Alien/UFO Brian Cox - We haven't found aliens yet because they are dead - Humans are next.

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A cancer patient has many months of treatment using a various cocktail of drugs. If on the other hand there is one tablet or treatment that cures the patient, no need for all of the other drugs. Multiply that by tens of thousands and you can see you are talking about serious income.

So say a 8 year old girl has cancer and her parents spend 20 grand on her cure but she dies. You made 20 grand.

Then say you give her the cure and she goes on to work and have 3 daughters and those daughters go on to work and have kids and so on.
You'd make more money from the taxes than gambling on people getting cancer.
Since for most nutjobs the cure is coconut oil smoothies or smoking weed or other free stuff the government keeps suppressed.

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So say a 8 year old girl has cancer and her parents spend 20 grand on her cure but she dies. You made 20 grand.

Then say you give her the cure and she goes on to work and have 3 daughters and those daughters go on to work and have kids and so on.
You'd make more money from the taxes than gambling on people getting cancer.
Since for most nutjobs the cure is coconut oil smoothies or smoking weed or other free stuff the government keeps suppressed.

Not the Govt's that are hiding the cures. It is the Corporations. They don't give a s**t about taxes. They avoid them when they can. So called recreational drugs are illegal. Sure the Govt could regulate them, make them safe. They could probably make a lot of money, but it comes down to the issue of do you really want your Govt medicating 20% of the population? It won't be long before the bureaucrats decide all of the population can be controlled with medication and before you know it.......we all become like Richmond supporters.....
Not the Govt's that are hiding the cures. It is the Corporations. They don't give a s**t about taxes. They avoid them when they can. So called recreational drugs are illegal. Sure the Govt could regulate them, make them safe. They could probably make a lot of money, but it comes down to the issue of do you really want your Govt medicating 20% of the population? It won't be long before the bureaucrats decide all of the population can be controlled with medication and before you know it.......we all become like Richmond supporters.....

Should have wrote medication instead of taxes.
You'd make more money off a patient over their lifetime if you cured them.
Only cure for supporting Carlton is a bullet. :p
Should have wrote medication instead of taxes.
You'd make more money off a patient over their lifetime if you cured them.
Only cure for supporting Carlton is a bullet. :p

Yes agree that society would be better off, but more profit to a pharmaceutical corporation to milk money off a dying person. Unfortunately our world will ultimately be controlled by Corporations in the next 30 years. They will become more powerful than Govts. Technology advancements is going to result in the biggest shift in employment which Govts are not prepared for, and will not be able to handle because they will not have the tax base they once took for granted. Capitalism as we know it, will start to evaporate. Our choices as consumers and the liberties we have enjoyed will become more and more restricted.
If you saw two or three drug affected people punching on, would you get involved? You may stop the fight, but you can't escape the fact that they are addicts, and they will take their fight somewhere else. Unfortunately for humans we have consistently demonstrated over the past 5000 years that we are good at one thing;war, killing and destruction.

also heckin'g
Actually people do come out and speak. In the rare circumstance that the media reports it, they come across as nutters or develop a following of people with interesting beliefs. Does anybody want the attention, scrutiny and threats both physical and financial that may occur by taking on a multinational? If you don't believe that they will take such action, then you are kidding yourself.

Insurance companies don't pay certain claims even though they know they are liable, because they can keep a matter in the courts for years and basically bankrupt the customer into withdrawing or accepting their pittance offer. It happened in the Victorian floods with one prominent company that refused to pay based on the definition of flood, and yet their parent company paid out the same claims in QLD. As soon as the Federal Govt (under a lot of pressure from the public) threatens to take action they quickly change their policy. It has only taken 50 years. How many people have had their lives ruined, because Government and Big business looked after each other.

They can't be the same claims if they are different floods and being in QLD and Vic it's safe to assume it wasn't one big flood. Every claim is an individual case.
They can't be the same claims if they are different floods and being in QLD and Vic it's safe to assume it wasn't one big flood. Every claim is an individual case.

