Turn Off that Phone! The Real Scourge of Public Transport

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I found this opinion piece very amusing.

Turn off that phone! The real scourge of public transport
Peter West
February 6, 2009
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WE'VE all heard the words that make us feel sick on the stomach: "Hi. I'm on the tram." And so we hear someone's loud conversation all the way to Flinders Street. But being good citizens, we meekly sit there and put up with it. People of the suburbs, unite! You have nothing to lose but your inhibitions.

Here are some ways in which we can sabotage mobile-phone users.

I don't mind people having a conversation on the phone, FFS you are nitpicking if you think there is something wrong with that.

What I do have a problem with though is people playing music through their phones. ****ing annoying.

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Everyone knows that the reall scourge on PT is middle aged women, who squash to the front of the door to be first off, get up in between stations to get to the door, barge on first to find a seat, talk loudly in groups about stupid babies and generally makes life while on PT a misery.

P.S. Those ideas were lame to the point that if it was a horse it would have had 4 broken legs.
Everyone knows that the reall scourge on PT is middle aged women, who squash to the front of the door to be first off, get up in between stations to get to the door, barge on first to find a seat, talk loudly in groups about stupid babies and generally makes life while on PT a misery.

P.S. Those ideas were lame to the point that if it was a horse it would have had 4 broken legs.

So true.
I don't mind people having a conversation on the phone, FFS you are nitpicking if you think there is something wrong with that.

What I do have a problem with though is people playing music through their phones. ****ing annoying.

my thoughts exactly. who gives a flying **** if somebody is on the phone in public, i think there's more important things to worry about

and for sure, people openly playing music is the worst. i don't wanna hear your bullshit r&b love song repeated over and over for 20 minutes just because it's your new favourite track and it reminds you of your 2 week old boyfriend.

self-awareness is almost non-existent these days
I couldn't give a rats arse, let them speak on their phones, after all they always have to be able to answer some important calls to answer at any time. if people don't like this then get back to using their cars.
For me the scourge is fat people on the bus, crushing skinny people.

I think a person with a phone is less annoying than being crushed for an hour.

And on the trains too. Especially when you have no alternative but to stand up for a thirty minute train trip to avoid being cramped of room because you have two fatties on each seat next to you.

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Spot the people who use their mobiles on PT. :D

It is worse when you are shopping & people are walking around while talking on their phones, they don't look where they are going & stop in the middle of an asile making it impossible to get past them. I swear the next idiot that does that, I am going to run into them. FFS, how hard is it to go without using your bloody phone while you do the shopping? :mad:
And on the trains too. Especially when you have no alternative but to stand up for a thirty minute train trip to avoid being cramped of room because you have two fatties on each seat next to you.

Have you noticed that they always try to sit next to the thinnest person, just so they get more room, I always have fatties sitting next to me, taking up one & a half seats.
I generally don't talk on the phone on the train as I don't like a whole heap of people hearing my phone calls. Sex lines are best called in the privacy of your own home.

On a serious, I don't have a problem with people talking on the phone. No different to two people sitting next to each other having a convo - except you can hear both sides. Sometimes I do wonder when I hear 16-24 year old women having a social and gossip call about nothing in particular. It doesn't bother me but I wonder what makes them do it?
Sure people talking on mobile phones is annoying sometimes, but it will happen anywhere. Whats more annoying is when the 13-17 year old high school kids get on and talk about 'like OMG did you see Terry today he/she was like sticking his/her tongue out everytime the teacher turned his back and it was like soooooooo funny.'' to which they reply 'I koooooow terry is soooooo funny, omg you should have seen this thing that sam was doing.....'' blah blah blah. They are the most irritating conversations.

Anyway, my solution to the annoying people on the bus is just to sit next to them and when I have to fart, I will just let rip and then proceed to look at them in disgust and sit somewhere else. That usually makes them feel sefl concious and stop what they are doing or leave in general.
What I do have a problem with though is people playing music through their phones. ****ing annoying.


Yep....its always the maori's or sudanese with their soulja boy or rihanna blaring through the pissy speakers

And it does happen. It's normally the worst, worst, worst, unhard, quite pathetic (IMO, no offence to those who like it) music. It's the last thing you want to hear when you've had a long day, yet the sit up the back of the bus/carriage as if they own it, and play it loud and long. And then replay it. And replay it. And replay it.
I dont' mind people who have a quiet conversation on the mobile on the train. No worries at all.

Then there's people who have a 'phone' voice and seem to speak very loudly, louder than they would normal conversation because they are on the phone, I can hack them so long as they are quick.

Then there's the worst type, the I have absolutely no regard for anyone bar themselves type of scumbags.

We had this stupid 18 year old bimbo on the train a week or so ago practicially screaming at her boyfriend on her mobile, having a full relationship barney because her boyfriend decided to go out with mates on their 17 week anniversary or some equally pathetic garbage. I'd go out with the mates if I was this bloke too. She's utterly oblivious to the world around her, repeatedly calling him a f*cking arseh*le and whatever other name she could think of, as if nobody was there. This was a packed train. For 20 minutes it went from irritating to oddly amusing at how literally everyone on the carriage was forced to listen this whining bitch abuse her boyfriend. No idea I tell you. Zero thought for anyone, just plain rudeness. It amazes me that some people are that inconsiderate or bafflingly ignorant of social etiquette.
A massive bugbear for me too. If I get a phone call on the tram, which, if it's work related are hard to do anything about. I attempt to at least go to the end of the carriage/tram where there's no-one there.

On the other hand, though, it's an aspect of a much bigger social problem for me. Hearing other people's conversations. My girlfriend does it in public all the time, and I'm of the opinion that if you didn't want to hear it from someone else, someone else doesn't want to hear it from you. She constantly yells across the supermarket wanting to know if we need X item or whatever. Annoying as all hell.

On PT, there's a minority of people who seem like they want their conversation to be heard, about what nightclub they're going to, or the people they know, or even the young fellas who need to swear constantly. Annoying as all get up.

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