

Others insisted there's more rivalry between the Bears and Warriors than the Royals, which didn't make sense to me at all. Still doesn't now.

I fought a bear once.