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Media are loving the Richmond demise , Wankley , Lloyd w***er , Karen Cornes , purple w***er , there livin it , probably tossing one at home every night over it
Wankley = Mr Agenda. Only talks about what suits, then gets on his high horse like he's an oracle. No idea why his opinion matters to be honest. A hypocrite who's never wrong. Weasel couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag let alone play footy.

Lloyd = Mr IQ. Struggles with words. His beloved bombers over 7k day since they won a final but the goose has declared them a top team through the years, over and over. He's like a dumb hamster on a wheel. Just doesn't get it. Dropped as a baby I suspect.

Cornes = Mr Controversial. Knows it's his only way of standing out as he has very little else to offer. He slags everyone except his beloved Port who have been crapping themselves when it matters for nearly 20 years. Hates Richmond as we've spoiled many a Port big moment and one of our own insulted his Step mom.

Purple = Gives me pedo vibes. Just rambles really. Stopped listening a long time ago. Hated by many including some of his colleagues and I'm not surprised. Lol Norff supporter.
Lloyd = Mr IQ. Struggles with words. His beloved bombers over 7k day since they won a final but the goose has declared them a top team through the years, over and over. He's like a dumb hamster on a wheel. Just doesn't get it. Dropped as a baby I suspect.
Wore 18 as it was the IQ he was striving for and failed to reach.

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