SFA Survivor

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I'll be the stowaway that nobody knows about until the final three and then BAM, knives in all of your faces.

I'm in
Nearly there guys. Get in quick if you want to join. I'll hold open a couple of spots because I don't trust eagleoz and Matt121 to hang around long enough to get this moving (sorry guys). So hopefully we will have the spaces filled so that we can kick this off when I get back from footy training tonight.
Nearly there guys. Get in quick if you want to join. I'll hold open a couple of spots because I don't trust eagleoz and Matt121 to hang around long enough to get this moving (sorry guys). So hopefully we will have the spaces filled so that we can kick this off when I get back from footy training tonight.

Don't worry about me Gee Dub! Im still keen and you never know I may surprise you!
Like I said i will be an improved poster.
I'm in.

Every show needs the guy who they kick off first. :eek:

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Unfortunately Matt121 due to the high demand for spots you are out. I am sorry.

Welcome to Survivor SFA! The boat has taken us all to a small island in the middle of a deep blue ocean. There is a large sandy shore and a beautiful rainforest. This place looks like a holiday resort minus the resort, you think. However this contest will not be all fun. It will be tough. You will need to make alliances and backstab. You will need wit and humour to get through. The weak links will be weeded out slowly but surely.

The island appears to be a paradise but it needs to be explored just to make sure. The contestants are not aware of the dangers on the island but I am. 2 contestants need to be chosen to explore the island and bring back some firewood and some food. This is a very dangerous journey and these 2 contestants will not come back. You are to submit a reply stating which 2 contestants should be sent to explore. The best 2 entries, as judged by me, will each get to select a person to explore the island. Remember that these 2 may not come back, so this is a chance to get rid of a couple of big threats.

Hint: Make your entries funny and exciting. I will pick the entries that entertain me the most. Tangents and little side stories about experiences on the boat or island so far may help.

Entries must be clearly labelled as CHALLENGE 1.

Entries will close sometime tomorrow afternoon. Good luck contestants.
Note: Entries must be posted in this thread, not PMed to me.

Sorry Fumbles, this doesn't seem to be the thing for you. You can be in if you wish though.

Well there are a few incompetent muppets that could easily be killed after getting 'lost' on the island. But the most obvious two would have to be Eth and Deddy. Both live at Mt Buller which is freezing and it snows all the ****ing time. These hot and humid temperatures will be too much for them. And you don't want a couple of deaths in the first season, do you Dubz?

They are also downhill skiers, it is instilled in their blood. They already are lazy-ing it up at camp getting jiggy with each other. They go with the flow easily but when something hard is flung their way, the gay it up. 'Ew, I don't want to build a tent' and 'Hurry up and find us food.' The food was right infront of them....

Finally, they are whingers. Whining at getting splinters in their fingers and the fact there is no toilet paper. Harden up princesses even if Juggs has taught you how to whinge and whine at the tiniest things.

So all up, these pansies are no hope at winning nor surviving if they were to stay on the island.
You need to give more time Dubz, things in life pop up. Whilst I realise it makes things drag on a bit, a minimum of 48 hours should be given.
Challenge 1.

The boat trip was rough, trying to conjure up a strategy for once we arrived was tough given the erratic steering of WGS. I began thinking of foods that may be available on the island but then something struck me, what if we arrive and find absolutely nothing in the way of food?

If cannibalism was something we would have to resort to I'm going to be one step ahead of the pack. Deddy and Harps are both young and have bones that lack meat, if they were sent off on a wild goose chase for food & supplies we may never find them, rendering them useless because their bodies would be unable to be cannibalized. I would much rather feast on the voluptuous figures of beez and duggan.

WGS LOG #1: The heat radiates off the sand like the inner upper thighs of a poorly chosen and slightly very fat female at a disco. I decided to keep to myself on the boat as much as possible before we boarded but my loose lips may have indeed sunk my ship (or in this case shitty little timber float). I was sitting next to someone called Filthy Sacha or something like that, who’s name was obviously not irony. Perhaps he has a rotting flesh disease concealed under his trunks but I didn’t think of this when I genuinely asked if he could smell musky man scent on the wind. He seemed offended and I realised the pungent aroma was in fact he.

