Current Trial 9yo Charlise Mutten - Blue Mountains * Justin Stein charged with murder

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So was Kallista Mutten's DNA also found on the trigger of the BSA .22 rifle?

If it was, will that likely only come out when the defence cross examines the DNA expert Forensic scientist Rebecca Willis.

'Justin Stein’s DNA found on rifle which was buried near property where Charlise Mutten disappeared, jury told'

'May 24, 2024 - 2:32PM
She told the jury a swab from the trigger of the BSA .22 calibre bolt-action rifle tested positive to two sets of DNA, one of which was Mr Stein.

“The DNA recovered is a mixture that originates from at least two individuals … Justin Stein cannot be excluded as a contributor to this mixture,” she told the jury.
Will be interesting to see who’s it is. I’m just thinking, have they said whether the rifle had been used before? (Sorry I might have missed it.)
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Will be interesting to see who’s it is. I’m just thinking, have they said whether the rifle had been used before? (Sorry I might have missed it.)
Given the alleged murder weapon was stolen from the accused's Blue Mountains Wedding Venue neighbour, you'd assume that the owner of the rifle's DNA would be somewhere on the rifle.

Although if the rifle had never been fired yet, it's possible that the rifle owner's DNA would not yet be on the trigger.

Wouldn't be surprised if the defence/accused suggests or claims that the accused's DNA was/might be on the trigger from the accused touching the trigger when carrying it, or picking it up/down, burying it, or testing to see if the trigger was working.
I’m concerned if the defence convinces the jury that **** was involved that could introduce reasonable doubt and no one is held responsible for this poor child’s murder.

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I’m concerned if the defence convinces the jury that **** was involved that could introduce reasonable doubt and no one is held responsible for this poor child’s murder.
Definitely don’t want that to happen. Someone’s responsible. It’s leaning towards Stein atm unless they drop a bombshell.
Just did a little summary of the evidence presented so far. Kept it simple so not too out there.
-phone calls btw S and his Mother which possibly contradict the scene of the crime
-phone calls of S asking his Mother about the stash (rifle, etc.)
-Traces of S’s medication found in C’s system but no neuefen which S said he gave C.
-Two shots, one from a ruler length away (S said C was running away.)
  • S has charges for CP (Pewk, should go away right there. IMO)
  • S DNA is on the trigger.Edit-DNA could belong to Stein.
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I am not sure they are saying his DNA was on the trigger per se. They found DNA on the trigger that is from at least two people and that S's DNA could be a part of that mix.
Was this all the evidence that this DNA expert is going to give on the trigger?
Or was it just a prosecution open intro summary from the DNA expert, with more detail in coming weeks.

From the lack of other media reporting on the case yesterday, maybe the rest of them were all on WFH days.

Could just be a case of the prosecution witness trying to KISS for the jury, or the media being half asleep, not understanding what was presented, or an over-zealous media editor, during the DNA evidence part or article production.
I am not sure they are saying his DNA was on the trigger per se. They found DNA on the trigger that is from at least two people and that S's DNA could be a part of that mix.
Yes the evidence that the DNA could be a part of the mix leaves it open for interpretation. Even saying S DNA cannot be excluded is not very clear.
Will be interesting to see what else is brought forward about the DNA.
DNA can be fragmented, several different DNA types can be found in a sample. Certain DNA/genes cannot belong to certain people but can belong to many others. They article says that the DNA identified could belong to Stein but it is not his complete DNA so could belong to others.
DNA can be fragmented, several different DNA types can be found in a sample. Certain DNA/genes cannot belong to certain people but can belong to many others. They article says that the DNA identified could belong to Stein but it is not his complete DNA so could belong to others.
Thank you, good explanation.
I think the saddest part is that she did have a trusted carer in her Grandma who was seemingly doing a great job of raising her and only had CM’s best interests at heart when attempting to rekindle a relationship with her bio mother.

I feel ill just thinking of how heartbroken she would be.
In retrospect, the grandma should have paid for mum to go north instead to see Charlise.
Unfortunately she was excited by her new rich boyfriend and his access to drugs..
In retrospect, the grandma should have paid for mum to go north instead to see Charlise.
Unfortunately she was excited by her new rich boyfriend and his access to drugs..
In hindsight, (knowing the situation with K and Stein,) K going up to see C would have been the best option so C could see her Mum, but C’s Grandparents were under the belief that K was no longer taking drugs and had a boyfriend who seemingly came from a good family.
In hindsight, (knowing the situation with K and Stein,) K going up to see C would have been the best option so C could see her Mum, but C’s Grandparents were under the belief that K was no longer taking drugs and had a boyfriend who seemingly came from a good family.
Not their fault at all. They would have been hoping their daughter could be clean long enough to take C back at some stage.

