Preview Round 10 - Geelong v Carlton, GMHBA, Saturday 7:25pm

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Bews is a skilled footballer. Ruggles was a battler. You put Bews up for trade- he'd get immediate interest. Where is Ruggles now? Zero interest.
Bews is possibly carrying an injury, but there is no doubting he has lots to offer GFC.
A footballer who struggles to obtain 10 possessions a game is not a battler. Are you for real?

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Scott said in the presser after the game last week - that this loss stings at the moment - well lets hope the players respond . Bit like the Richmond final loss - and the excellent response against the Swans in the subsequent final - where Geel just hunted them for the whole game
Not sure time will be on the team's side for guthrie to be put in on rtn, bulletproof.
Let alone cocky and menzel once match reconditioned. It'll be like a cluster bomb of players ready if all the medium to lti's numbers come in around the same time.
No wonder we lost last week, dropped 4 players who absolutely deserved to be dropped and another 3 could have just as easily joined them (Murdoch, Gregson, Cunico).

The nonsense about not needing Cam Guthrie looks a bit silly now. We need reinforcements ASAP.
A footballer who struggles to obtain 10 possessions a game is not a battler. Are you for real?
I don't just look at the stats Marcus. Look at the game and how much his opponent is killing us or not. Tom Harley rarely got lots of stats, Lonergan, Max Rooke also. Why should a BP player amass lots of possessions? Only if he is a designated playmaker. We have others for that role. Tuohy, Stewart, etc. Bews is a lockdown BP. How many small forwards have had a party against him. You bet I'm for real.
A footballer who struggles to obtain 10 possessions a game is not a battler. Are you for real?
Number of possessions often doesn't give an accurate portrayal of defenders though. Lonergan had 5 possessions in the 2011 Grand Final whilst completely taking Cloke out of the game.
No jokes on anyone. You are trying to be sharp and witty but you are falling flat..never mind keep trying.
I'm shattered you don't find me sharp and witty, absolutely devastated.

BTW your views on Jed Bews are quite embarrassing and I actually feel sorry for you.

But you're done with this discussion yeah? That's what you said.

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Which is exactly what NicNat does.

Holy crap, I wouldn't let Sav tackle me NOW for a million bucks, let alone in 5 years time.

My spine's breaking just thinking about it.
Remember Natanui's Tweet after the WCE game?

I'm surprised they went with both Sav/Crameri - both are HF. Crameri,Sav,Hawkins are not pressure machines and the team has struggled in that area. You also have Ablett who has been maligned for lack of pressure/tackling given his body situation which leaves Gregson and Murdoch to do most the chasing. Not sure whats so surprising about my statement. We will still win - just an interesting team balance.
Don't forget Parfitt and Menegola are there too
And yet he was better than Bew's. Go figure.
Seems you have had a falling out with the Bews clan.
Jed is a far better footballer than Ruggles
I agree Rug was hard, but his disposal was frightful
Bews stops the oppositions first small forward every week
Could also play in the midfield if given that chance
Love the way he goes about his footy.
Does he owe you some money?
Wasn't Nic Nat impressed with him after we came up against the Eagles in Round 3, especially with his leap and competitiveness? Seem to remember him tweeting something positive about Sav after the game.

"I will speak no more words on the matter.....

.....except for like 50 more words, then I'm done.

Wait no, I need another 30 words. That's it. I'm done. Promise.

Hi guys, can I get 20 more words. This is it, pinky swear."
I smell an attention seeker who adds nothing to society or BigFooty.
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