Have Geelong and Richmond destroyed the SA clubs?

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Port never recovered from the 119 point belting they received from Geelong in the 2007 grand final and Adelaide haven't recovered from the 2017 grand final loss to Richmond. In my opinion it's fair to say Geelong and Richmond destroyed the SA clubs. Would you agree or disagree?

How many Port players are still playing from that flogging?
Lol if you're going to mention Rohan, Hopper and Taranto, then surely you mention the best of the lot from the Sydney clubs - Jeremy Cameron

It didn't fit with my Richmond killing GWS / Geelong killing Sydney contention

But now that you say it, Richmond & Geelong are long overdue to have something we are aligned on
The problem is, you ignore these people, and they just continue to do it. We definitely have some of our own who are just as bad. I honestly am just tired of this becoming what every thread devolves into. Richmond used to be my second team growing up, and my mate was good friends with Dusty throughout juniors and still keeps in contact...but these days, it's complete tribal behaviour on here - and me being a Geelong supporter means I can't support/engage with a lot of Richmond supporters, by virtue of who I support.

I honestly don't care anymore about the petty sniping or who is in the right - I just want to discuss footy and not go at the man over and over again. We all can do better, and this place is devolving as a result of us not doing so. It's just enough already.

Cats used to be my 2nd team too

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Who cares who is responsible in other threads - YOU - are now responsible in this thread.

I don't care about these petty sh*tfights anymore. It's f*cking exhausting and it is permeating every thread. I have spoken to numerous mods and posters from both sides - and of course the poor neutrals - and it's just enough already.

I am asking you, in this thread, to please stop it. So many other threads have been derailed because of this petty crap, and I'm done tolerating it. This goes for our posters too. I honestly could not give a sh*t anymore who has the moral high ground. There was no need to troll, and you know it. You're just continuing on bullsh*t from other threads. Seriously. Enough.

Shadow if you care enough about this thread to make that impassioned plea that is good enough for me, I will not troll the thread.

But I am staggered you seem confused about who has the moral high ground. Richmond supporters do, naturally. 😁
Shadow if you care enough about this thread to make that impassioned plea that is good enough for me, I will not troll the thread.

But I am staggered you seem confused about who has the moral high ground. Richmond supporters do, naturally. 😁

Mate give it a spell, got nothing to do with which club you support, seems to me like you just like re-hashing tired and boring arguments and rehashing the same boring ****fights that have been done to death.

Shadow89 is one of the better and most neutral/unbiased posters on this forum and he makes valid points. Please take heed of it.
Mate give it a spell, got nothing to do with which club you support, seems to me like you just like re-hashing tired and boring arguments and rehashing the same boring ****fights that have been done to death.

Shadow89 is one of the better and most neutral/unbiased posters on this forum and he makes valid points. Please take heed of it.

I say I will give it a spell out of respect.

Then you come and post that I should give it a spell, out of respect.

Why tell someone to do what they have already agreed to do? Always leaves me scratching my head when people do that.
I say I will give it a spell out of respect.

Then you come and post that I should give it a spell, out of respect.

Why tell someone to do what they have already agreed to do? Always leaves me scratching my head when people do that.

You kept going with that moral high ground jibe at the end of your previous post.

If that is not s**t stirring, I don't know what is.

You clearly are an intelligent and at times insightful and funny poster, you don't have to try needle Geelong supporters a lot of the time (although granted the same applies to some Cats fans with regards to you and some Richmond fans too)

Just my 2c (which may not have been necessary in hindsight lol)
You kept going with that moral high ground jibe at the end of your previous post.

If that is not s**t stirring, I don't know what is.

You clearly are an intelligent and at times insightful and funny poster, you don't have to try needle Geelong supporters a lot of the time (although granted the same applies to some Cats fans with regards to you and some Richmond fans too)

Just my 2c (which may not have been necessary in hindsight lol)

The moral high ground remark isn’t some cutting remark. It is a good natured transparently biased comment designed to help people see the lighter side of things.

I’ve always been open to serious discussion on any football topic of interest. But it needs to be two way, and people need to actually consider the views of others properly and fairly in order to have a worthwhile discussion. If people want to troll my team or their players, or even other teams or their players, as you are probably aware I am well armed to return fire with both quirky and obvious facts. And given the tribal nature of footy that I grew up with and loved, I see no reason to let the errant go unpunished. 😉
The moral high ground remark isn’t some cutting remark. It is a good natured transparently biased comment designed to help people see the lighter side of things.

