Things that are considered "rude" but shouldn't be

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Cigarettes, alcohol, nights out (cabs/drinks/dinner), technology (phones, playstations + games etc), car payments, house payments, phone payments, subscriptions (netflix, ps plus, stan etc)

Couple that with a hobby such as cars and your 80k will be gone pretty quickly.
Dont go out that often, maybe dont smoke or spend money on playstations, there's at least 5 grand saved over the course of a year. There is no excuse for someone earning 80k per annum to be short on cash. You need to make smart financial decisions and not impulse buy on things you dont need. Me and the missus have a joint income of around 100k, not fantastic but is more than enough for us to live normally.
I reckon if I'm dining with one other person then I'm waiting, or inviting them to get stuck into what's on my plate. You expect restaurants to deliver meals for two people closely together.

With big groups there could be a 15 minute difference between people being served. But it always takes someone to say 'please don't wait, eat your food before it goes cold' for people to start eating. Or they pretend not to start by nibbling on a few chips without picking up their knife and fork.
I dont give a stuff about eating etiquette. If im hungry im digging in, if people are offended that i have started before everyone else ah well tough bikkies. Your not dining with royalty so why people care about that sort of thing is beyond me.

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Laughing and high-fiveing vs. walking back to her seat in tears. Perfect example of a lion vs a gazelle.
welcome to the real world, small girl.

Unco adult dropped the catch, girl grabbed the crumb then unco adult ripped it from the girl.
Dont go out that often, maybe dont smoke or spend money on playstations, there's at least 5 grand saved over the course of a year. There is no excuse for someone earning 80k per annum to be short on cash. You need to make smart financial decisions and not impulse buy on things you dont need. Me and the missus have a joint income of around 100k, not fantastic but is more than enough for us to live normally.

Do you have kids? They cost a ton. Daycare alone is more than our mortgage.
asking someone their ethnicity

Depends how you ask I suppose, or if you know the person. If it's someone you know and you asked them where they were born I don't think it's rude. If it's someone walking past you in the street and you ask them "hey what sort of n***** are you" I'd reckon that's a bit out of line.
got to disagree mate.
it's a sign of respect and a tradition that should never be lost
How so? How is taking your hat off more respectful than not? What about Australian Sikhs who don't take their turban off, are they being disrespectful?
These are also other rules from hat "etiquette", should we still abide by them?
  • Promptly remove your hat upon entering an elevator, restaurant, or someone’s home. Never wear your hat during a meal.
  • Touch the brim of your hat lightly when greeting a friend.
  • Raise the hat by the crown when meeting a female friend in public.
  • Remove your hat during the national anthem and place it over your heart.
Elbows on the table. Maybe if you're having a nice dinner out somewhere, but if it's a casual environment, who gives a stuff?
I don't even get this when you're having a nice dinner out. Wifey used to rag on me for this all the time but when pressed on why it bothered her so much all I ever got back was 'it's rude' or 'it's bad manners'. But why?? Why does this offend you so much??
How so? How is taking your hat off more respectful than not? What about Australian Sikhs who don't take their turban off, are they being disrespectful?
These are also other rules from hat "etiquette", should we still abide by them?
  • Promptly remove your hat upon entering an elevator, restaurant, or someone’s home. Never wear your hat during a meal.
  • Touch the brim of your hat lightly when greeting a friend.
  • Raise the hat by the crown when meeting a female friend in public.
  • Remove your hat during the national anthem and place it over your heart.
the original post was about remove your hat for the national anthem, not about the rest of the shit you posted.
The tradition was that men should remove their hats for the national anthem but women doing so was disrespectful. It's a meaningless, historical throwback, especially in an age where people don't wear hats any more.
people don't wear brimmed hats however baseball caps are everywhere.
it is not hard to remove your hat for 60 seconds to show some respect to the country we live in.
do we abandon all traditions because they are part of history, then ultimately we become a country without a personality or identity?
people don't wear brimmed hats however baseball caps are everywhere.
it is not hard to remove your hat for 60 seconds to show some respect to the country we live in.
do we abandon all traditions because they are part of history, then ultimately we become a country without a personality or identity?
Veneration of the anthem is not really an Australian thing. When I'm somewhere where they play AAS, everyone stands, but only half would take their hats off.

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How so? How is taking your hat off more respectful than not? What about Australian Sikhs who don't take their turban off, are they being disrespectful?
These are also other rules from hat "etiquette", should we still abide by them?
  • Promptly remove your hat upon entering an elevator, restaurant, or someone’s home. Never wear your hat during a meal.
  • Touch the brim of your hat lightly and say "m'lady" when greeting a friend.
  • Raise the hat by the crown when meeting a female friend in public.
  • Remove your hat during the national anthem and place it over your heart.
Standing for the anthem is more a show of respect for the custom than some patriotic urge.

I think we generally do anthems before sporting events well in 'straya. In the AFL we do a minute's silence if someone has passed away or it's ANZAC Day, and we do the anthem before each final. I reckon that's plenty. People get excited when it's anthem time in the finals because after a minute or so there will be a massive roar and the game will start.

If the anthem was played before all 207 matches people would get the shits.
the original post was about remove your hat for the national anthem, not about the rest of the shit you posted.
But that's where the original tradition stems from, was genuinely interested in the questions I asked you but I've obviously hit some form of hat nerve.
Problem is our anthem is crap. If it was like God Save the Queen, or La Marseilles I could get excited, but a dirge full of girt, and soil is hardly worth getting worked up about.
Yeah there are some national anthems that really get you fired up.

The French singing theirs at the world cup is always great viewing.

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