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In retrospect, the grandma should have paid for mum to go north instead to see Charlise.
Unfortunately she was excited by her new rich boyfriend and his access to drugs..
True, but unfortunately drug addicts have a way of manipulating and convincing people they are no longer taking drugs and her parents would have whole heartedly wanted to believe their daughter. Hindsight can be a very sad thing. They trusted their daughters word and would never have dreamed in a million year that this would be the outcome of their trust. I truly feel sorry for the grandparents, they will regret their decision for the rest of their lives, but it was not their fault.
Not their fault at all. They would have been hoping their daughter could be clean long enough to take C back at some stage.
Of course you would want to give your daughter the benefit of the doubt. But as I've said before, druggies will say anything to get what they want and sound believable. :(
I feel so sorry for the grandparents. Addicts can be cunning, manipulative and very convincing.

This was during the pandemic and I thought I read that previous visits had to be cancelled because of it?

I’m assuming K and/or J may have been somewhat restricted by any parole rules they may have been under at that time?

The grandparents thought J’s mother would also be staying at the home.

It seemed C was very keen to go and had hopes of a traditional mum and dad family. It would be hard for the grandparents to say no to C, when they’ve probably had to do so many times in the past given the Mutt’s behaviour.

The grandparents would have at the backs of their minds their own mortality and if something happened to them what would become of C.

I’m sure they were also desperately hoping that their daughter would get it together and be a mother to this beautiful 9 year old child.

I imagine they weighed this all up before making their decision.

We all make wrong decisions but they don’t normally result in the death of a child.

It’s tragic and heartbreaking and not the grandparents fault.
There's a possbility the mother had covid and that's why Charlise was taken to Wildenstein.
Kallista being sick from maybe party pies they ate the previous day (11 Jan 2022), mentioned in court today.

'She [Kallista Mutten] said Stein, in a call at 9.07am on January 12, said he was “waiting on the auctioneer lady to turn up” and that “Charlise wasn’t well”.

“He did say that ‘youse must have the same thing’ because Charlise woke him up early in the morning and that she had vomited on him and on the ground,” Mutten said.

She said she
[Kallista] herself was sick the previous day and thought it may have been the party pies they ate.'
Kallista being sick from maybe party pies they ate the previous day (11 Jan 2022), mentioned in court today.

Was he giving Kallista his drugs as well?

“He did say that ‘youse must have the same thing’ because Charlise woke him up early in the morning and that she had vomited on him and on the ground,” Mutten said.

The way that reads is they were sleeping in the same bed for her to wake up and vomit on him?

Just as likely they both got sick from something they picked up swimming in the caravan park pool (than the party pies).

The 40-year-old told the jury of the final moments she spent with her daughter - swimming in the pool of the caravan park on January 11.
'“Charlise had finished swimming in the pool and she said ‘Can I go with daddy, mum?’
“I said ‘yes, of course’.”
The jury was told Charlise had woken up vomiting the following morning'
Just as likely they both got sick from something they picked up swimming in the caravan park pool (than the party pies).

The 40-year-old told the jury of the final moments she spent with her daughter - swimming in the pool of the caravan park on January 11.
'“Charlise had finished swimming in the pool and she said ‘Can I go with daddy, mum?’
“I said ‘yes, of course’.”
The jury was told Charlise had woken up vomiting the following morning'
I wonder if C was really sick though. Seems like a good reason to say why she was left at home.
Kallista Mutten was/is giving her evidence in court today.

'Ms Davenport has also told the jurors she would argue Ms Mutten had motive to kill her own daughter.'
Have they said yet the time C died?
Surely that’s telling if K was meant to be at the caravan park.
Horrifying case.

Kallista is a piece of trash, my god. Literally left her apparently sick child in the hands of a random "auctioneer lady" so she can shoot meth and a cop a couple of roots with her boyfriend... on a holiday when she's supposed to be spending time with her that she doesn't get.

Feel so bad for Charlise. Horrible stuff.
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This case is triggering me badly , was reading about it before bed yesterday and last night I kept waking myself up talking in my sleep about the arseh*le adults in the situation.

Someone needs to tell the so called mother , court is not a fashion show. She seems to be so concerned about her hair, pink one day and this week blonde with dark underneath, so sad she was never so seriously concerned about her daughter.

As for the maggot who killed and his stupid mother who was more concerned for the property than Charlise , I hope they rot in hell.

Sorry guys , just venting … I hate this case but want to see justice served

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