I’ve always been open to serious discussion on any football topic of interest. But it needs to be two way, and people need to actually consider the views of others properly and fairly in order to have a worthwhile discussion. If people want to troll my team or their players, or even other teams or their players, as you are probably aware I am well armed to return fire with both quirky and obvious facts. And given the tribal nature of footy that I grew up with and loved, I see no reason to let the errant go unpunished. 😉

Fair enough, appreciate the clarification and I suppose I did probably overreact somewhat (I am a Bay regular who is getting a bit tired of the Richmond v Geelong 'rivarly' down there)

It's all good though, just go easy on me if/when Richmond beat Carlton round 1 :(
Fair enough, appreciate the clarification and I suppose I did probably overreact somewhat (I am a Bay regular who is getting a bit tired of the Richmond v Geelong 'rivarly' down there)

It's all good though, just go easy on me if/when Richmond beat Carlton round 1 :(

Looking forward to rd 1. Partially to see how Carlton are tracking. I know they have a few injury issues at the moment but I do expect they can have a decent season if they get some of those guys back up to full fitness. Nice to have these round 1 fixtures now where either team could win or the winner has to play well to win.

But if the Tigers win that game I will be unbearable. 😁

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Port never recovered from the 119 point belting they received from Geelong in the 2007 grand final and Adelaide haven't recovered from the 2017 grand final loss to Richmond. In my opinion it's fair to say Geelong and Richmond destroyed the SA clubs. Would you agree or disagree?

Did the Eagles destroy Geelong in the 2nd GF lost to them in 1994?
Who cares who is responsible in other threads - YOU - are now responsible in this thread.

I don't care about these petty sh*tfights anymore. It's f*cking exhausting and it is permeating every thread. I have spoken to numerous mods and posters from both sides - and of course the poor neutrals - and it's just enough already.

I am asking you, in this thread, to please stop it. So many other threads have been derailed because of this petty crap, and I'm done tolerating it. This goes for our posters too. I honestly could not give a sh*t anymore who has the moral high ground. There was no need to troll, and you know it. You're just continuing on bullsh*t from other threads. Seriously. Enough.

It's a hilarious concept as well, albeit exhausting.

We're all here for a reason, we're all passionate, there's no denying that....but by the way some of these blokes carry on you'd think they actually strapped the boots up and won the games themselves.

If you're happy and living vicariously through your footy teams success then that's fine, we've all been there...but to openly troll on the internet for years on end simply because another poster follows a different team....it's honestly just sad, and it says a lot about one's mental state to partake in such activity.
Geelong destroyed Richmond in 2007 by 222 points. Indelibly imprinted in my memory.
As a Geelong fan, I did not enjoy that. It was slaughter. I enjoyed our bulldozing of Melbourne even less. The poor Melbourne fan blubbering by himself in the rain is something I'll never forget.
Talk about tenuous connections. The thing that really broke the culture of the Crows was the camp which happened well after the GF and Richmond had zero say in how events transpired.

That was a disaster entirely self-made by the club. The only connection Richmond has is that they happened to be the opponent on GF day. If any other club had been the opponent that day it would've been the same. Things didn't implode jusr because it was Richmond. They werent destroyed when they walked off the field that day.

This just fails every basic test of common sense.

As someone else rightly points out if the thread was about the ill fortunes of clubs who get blown away in a GF there would be something worth a discussion here but it's just some weird troll attempt. Even weirder is that a) you are going back now 6 and 16 or so years and b) if you truly thought that way why wouldn't you put the Giants in too?

Weird from start to finish.
FMD I undertake to stop trolling the thread after being implored to do so by Shadow89 and we get 11 posts in a week.

Jack Caddy destroyed the Crows when they were subjected to listening to him sing our imperious theme song over and over at their infamous camp. Don Pykelet must have considered it a catchy tune.

The Crows were favourites for the 2017 Grand Final after two thumping finals wins. They were playing a Richmond team that had not won a final for 16 years until 3 weeks earlier. Adelaide had, as expected, bullied two teams on their home track in the finals. So they turned up in the Grand Final to bully Richmond. They booked a ticket for the Cup on the flight home. They adopted the tough campaigner stance pre match while the relaxed Richmond players laughed and shook their heads as if to say wtf is that all about. Adelaide scored early goals on nervous Tiger errors and made sure they let the Richmond players know their errors had cost goals. They were focussing on all the mind games while their opponents were simply focussing on doing what they needed to do to win. And after 1/4 time Adelaide, the bullying, table topping favourite, scored 4 more goals in 3 quarters on a perfect day for football, whilst Richmond scored that much or more per quarter.

In an attempt to fix their errors, Adelaide resorted to doubling down on the source of their problems, thus, more mind games. This is what broke the Crows, they had turned up to the most important day in their footballing lives focussing on the wrong things, and when it went wrong they did not recognise their error, rather, they sought to magnify it. That was only going to end up one way.
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Who cares who is responsible in other threads - YOU - are now responsible in this thread.

I don't care about these petty sh*tfights anymore. It's f*cking exhausting and it is permeating every thread. I have spoken to numerous mods and posters from both sides - and of course the poor neutrals - and it's just enough already.

I am asking you, in this thread, to please stop it. So many other threads have been derailed because of this petty crap, and I'm done tolerating it. This goes for our posters too. I honestly could not give a sh*t anymore who has the moral high ground. There was no need to troll, and you know it. You're just continuing on bullsh*t from other threads. Seriously. Enough.

Is that you Virat Kholi …. ???Always the victim

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Have Geelong and Richmond destroyed the SA clubs?

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