Suncorp who own a number of Insurance Companies had different polices and rules for Queenslanders. Flood was covered in QLD, but not in Victoria. So they use all of their old tricks to obfuscate the matter, knowing that most people could not fight a lengthy court case against a public listed company. About 5 or 6 years ago when a particular insurer was denying claims for flood, RACV came out and made a decision that they would simply pay out the claims and cover flood claims. Great decision for common sense. Our spineless gutless politicians could fix the problem, but as usual they are too busy working feathering their own nest.

Below is a definition from a leading insurer.

What do you mean by 'flood'?

Basically, it means a large amount of water overflowing beyond its normal limits over dry land.

The Federal Government's legal definition of flood is 'the covering of normally dry land by water that has escaped or been released from the normal confines of any lake, river, creek or other natural watercourse, whether or not altered or modified; or any reservoir, canal or dam.'

It doesn't mean

Heavy downpours of rain (unless they actually cause a 'flood') (Talk about having your cake and eating it!)
Sea or ocean movements (such as storm surges, high tides or wave action)
Tsunamis (which may be covered as 'earthquakes') (half pregnant clause. Let's be honest if a tsunami hits that is not earthquake related we are stuffed anyway. There ain't going to be too many people around calling their Insurance Company.)

So if the drains outside your property are blocked and it pours down with rain and causes flooding of your house, are you covered?
Suncorp who own a number of Insurance Companies had different polices and rules for Queenslanders. Flood was covered in QLD, but not in Victoria. So they use all of their old tricks to obfuscate the matter, knowing that most people could not fight a lengthy court case against a public listed company. About 5 or 6 years ago when a particular insurer was denying claims for flood, RACV came out and made a decision that they would simply pay out the claims and cover flood claims. Great decision for common sense. Our spineless gutless politicians could fix the problem, but as usual they are too busy working feathering their own nest.

Below is a definition from a leading insurer.

What do you mean by 'flood'?

Basically, it means a large amount of water overflowing beyond its normal limits over dry land.

The Federal Government's legal definition of flood is 'the covering of normally dry land by water that has escaped or been released from the normal confines of any lake, river, creek or other natural watercourse, whether or not altered or modified; or any reservoir, canal or dam.'

It doesn't mean

Heavy downpours of rain (unless they actually cause a 'flood') (Talk about having your cake and eating it!)
Sea or ocean movements (such as storm surges, high tides or wave action)
Tsunamis (which may be covered as 'earthquakes') (half pregnant clause. Let's be honest if a tsunami hits that is not earthquake related we are stuffed anyway. There ain't going to be too many people around calling their Insurance Company.)

So if the drains outside your property are blocked and it pours down with rain and causes flooding of your house, are you covered?

Each case is individual. Not likely to be insured for flooding drains.

Following a recent drought in Victoria the local water management were holding the local weir as full as possible and were very reluctant to release water into the river system for fear of the drought continuing. The drought broke and the rain bucketed down. The weir was at capacity within hours so they released water. The problem was the river was already at capacity and couldn't cope with the extra water.
Further down the river a bridge had tonnes of debris pushed up against it which caused the water to burst its bank and enter a small irrigation channel system which ran adjacent to a small town. 70 odd houses were flooded. Do you think they were covered?
Each case is individual. Not likely to be insured for flooding drains.

Following a recent drought in Victoria the local water management were holding the local weir as full as possible and were very reluctant to release water into the river system for fear of the drought continuing. The drought broke and the rain bucketed down. The weir was at capacity within hours so they released water. The problem was the river was already at capacity and couldn't cope with the extra water.
Further down the river a bridge had tonnes of debris pushed up against it which caused the water to burst its bank and enter a small irrigation channel system which ran adjacent to a small town. 70 odd houses were flooded. Do you think they were covered?

Interesting how you say take each case is individual or on its merits. That is code for how can we find a way to knock it back.

