* Still missing *Malaysian Airlines plane with 239 on board

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Or they could look in the last place they saw the plane, sometimes works for me.
Geez, I thought Malaysia were bad - how often do you lose planes?!
So they left out the bit he said at the end "mh370"

jesus fracking christ our media and gov are more pethetic every morning

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I dont know whats more staggering, the fact that our msm media and governments lie so blatantly to our faces.
or the general public, that will just swallow anything that is fed to them.
It was sooo obvious from day 2 that this has been a false flag kidnapping, its laughable.
yet, people still cant fathom what the real deal is.
Maybe this is all an elaborate April Fools Day joke and the Malaysians will announce today that the plane never left KL airport and the passengers are all alive and have been staying at a luxury 5 star hotel in KL for the past 4 weeks.

I'm sure the relatives and the other countries involved in the search would see the funny side.
Maybe this is all an elaborate April Fools Day joke and the Malaysians will announce today that the plane never left KL airport and the passengers are all alive and have been staying at a luxury 5 star hotel in KL for the past 4 weeks.

I'm sure the relatives and the other countries involved in the search would see the funny side.

I shouldn't laugh Plug but I was thinking this exact thing yesterday.
I dont know whats more staggering, the fact that our msm media and governments lie so blatantly to our faces.
or the general public, that will just swallow anything that is fed to them.
It was sooo obvious from day 2 that this has been a false flag kidnapping, its laughable.
yet, people still cant fathom what the real deal is.

To what end?

If we believe the revelation of what was fully said then it might sway me back from the Malaysians having shot it down to the plane being landed somewhere.

Would anyone have a clue on here whether or not when it signed off from Malaysian airspace if it would immediately be picked up by Vietnam or if there's a black spot between the two?
To what end?

If we believe the revelation of what was fully said then it might sway me back from the Malaysians having shot it down to the plane being landed somewhere.

Would anyone have a clue on here whether or not when it signed off from Malaysian airspace if it would immediately be picked up by Vietnam or if there's a black spot between the two?

I doubt there'd be much of a black spot if any between Malaysian airspace and Vietnam airspace as the distance between the countries isn't that big, it's not like they were crossing a major ocean where you can get big black spots between the airspace of countries.
Would anyone have a clue on here whether or not when it signed off from Malaysian airspace if it would immediately be picked up by Vietnam or if there's a black spot between the two?
The Vietnamese claim they radioed for other planes to try and contact it when it didn't appear on their radar as expected. The suggestion being it would have been picked up pretty well straight away. I guess their could be a few minutes gap.

The transmitter being turned off after signing off from Malaysian air control and prior to making contact with the Vietnamese seems a very deliberately timed action.
Someone needs to do a FOI request to Rolls Royce. They know what their engines did. As posted before and seemingly ignored,they have sensors and GPS tracking in those engines.the only way to stop the data flow back to the factory is by turning the engines off.

Given time, just by the fuel flow sensors,the oxeygen sensors and the rpm of the engine they can work out height, speed,distance.
My understanding was that there was a window of opportunity/black air between the changeover that would allow it to change course and move some distance before people started to wonder where it was

Would the airspeed have anything to do with that as well? How does the Vietnamese know a plane is coming? If they rely on their incoming planes based on departure times and airspeeds and nothing else, with the plane going faster than usual that would also allow a greater window to divert from the original flight path before people realised

But if the Vietnamese rely on the Malasyains telling them "this was our plane, now its yours" at the time of changeover that wouldnt work

But yeah I remember reading throughout this that the plane did divert at a very specific time in changeover that would give it a bit of over before it shouldve been picked up by Vietnam
JuddsABlue The plane did they take a turn to the east right in a blindspot between Vietnamese and Malaysian radar, all contact was apparently lost right at this point.

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Reading back on the first few pages of this thread is interesting.
I think you actually want this to be a mystery. It hasn't even been 12 hours yet. Give it 48 hours and there'll be a plane found or confirmation of it going down somewhere.
Still waiting.
Hold on a minute....If this is a hijacking, then it makes sense as to why air traffic lost contact with the plane. Pilots CAN turn off their GPS! What are the chances that the plane didn't crash but landed somewhere remote by the hijackers?? It's possible. We have to look at every possibility!
Still the best explanation in my opinion. Diego Garcia ftw.
So the official transcript of the pilot's final last words have changed. Indeed, they're now no longer certain which pilot uttered the words.

This is all rather odd in my view. It seems that everything that is released is invariably contradicted at a later date.
So the official transcript of the pilot's final last words have changed. Indeed, they're now no longer certain which pilot uttered the words.

This is all rather odd in my view. It seems that everything that is released is invariably contradicted at a later date.
Including abbotts words?
I've already come to the conclusion that something fishy is going on.
The rest of the world needs to realize this as well.

- The Plane is in the south China Sea
- The Plane is in the Indian Ocean
- The Plane is off the coast of Perth
- 300 Objects spotted, All Rubbish....more like the authorities are talking rubbish.
- Families of victims receive a text from officials telling them that the plane is in the sea, killing all on board WITHOUT ANY ****ING PHYSICAL EVIDENCE
- For 2 weeks they say they have no idea where the plane is and all of a sudden they tell us the 'new satellite data' has pinpointed where the plane crashed.....Then go there and ****ing find it!
- They tell us that these were the final words of the pilot and today they tell us that that's not the pilots final words.

I'm really starting to lose track of this case because the officials are giving us so much mixed info. They back away from one statement and tell is one that is completely different. All I care about now is all the pain and agony that the victims families are going though because these ****ing idiots don't know how to do their job properly. They're ****ing worthless. It seems like they are just releasing random info just so it look like they are doing something but in reality, they don't know what the **** they are doing and they don't know nothing about the plane other that it is missing.
Just realising now?
no but I needed to release some steam lol. I realized this about about 2 weeks ago. It's just frustrating seeing the media keep talking about it as if the info is 'new' and 'newsworthy'. For the last week or so they've been repeating the same news over and over and over again. If there is a new development...great, I'd love to hear about it, but that's not the case anymore. The first few days after the plane went missing was newsworthy, now the media is trying to puzzle together a whole lot of gibberish.
Crows United FC was saying on Day two/three that he thought this was a hijacking. As I said a few posts ago, still the best explanation so far. Ease up.
To tell you the truth mate, I don't know what to think anymore.
The World's best Director wouldn't be able to come up with a movie script like this. This shit is ****ing weird.
If it was a hijacking then someone would have claimed it by now. The fact that no one has pretty much rules that theory out.
Next thing they'll announce they've spotted 'possible debris' and later say "Object spotted is not from Flight MH370....It was just Spongebob" :rolleyes:
I've just watched the Angus Houston press conference, he was good, not offering up false hope, he was very clear and he stressed that this will take time, exact opposite of the Malaysian fiascoes. But he may as well have just asked the journos if they knew where this thing is because it's pretty clear that they don't either.

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