Is Patrick Smith for Real ?

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I thought Joe Gutnick's and Ian Dicker's comments in the recent TV rights debacle were spot on. But Patrick Smith in the age has done a piece today running them down as much as he can. Why ?
At least Patrick has resisted the Jewish stuff about Joe but why this intimely tirade ?

My personal thoughts are that while the Press (and Radio, TV for that matter) are in, boots and all for the sensationalism, when an Issue gets to the point (which in my opinion is the ineptitude and lack of integrity of the AFL commission, Management) they about face and denigrate the other side, or ignore it completely. Could it be they are will happily bite the hand that feeds them but would stop at the elbow then got back to being an AFL 'guard dog'

A similar theme runs true when the Sun published 'Ego ratings' for all the presidents, yet no similar ratings of AFL personnell or, unsurprisingly, Media commentators

In one article he:

Reminds us about the salary cap problems at melbourne (which Gutnick himself instigated)

Claims Hawthorn's membership figures have been inflated for 15 years

Claimed Dicker is hypocritical in first fighting for waverley park, and then giving in and moving, forgets that hawthorn was that close to litigation over the matter and the press fought for waverley park for a full two weeks before capitulating

Claims Dicker is whining about The move yet cut a deal with the AFL to underwrite membership. He is merely acting in hawthorn member's wishes to never again trust the AFL but get every last thing in writing. In any case a franchise is entitled to huge compensation if it moves it's main place of business some 35km at head office's bidding, especially when there was a 30 year contract in place

Nice one patrick, we know the other rag is in bed with colonial but we expect better from the Age
Yeah - I read the article and really couldn't figure it out.

Why is he bagging Ian Dicker ?
Is Smith seriously suggesting that, having lost the fight for Waverly then Hawthorn should have just 'taken it on the chin' and not gone after every bit of compensation they were entitled to ? (don't forget the AFL broke a series of agreements relating to Waverley stadium, Hawthorn and football in SE Melbourne generally to get the place closed up and Docklands built)
Wise up Patrick ! when you have an agreement and one party breaks the agreement, the other party is quite entitled to ask for compensation AND keep the substance of that compensation confidential.
Also - Patrick Smiths contention that Hawthorns membership has been artificially inflated is just a load of rubbish. Using his logic we could say that ALL clubs have artificially inflated membershipo because they have risen dramatically in the last few years as opposed to what they have traditionally been (ie around 10,000 per club) ?

I usually enjoy Patrick Smiths writing, but this time he is way, way off the mark.
Maybe the AFL told him last Thursday they would only let him into their love-in press conference if he wrote an AFL-sided story.

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I think you've misinterpreted what he was on about (easy to do, he's a knob most of the time). Essentially I think what he meant was, given that Ian had spent so much time promoting Waverley, and all the effort that went into the save waverley campaign, it's not surprising that now that the ground is gone people have not renewed their memberships. After all, having been told what a great place it was for so long, and then not to have it must have had some effect. He's mentioned the deal Dicker did with the AFL to highlight the fact that whilst Hawthorn's memberships are down it's not having any REAL effect as the AFL have agreed to underwrite the shortfall up to somewhere around 35,000 (rough figure).

He highlighted Melbourne's salary cap breach's to show that they were given a pretty lenient punishment, which makes a mockery of some of Joe's claims about how the AFL have treated Melbourne.

[This message has been edited by Dave (edited 05 April 2000).]
I guess it was his use of the term 'whining' about Ian that fired me up. I liked the way he reported Joe Gutnick last weekend (except for the 'yamulka' dig.

I really do think they talk up issues but back off when we get to the heart of the matter, or are complicit when the AFL PR machine generates 'smoke screens'

The Media rights issue is being thrashed out as we speak but we'll all get to know about it when it's a 'done deal'

Let's hope that when they announce the 'refurbishment' to the MCG that ther'e a significant increase in the number of seats rather tan a decrease. I'm not sure a refurbishment is needed at all, as some fnas prefer the northern side and some prefer the south. If it were all like the southern stand some would have to adjust.

But back to the point
I was at a Hawthorn AGM where the floor requested that the club never accept promises form the AFL but 'get it in writing'
I think Ian agreed and took it on board
Thw whole Waverley thing .... I was watching the C7 VFL Monday night telecast ( get a life I hear you cry ! ) which showed huge numbers of empty seats ... from Waverley !!! Will this ground ever die ? What is going on ? It's all very strange ... here we have a huge drama about broadcast rights and ground owners and in effect the AFL actually have 2 grounds on the go. They, in theory, could dump Princes Park, MCG and Kardinia Park and schedule ALL the games at Docklands AND Waverley ! The AFL controls the game scheduling - it's fundamental - so why don't they suggest that to Carlton ? Then all those clubs who didn't go along with that could just compete in the VFL and try and beat Sandringham, Frankston and Williamstown - back to 1897.
Patrick Smith! All beard and no substance watch him write something in the few moths totally reversing (It will be something along the lines "Dickers continung heroic struggle for the ordinary fans" or something in that vein).
Cheif footballer writer at the Age? How long until that little bastion of the elite goes to the wall? It will be before a lot of footy clubs do anyway.
ahhh nothing has changed has it. Patrick Smith still writing ******** article.But he keeps on getting a job for the age
brilliant pies said:
ahhh nothing has changed has it. Patrick Smith still writing ******** article.But he keeps on getting a job for the age
Sorry mate Smith now writes for the Australian the worst journalist going around just rights nothing but bull********.
I remember when Carlton went through all the crap in 2003 and he quoted as saying our membership would return to 27k and we should dump Ian Collins as President replace him with who????
wrong again Patrick.,5744,1860496%255E12271,00.html

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brilliant pies said:
ahhh nothing has changed has it. Patrick Smith still writing ******** article.But he keeps on getting a job for the age
Patrick Smith is a complete tool. He gets it in for someone a la Grant Thomas and then hammers away for a year. At the moment he has it in for Lleyton Hewitt. Has written at least three articles in the Australian in the past week having a go at him. Apparently Lleyton is not entitled to comment on the speed of the courts! The fact that others do also and in any case this is where Lleyton goes to work each day is apparently irrelevant. Patrick Smith takes endless cheap shots including one at Hewitts current girlfriend even though Lleyton has never made his private life an issue.
he is a complete and utter ****************. In 5 years time he will be still writing ********

Not surprised 5 years ago he was writing crap aswell.
At Wilson has a few fans here and there

How can PS still be a journalist??? Nobody likes him whatsoever and I mean literally NO1.
and so forth

All hate him
Skeptic said:
At Wilson has a few fans here and there

How can PS still be a journalist??? Nobody likes him whatsoever and I mean literally NO1.
and so forth

All hate him
And thats not to mention his superiority complex about AFL over all things Rugby League.
I know he is only doing his job and all that............but I seriously do not know one person who actully likes him as a writer or the way he comes across as a bloke, maybe his wife, kids and Kevin Bartlett might argue that point but that's it, he would have to be one of the most hated human beings in Australia, and does anyone out there actully read the Australian?
ccridley said:
The Age with Patrick Smith and Caroline Wilson what a winning combination,not.
Newbie-Smith writes for 'The Australian',he no longer writes for 'The Age'.
Rather read Caro then Mike She-Hen.
Teagueeee15 said:
He must have attended the University of Las Vegas to get his degree.
And you attend The University of Fookerland,where you're waiting to get your degree in utter stupidity.

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Is Patrick Smith for Real ?

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