The rest of the trip was not enjoyable. Also someone who calls himself IMS kept winking at me. Does he want to be my friend or does he have tourettes? Andonis1997 introduced himself to the boat and told us all exactly how he would spend the prize money and said he had already form an alliance…with Jesus…

The mozzies are huge and cunning on this baron island of doom. How anyone can survive here for 39 days has got me miffed. I hope that chap in the khaki pants dresses like that because he is a genuine outdoors man, not just a golf fan. I ask the young child next to me (who introduces himself as OG Deddy) who the ‘huntsman’ in khaki is and he tells me that man is called BILC. I’ll watch him but he might be worth keeping around to mooch off. The only other advisory I spoke to was this one guy who kept eyeballing the two pale dudes from the snow, Deddy and his friend Eth. I’ll watch myself around him; he seemingly forms grudges easily and without too much reason.

When it came to sending two off into the jungle to feed me and keep me warm I decided to put forth the names of Andonis as I don’t think he will provide much peace to me on a Sunday morning and also HARPS, the angry man who will no doubt find fault with my own background.

I’ll make myself look busy by doing a stock take of gear and food and agree with all the strong players’ suggestions while s******ing at their simplicity. Who knows, they may even form an alliance with me…
You need to give more time Dubz, things in life pop up. Whilst I realise it makes things drag on a bit, a minimum of 48 hours should be given.

I think we need to move it along a little bit considering we have 17 contestants but once a couple have been eliminated we can let it go on a bit longer. It isn't the be all and end all if you don't post an entry here considering immunity is not at stake, but it would be advantageous to try and win to send a threat home.

Just saying that I was last to put mah name in...:)

I don't have many people I dislike in Survivor, but seeing as I have to make my choices, I would like to evict Beez and the one and only Okeydoke7.

Well, to the disgust of everyone in this series, on the boat, they were flashing, saying "These are the balls of glory, and strength and they are going to singlehandedly beat all you b!t@&3$ !"
I believe that these two guys have got what it takes to take out Survivor, with their huge words and their experience in the wild, and seeing by their body hair, they should belong in the wild, so it's crucial to get them out. I feel that there are too many guys here that can get annoyed by the fact that these two muppets have the X factor, whatever that means.

Okeydoke has just come back to the SFA, and he has made an impact already. We need him out. We need to make an impact, whether it is punching him in the mouth, or throwing him off the boat, or giving him pills so he is convinced that he can make an alliance with his bestfriend, a volleyball named Wilson.

Beez, well, he is a good public speaker. His words are somewhat hypnotic in some cases. Definitely a threat, he needs to go. It is the "Veteran" tag that just gives me the shits about him, because even BigFooty knows he is a great poster, and being the leader of the current premiers, we need to de-throne him and the Bomber boys need to create a mutiny to defeat him.

...of course, you could also do this in Season 15.

So all up, these guys need to go. They DO have a chance by going all the way, and they need all the help from us to kick them out.

Thankyou Your Honour for listening.

Looking at this sorry crop of wanna-be fantasy football turned survivor players, I notice that 2 of the squibs are squirming more than the rest. Easty and Deddy.

Now these two would do well to be sent off, just if it were to give a bit of rest to everyone else. These two would be sent off into the wild and dangerous island.
What have we learned about arriving on a, most likely, dangerous and largely unknown island from many documentaries and movies alike? DINOSAURS.

So while these two partake in their pre-mating rituals, ie. bashing each other with sticks and arguing with each other about captaincy and the Demons, a velociraptor would saunter along and with each distracted by their own self-righteous ideals and dick stroking, it would have a decent feast, pre-salted with the sweat they have worked up.

When the prehistoric carnivore finishes up his stringy and sinewy meal, it would gallop off happy that it has done a good thing for humanity! (Well at least for the rest of us on Survivor Island)


Jesus then rode him home so they could watch Jurassic Park, the part when the raptor opens the door.

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