Without knowing the case or having any information about what the policy, it makes it pretty difficult, but I would guess that under Govt rules, it is covered, but no doubt they kicked and screamed about paying it. If the Govt rules were not there I would suggest it would have been knocked back. BUT please tell me how the hell is something like this scenario the concern of the policyholder who paid a premium in good faith to protect themselves against acts of nature that are beyond their control???? The Insurer is trying to find a way to wriggle out of their responsibility.How bloody heartless and scheming to do something like that?

Is it the clients fault that there is a drought, or that it bucketed down with rain, or that the council had done nothing about cleaning the debris from the river or that the water authority held back the water? How is this a concern of the 70 customers?

The fact is that Insurers make a fortune on Home Insurance policies. It basically underwrites their motor vehicle losses.
Probably one of the most reasonable explanations for not having contact with them.

I don't believe in aliens but this is a plausible explanation if they do exist why we haven't made I guess "undeniable proof" contact.

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Probably one of the most reasonable explanations for not having contact with them.

I don't believe in aliens but this is a plausible explanation if they do exist why we haven't made I guess "undeniable proof" contact.

Do you honestly believe, that in a universe as big as ours, that we are the only living thing? Not having a go at you, just find it hard to believe that it's completely empty apart from our tiny little planet.
Do you honestly believe, that in a universe as big as ours, that we are the only living thing? Not having a go at you, just find it hard to believe that it's completely empty apart from our tiny little planet.
No this is a fair question which I am happy to answer with my reasoning.

First you have to consider the improbable odds of life starting here on Earth.

Everything from our perfect atmosphere water, oxygen, sun, weather etc

Then you have to consider our earth being in the "goldilocks" area.

Then you have to consider Earth being the perfect size too big we attract all the space junk too small and our atmosphere is mud.

Then you you have to consider our perfect solar system from Jupiter and Saturn protecting us.

Then you have to consider the odds of our perfect moon. Which is unique in itself some scientist believe it's one of the most unique bodies in our universe.

Then you take those and put them all together and work out the odds of those happening all together to create the perfect ingredients for life to exist here.

Now while these individual events can happen in the universe on a what is considered a regular occurrence the odds of these events happening all together to produce what we have today where if one of these things is out even by the smallest of margins well the shows over.,

It can be considered a miracle if your religious or a fluke if your not.

We are told that there are more planets than grains of sand on Earth. Well if that's the case where are they? There should be at least one piece of hardcore evidence somewhere that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt the we are not alone. There should intagalatic highways we should be either be invaded for our resources taken as slaves to an advanced race or we should be having protection treaties from the hippy aliens who want to preserve life in the universe. But we haven't so much had as an alien fart in our direction.

But then after all of this is said and done and able to be debunked or explained or you might say what about the miniscule life forms that can form in the the best to the harshest conditions or life forms that just can't traverse the vastness of space, to you I say consider this.

Scientist have created many different conditions for life to form. From the harshest to the most perfect conditions. They studied these conditions and guess what, nothing happened no life formed not even a miniscule little gnat of life. It was the same conditions as what it started nothing changed no life was formed out of thin air.

They concluded that there is something missing or something that needs to happen for life to generate. Whether you consider this to be the touch of God or some chemical filled asteroid I will leave that to you.

But the fact remains until they figure out what this missing "ingredient" is no one can even begin to think about the possibilities of life elsewhere. No Drake equation or no life equation is fathomable until they figure out what's missing.
No this is a fair question which I am happy to answer with my reasoning.

First you have to consider the improbable odds of life starting here on Earth.

Everything from our perfect atmosphere water, oxygen, sun, weather etc

Then you have to consider our earth being in the "goldilocks" area.

Then you have to consider Earth being the perfect size too big we attract all the space junk too small and our atmosphere is mud.

Then you you have to consider our perfect solar system from Jupiter and Saturn protecting us.

