Anthony Albanese - How long? -2-

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Albo was up against a complete muppet.

The media did manage to win that muppet one election but Australians were not making that mistake again.

Now we have a new muppet, and the media spend 10-20% of their efforts polishing the Dutton turd the other 80-90% discrediting Albo.

And in response to why Dan Andrew’s had no problem with the media in Victoria, 1/ Dan treated the media how they deserved to be treated - with complete disdain. 2/ there may never be a more politically inept organisation that the Victorian Liberals. Apparently Peusutto is about to get sacked - for who?

New liberal muppet and exact same media.

Currently a different result occurring.

Perhaps time to have a broader look at things.
But we here are with the perception being perpetuated endlessly that Albo is failing miserably and Dutton is the only answer -

Literally nobody has said this, ever.

Albanese can be criticised without someone thinking he’s a complete failure and that Dutton is the only better alternative. You realise this is possible, yeah?

You’re not going toys out of the cot like last nights poster are you?
Literally nobody has said this, ever.

Albanese can be criticised without someone thinking he’s a complete failure and that Dutton is the only better alternative. You realise this is possible, yeah?

You’re not going toys out of the cot like last nights poster are you?
Is that what the media are doing with “Airbus Albo” is it?

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Is that what the media are doing with “Airbus Albo” is it?

What, from AFR and Sky News? 😂

You reckon people are suddenly changing their vote to Dutton because Sky News and AFR dubbed Albanese “airbus Albo”? If you’re reading sky news mate, you’re already anti-labor.

Not once have I claimed there’s not a bias towards the liberals.. but right now, I genuinely don’t believe the media alone are at fault. But that’s just my opinion.
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What, from AFR and Sky News? 😂

You reckon people are suddenly changing their vote to Dutton because Sky News and AFR dubbed Albanese “airbus Albo”?

Cmon man…

Not once have I claimed there’s not a bias towards the liberals.. but right now, I genuinely don’t believe the media alone are at fault. But that’s just my opinion.
Who does pretty all of the opinion pieces in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Courier Mail?

This idea that Sky News is just some small fringe player is absolutely false.

Australians generally are not well informed and don’t care much to be well informed. Headlines and taglines are incredibly effective at influencing people’s opinions. Trump has made disparaging names an art form. To suggest these things are not effective is completely disingenuous.

And as an extension, to suggest “Airbus Albo” should not attend APEC because “domestic matters” is frankly irresponsible. Instead of condemning this though, the Australian media cheerleads for Dutton.
The fat git defended his airbus albo nickname in YouTube feed and was singularly pathetic.

One more trip at the same point as abbots PMship, but half a dozen more countries. Gotcha says the fat git

No it just shows ‘airbus’ is packing more value into his trips
The thing to remember is that facts are irrelevant in the world of political attacks.
The ALP need to ramp up the attacks on potato head & show how negative, illogical, inconsistent & FOS he really is.
The pressures on the budget are from the 75% LNP caused Federal debt. Overseas events & the fact the LNP achieved SFA in its 9 years rule.
The culture wars are about all Potatohead has. So its important to GIVE IT BACK to the dangerous POS. He's only interested in doing what his Murdoch/Rinehart bosses want.
Let's face it, SRP is a circlejerk closed off from the real world. The average voter isn't as nearly invested in politics as we are.

When election time rolls around, people will have largely forgotten current criticisms such as being on the wrong side of High Court decision, support of Israel and his jaunts to China and the US. Because they would be things that a Liberal Party PM would also have attracted negative press for from a Labor opposition.

If cost of living becomes a more significant issue and interest rates are still rising, that will be what makes Albo a one term PM. The current polling reflects this - still with a measurable lead in preferred PM and voting intentions for his party, largely unchanged since the election with Dutton moving up simply because he was mostly invisible before to the common voter, and now has the benefit of lots of airtime as an Opposition Leader.
Who does pretty all of the opinion pieces in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Courier Mail?

This idea that Sky News is just some small fringe player is absolutely false.

Australians generally are not well informed and don’t care much to be well informed. Headlines and taglines are incredibly effective at influencing people’s opinions. Trump has made disparaging names an art form. To suggest these things are not effective is completely disingenuous.

And as an extension, to suggest “Airbus Albo” should not attend APEC because “domestic matters” is frankly irresponsible. Instead of condemning this though, the Australian media cheerleads for Dutton.

Yes they are 100% issues, not denying that. But to solely blame the media, for Dutton making up ground is also disingenuous and borderline lazy IMO.

“Australians generally are not well informed and don’t care much to be well informed”.
Yes exactly. Hence Albanese will cop the brunt of the cost of living crisis.
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The thing to remember is that facts are irrelevant in the world of political attacks.
The ALP need to ramp up the attacks on potato head & show how negative, illogical, inconsistent & FOS he really is.
The pressures on the budget are from the 75% LNP caused Federal debt. Overseas events & the fact the LNP achieved SFA in its 9 years rule.
The culture wars are about all Potatohead has. So its important to GIVE IT BACK to the dangerous POS. He's only interested in doing what his Murdoch/Rinehart bosses want.
But the entire Fox News (Murdoch) modus operandi is to nuclear charge the bits that suit them and ignore the bits that don’t.

And when they do that they decide the narrative.

And we have an unfortunate situation in Australia due to media ownership concentration that if Murdoch decides to create a narrative - everyone follows. Including - and increasingly - the ABC.

