Toast McRae era (2022-) = see OP

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Our rookie coach isn’t so rookie anymore …

Coaching ladder:

Alastair Clarkson, 4 Premierships as a Coach, 0 as a player
Damian Hardwick, 3 Premierships as a Coach, 2 as a player
Chris Scott, 2 Premierships as a Coach, 2 as a player
Craig McRae, 1 Premiership as a Coach, 3 as a player
Adam Simpson, 1 Premiership as a Coach, 2 as a player
Simon Goodwin, 1 Premiership as a Coach 2 as a player
John Longmire, 1 Premiership as a Coach, 1 as a player
Luke Beveridge, 1 Premiership as a Coach, 0 as a player
Sam Mitchell, 0 Premiership as a Coach, 4 as a player
Michael Voss, 0 Premierships as a Coach, 3 as a player
Brad Scott, 0 Premierships as a Coach, 2 as a player
Adam Kingsley, 0 Premierships as a Coach, 1 as a player
Chris Fagan, 0 Premierships as a Coach, 0 as a player
Ross Lyon. 0 Premierships as a Coach, 0 as a player
Ken Hinkley, 0 Premierships as a Coach, 0 as player
Justin Longmuir, 0 Premierships as a Coach, 0 as player
Matthew Nicks, 0 Premierships as a Coach, 0 as player
Adem Yze, 0 Premierships as a Coach, 0 as player

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That clip from late 2021 which I saw on Jen‘s twitter is great to watch again. Seeing Lewis , Nick Riewoldt and Robbo saying we would be bottom 4 in 2022 and others saying how bad our list was and then Fly saying with a big smile how pumped he is about taking over and getting us to rise up the ladder.
Our rookie coach isn’t so rookie anymore …

Coaching ladder:

Alastair Clarkson, 4 Premierships as a Coach, 0 as a player
Damian Hardwick, 3 Premierships as a Coach, 2 as a player
Chris Scott, 2 Premierships as a Coach, 2 as a player
Craig McRae, 1 Premiership as a Coach, 3 as a player
Adam Simpson, 1 Premiership as a Coach, 2 as a player
Simon Goodwin, 1 Premiership as a Coach 2 as a player
John Longmire, 1 Premiership as a Coach, 1 as a player
Luke Beveridge, 1 Premiership as a Coach, 0 as a player
Sam Mitchell, 0 Premiership as a Coach, 4 as a player
Michael Voss, 0 Premierships as a Coach, 3 as a player
Brad Scott, 0 Premierships as a Coach, 2 as a player
Adam Kingsley, 0 Premierships as a Coach, 1 as a player
Chris Fagan, 0 Premierships as a Coach, 0 as a player
Ross Lyon. 0 Premierships as a Coach, 0 as a player
Ken Hinkley, 0 Premierships as a Coach, 0 as player
Justin Longmuir, 0 Premierships as a Coach, 0 as player
Matthew Nicks, 0 Premierships as a Coach, 0 as player
Adem Yze, 0 Premierships as a Coach, 0 as player
Can see why Port were in a rush to sign up Ken "July's a good time to be number 1" Hinkley. Dripping with flags
That clip from late 2021 which I saw on Jen‘s twitter is great to watch again. Seeing Lewis , Nick Riewoldt and Robbo saying we would be bottom 4 in 2022 and others saying how bad our list was and then Fly saying with a big smile how pumped he is about taking over and getting us to rise up the ladder.
Just as good? Go Caro 😂

Fly has done a magnificent job in his first two years obviously but the thing I loved most in his presser post match was that this is just the beginning and we are not not done after winning a Grand Final. We’ve got a guy who knows what it takes to win multiple premierships teamed up with Wrighty who knows the same from a different perspective. We are in a very sound position and it warms my heart to hear Lloyd, Barrett and Edwards on footy central all dismissing us as grand finalists in 2024. All tipping Brisbane to back up and play either Melbourne, Carlton or GWS. Lol
Its interesting the different legacies these three will leave.

Leigh was before my time so I find it hard to see him as a Collingwood person now. Mick I struggle to see as a Collingwood person but tolerate him given how much I appreciate 2010.

No matter what happens from here. Fly is always going to be a Collingwood person.
Mick had some sour years post Collingwood, but he’s Collingwood person in my eyes. I was listening to him on the ABC after the game and he was very happy.
Heard a quote from Graham Wright, I think it was over the weekend, that even he thought we needed a rebuild after our horror 2021, leading up to Fly’s appointment.

If someone as knowledgeable as Wright, and as close to our (then) list was not expecting this so soon - it again emphasises the outstanding achievement of Fly and the coaches.

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Heard a quote from Graham Wright, I think it was over the weekend, that even he thought we needed a rebuild after our horror 2021, leading up to Fly’s appointment.

If someone as knowledgeable as Wright, and as close to our (then) list was not expecting this so soon - it again emphasises the outstanding achievement of Fly and the coaches.
Absolutely, what Fly has achieved is nothing short of remarkable.

I thought it would be a few years in the wilderness, and then we might get back into contention by the late 2020s.

Not in my wildest dreams did I think we’d be celebrating a Premiership two years into his tenure.

I think it's unfair to hold caroline wilson accountable for things that she writes about the actual football. Her expertise lies in gossip and things like that. I think sometimes there isnt much gossip going around and her editors ask her to write about the actual football and she flounders a bit....well in this case, a lot. Her hair does look amazing on footy classifieds....
Absolutely, what Fly has achieved is nothing short of remarkable.

I thought it would be a few years in the wilderness, and then we might get back into contention by the late 2020s.

Not in my wildest dreams did I think we’d be celebrating a Premiership two years into his tenure.
I knew or had a more than reasonable hunch we'd win it this year, after last year's performance.

Brisbane and GWS were better than I expected though.
Even Melbourne I guess.
Absolutely, what Fly has achieved is nothing short of remarkable.

I thought it would be a few years in the wilderness, and then we might get back into contention by the late 2020s.

Not in my wildest dreams did I think we’d be celebrating a Premiership two years into his tenure.
I remember kicking the footy with my brother at the local oval while still in lockdown, listening to the Bombers beat us up in the last round of 2021 thinking "man we're at least half a decade away again aren't we". Couldn't have got me any lower as a fan of football.

It's a funny game isn't it!
Absolutely, what Fly has achieved is nothing short of remarkable.

I thought it would be a few years in the wilderness, and then we might get back into contention by the late 2020s.

Not in my wildest dreams did I think we’d be celebrating a Premiership two years into his tenure.
What we can say with certainty is that we should not underestimate what Fly can achieve with what ever list we have.
He has already fulfilled our wildest dreams.
Go Fly! Go Pies!!

Toast McRae era (2022-) = see OP

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