Then you have to consider the odds of our perfect moon. Which is unique in itself some scientist believe it's one of the most unique bodies in our universe.

Then you take those and put them all together and work out the odds of those happening all together to create the perfect ingredients for life to exist here.

Now while these individual events can happen in the universe on a what is considered a regular occurrence the odds of these events happening all together to produce what we have today where if one of these things is out even by the smallest of margins well the shows over.,

It can be considered a miracle if your religious or a fluke if your not.

We are told that there are more planets than grains of sand on Earth. Well if that's the case where are they? There should be at least one piece of hardcore evidence somewhere that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt the we are not alone. There should intagalatic highways we should be either be invaded for our resources taken as slaves to an advanced race or we should be having protection treaties from the hippy aliens who want to preserve life in the universe. But we haven't so much had as an alien fart in our direction.

But then after all of this is said and done and able to be debunked or explained or you might say what about the miniscule life forms that can form in the the best to the harshest conditions or life forms that just can't traverse the vastness of space, to you I say consider this.

Scientist have created many different conditions for life to form. From the harshest to the most perfect conditions. They studied these conditions and guess what, nothing happened no life formed not even a miniscule little gnat of life. It was the same conditions as what it started nothing changed no life was formed out of thin air.

They concluded that there is something missing or something that needs to happen for life to generate. Whether you consider this to be the touch of God or some chemical filled asteroid I will leave that to you.

But the fact remains until they figure out what this missing "ingredient" is no one can even begin to think about the possibilities of life elsewhere. No Drake equation or no life equation is fathomable until they figure out what's missing.

Easy answer is the hippy aliens who live inside the moon (that they dragged here) as well as Saturn and Jupiter are vastly advanced beings that have us quarantined from the inter galactic highway because bc we aren't quite ready for it all know with all the power freaks, warmongers, nuclear weapons and religious zealots.
So of course they won't yet share with us the secret alien ingredient to spark life!
Easy answer is the hippy aliens who live inside the moon (that they dragged here) as well as Saturn and Jupiter are vastly advanced beings that have us quarantined from the inter galactic highway because bc we aren't quite ready for it all know with all the power freaks, warmongers, nuclear weapons and religious zealots.
So of course they won't yet share with us the secret alien ingredient to spark life!
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No this is a fair question which I am happy to answer with my reasoning.

First you have to consider the improbable odds of life starting here on Earth.

Everything from our perfect atmosphere water, oxygen, sun, weather etc

Then you have to consider our earth being in the "goldilocks" area.

Then you have to consider Earth being the perfect size too big we attract all the space junk too small and our atmosphere is mud.

Then you you have to consider our perfect solar system from Jupiter and Saturn protecting us.

Then you have to consider the odds of our perfect moon. Which is unique in itself some scientist believe it's one of the most unique bodies in our universe.

Then you take those and put them all together and work out the odds of those happening all together to create the perfect ingredients for life to exist here.

Now while these individual events can happen in the universe on a what is considered a regular occurrence the odds of these events happening all together to produce what we have today where if one of these things is out even by the smallest of margins well the shows over.,

It can be considered a miracle if your religious or a fluke if your not.

We are told that there are more planets than grains of sand on Earth. Well if that's the case where are they? There should be at least one piece of hardcore evidence somewhere that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt the we are not alone. There should intagalatic highways we should be either be invaded for our resources taken as slaves to an advanced race or we should be having protection treaties from the hippy aliens who want to preserve life in the universe. But we haven't so much had as an alien fart in our direction.

But then after all of this is said and done and able to be debunked or explained or you might say what about the miniscule life forms that can form in the the best to the harshest conditions or life forms that just can't traverse the vastness of space, to you I say consider this.

Scientist have created many different conditions for life to form. From the harshest to the most perfect conditions. They studied these conditions and guess what, nothing happened no life formed not even a miniscule little gnat of life. It was the same conditions as what it started nothing changed no life was formed out of thin air.