So Labor can attack all they want - but who is going to run it?
Nonsense. The Voice had overall national support when the referendum was announced, including in WA (over 60 per cent at one point) and SA. It died the day Dutton politicised the welfare of Indigenous Australians for political capital. Don’t try and put the cruelty on to anyone else. He’s a campaigner.
You are giving Dutton far too much influence. He didn't help but the voice support was trending downwards quickly before he said he would oppose it in Apr 23. I suspect part of the reason Dutton opposed it is because he could see it was in trouble.

Just blaming it on Dutton and ignoring the terribly run yes campaign will just make it harder to learn the lessons and win with the far more difficult steps to come like Treaty

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"On day one, our Prime Minister, as leader of our country, should have come out and strongly condemned Hamas and backed Israel's right to defend itself. He's now scrambling to look like he's taking a position"

Smack bang on the money.

Not hard to work out what Airbussy Absenteese's agenda is here.
But the entire Fox News (Murdoch) modus operandi is to nuclear charge the bits that suit them and ignore the bits that don’t.

And when they do that they decide the narrative.

And we have an unfortunate situation in Australia due to media ownership concentration that if Murdoch decides to create a narrative - everyone follows. Including - and increasingly - the ABC.

So Labor can attack all they want - but who is going to run it?
The weird disconnect with Australians and Murdoch is that knowing all the lengths he's gone to to influence the agenda overseas we still try to pretend he's not doing that here.

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Albo is not perfect. He has not delivered the entire country form the former LNP shitstorm just yet.

The option is the lying shitstained, corrupt, Nazi knob gobbler Dutton.
"On day one, our Prime Minister, as leader of our country, should have come out and strongly condemned Hamas and backed Israel's right to defend itself. He's now scrambling to look like he's taking a position"

Smack bang on the money.

Not hard to work out what Airbussy Absenteese's agenda is here.
Unsurprising, like many of your posts, you're showing your ignorance yet again. Or rather just parroting swill uncritically.

Within a day of the attacks:

"Australia stands with our friend Israel in this time. We condemn the indiscriminate and abhorrent attacks by Hamas on Israel, its cities and civilians. We recognise Israel’s right to defend itself."


"This is an abhorrent attack on Israel. This is indiscriminate. Civilians being targeted, killed and murdered, and as well, many of them being taken as hostages”


"Of course, people are worried about escalation, but Israel has a right to defend itself and it will be doing so."

Obviously Israel has gone well beyond defending itself and a proportionate response, but yet again, you're off the mark.
What has become of this country, and how much worse can it get?

The old deal or social contract that you can finish up your education, get a secure job and buy a home for only couple of years' wages is dead. It might sound too much to ask or like a 'first world problem'. But it is a profound injustice.

The oft-quoted figure is that two thirds of Aussie households are owned and one third are rented. I can see a future where less than half of people own their home. If that happened, would the population vote for policies that stop the madness? Or would we get the 'temporarily embarrassed millionaires' where people vote based on a delusion that they will be rich one day?
What has become of this country, and how much worse can it get?

The old deal or social contract that you can finish up your education, get a secure job and buy a home for only couple of years' wages is dead. It might sound too much to ask or like a 'first world problem'. But it is a profound injustice.

The oft-quoted figure is that two thirds of Aussie households are owned and one third are rented. I can see a future where less than half of people own their home. If that happened, would the population vote for policies that stop the madness? Or would we get the 'temporarily embarrassed millionaires' where people vote based on a delusion that they will be rich one day?
In America companies are buying up towns and then renting to employees at a discount, lose your job you lose your home as well.

We're heading back to serfdom if they get their way.

Insecure housing is a tool and that includes the cost of home ownership.

No retiring early when you have to save into your 30s to buy and then have a 30 year mortgage once you do
What has become of this country, and how much worse can it get?

The old deal or social contract that you can finish up your education, get a secure job and buy a home for only couple of years' wages is dead. It might sound too much to ask or like a 'first world problem'. But it is a profound injustice.

The oft-quoted figure is that two thirds of Aussie households are owned and one third are rented. I can see a future where less than half of people own their home. If that happened, would the population vote for policies that stop the madness? Or would we get the 'temporarily embarrassed millionaires' where people vote based on a delusion that they will be rich one day?
It has to be resolved somehow. It is going to affect all sorts of things eventually - fertility rates, brain drain.

Tax concessions for residential property investment has screwed this country.
It has to be resolved somehow. It is going to affect all sorts of things eventually - fertility rates, brain drain.

Tax concessions for residential property investment has screwed this country.
Once again ... thanks John Howard! A chief destroyer of the Australia he enjoyed growing up.
Nonsense. The Voice had overall national support when the referendum was announced, including in WA (over 60 per cent at one point) and SA. It died the day Dutton politicised the welfare of Indigenous Australians for political capital. Don’t try and put the cruelty on to anyone else. He’s a campaigner.

Old Albo didn't want to share the spoils given the high early yes polling. Anyway, country voted the right way, nit a single valid reason was provided in order to vote for change.
Literally nobody has said this, ever.

Albanese can be criticised without someone thinking he’s a complete failure and that Dutton is the only better alternative. You realise this is possible, yeah?

You’re not going toys out of the cot like last nights poster are you?

couple of terrible performers in cabinet at the moment. I think Albo can turn it around, disapproval with him is a bit shallow I reckon. But his govt needs to improve in a hurry, he needs a reshuffle.
The cost of living crisis will sink him. Hasn't exactly made noise about it solutions wise.

Don’t forget ALP was still 54/55 up a few weeks before the referendum. All this drop has happened within two months.

WTF is going on in ALP HQ? Are they going to do something about living costs? Is anyone telling Albo he’s sinking like a stone?

Or are they waiting for him to cop the blame for the loss of support, and then mount a challenge? Harder to get up now but still doable.

Anthony Albanese - How long? -2-

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