Queensland State Election (31/1/2015) - Labor form govt (Thread pg 54)

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This is just incredible. I was hoping for an ALP win but I really expected the LNP to hold government but with a new leader as Newman really had no chance of saving his seat to Kate Jones. Now there is a even chance that the ALP may win the election, I am absolutely stoked.

Surely this has to send a message to the federal Libs and Abbott must go.

The Liberals hard right arrogance and policies have come back to bite them on the arse.

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If Labor wins I really hope they are more classy than the LNP. The shit they did after the last election was a complete embarrassment. Really was an indication of what was coming from them.

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He keeps calling it then saying he's not certain.
He's certain that the LNP can't form government in their own right.
He thinks the likely results (in order of likelyhood) are:
  1. ALP majority government (by 1 seat)
  2. ALP minority government
  3. LNP minority government
He keeps calling it then saying he's not certain.

He's been let down by his computer a few times the poor bastard.

With potentially 25%+ of the vote not counted yet due to pre-poll votes (which I'm under the assumption are counted after election day), if it's close it may require a few days until the result is known.
Green calls it for Labor.

If Labor wins I really hope they are more classy than the LNP. The shit they did after the last election was a complete embarrassment. Really was an indication of what was coming from them.
Well tats what happens when youre an arrogant campaigner. Just cos you landslide doesnt mean you can do whatever you want.

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What blows me away is that the ALP had the worst electoral defeat in Qld at the last election and had gone from being in Government to having only 7 seats in the Qld parliament. ONLY 7! Now it looks like they'll be returned to Government with a small majority. Looks like the Australian people are finally learning to stop voting for parties like they're supporting a football team, and actually use their vote to send a message.

In times past the ALP would have needed at least two elections to come back from a position like that.
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Another pollie from the LNP telling the world that they did not sell the message. They lied to the electorate FFS. What part do the LNP not understand?
They know they lied, they have to, they represent the 1 %. They'll keep lying. Ironic theirs a few biblical passage nailing that behavior.

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