They concluded that there is something missing or something that needs to happen for life to generate. Whether you consider this to be the touch of God or some chemical filled asteroid I will leave that to you.

But the fact remains until they figure out what this missing "ingredient" is no one can even begin to think about the possibilities of life elsewhere. No Drake equation or no life equation is fathomable until they figure out what's missing.

All good points you make.
Using a 24 hour clock as a guide to the age of the earth, and everything it has been through, humans have been on this planet for less than one minute. Venus was once envisaged as a paradise, until the Soviets landed a probe in the 1980's and found out the truth. Who knows perhaps Venus was our original home and we trashed it. With respect to the moon it has been theorized that a rogue planet collided with the earth and created the moon. With all of the small, medium and large asteroids that have hit the earth, carrying bacteria, viruses, water vapour, it is not surprising that life would be formed. The fact that we have not seen any of it just means we are still in our infancy of development. We still have not developed craft that can travel through our solar system on its own propulsion. If you were an intelligent species, would you want to make contact with humans? Not likely.
All good points you make.
Using a 24 hour clock as a guide to the age of the earth, and everything it has been through, humans have been on this planet for less than one minute.
Yes the Earth has been around for 4.5 billion years and the only thing we have evidence of is Dinosaurs

Who knows perhaps Venus was our original home and we trashed it.

This kind of thinking is more faith based.

Faith based like arguing the existence of a god or not.

I mean I can say one day I will be married to Scarlett Johansen prove me wrong?

I can't argue your point here.

With respect to the moon it has been theorized that a rogue planet collided with the earth and created the moon.

I seen some theories behind the creation of the moon and I believe it's Mars not Earth but happy to be corrected or accept either in the discussion.

I mean what are the chances of a chunk of Mars/Earth getting pulled by the Earths gravity let alone Jupiter Saturns or the suns.

Now think about all the odds just to get the moon formed let alone all the other odds that go into the creation of life and then all of them coming together in perfect harmony without mistake.

With all of the small, medium and large asteroids that have hit the earth, carrying bacteria, viruses, water vapour, it is not surprising that life would be formed.

Well it is, considering the shit that can go wrong and everything that goes into the creation of life.(theorised)

This is also not the proven "thing" missing to start life. It only hypothesis and has as much credibility as the touch of God.

The fact that we have not seen any of it just means we are still in our infancy of development. We still have not developed craft that can travel through our solar system on its own propulsion. If you were an intelligent species, would you want to make contact with humans? Not likely.

Well this argument works both ways

For starters if we look at our civilisation. Lets even take Australia for example.

Now while there some who found "New Holland" and left it alone,but there is always one person that comes along and wants to conquer it and take over it's natives and it's resources.

Even in our primitive state we have left signals and sent out proof of our existence and yet we haven't even as so much got a thank you card back.
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Trump has about as much chance of winning the election as Michelle Payne has in riding a winner in this years Melbourne
This might have been the post of 2016. I'm glad I spotted it ;)

I don't suppose you put any money on both getting up
This might have been the post of 2016. I'm glad I spotted it ;)

I don't suppose you put any money on both getting up
I was safe with Michelle Payne, since she didn't have a ride in the 2016 Melbourne Cup. Toyed with idea of putting $50 on Trump, but decided against it. Sums up my gambling instinct. Still it has been a couple of years where the underdog has come through. Leicester winning the title, Dogs the flag, & Chicago Cubs winning the World Series and the unbelievable comeback of New England.
Maybe we haven't found any cause there never were any to begin with?....

Besides, no life-form is capable of surviving the radiation between the Van-Allen Belts.
"No life form" as you know it!
I've read many stories about how multiple colonies are trying to contact us because they can clearly see we are leading ourselves towards extinction

However they won't step in right now because they believe we are meant to save ourselves. But if it get's to dire they would step in to stop it (nuclear war, etc.)

Do any of these stories grapple with the pesky thing called the speed of light?

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