Europe War in Ukraine - Thread 4 - thread rules updated

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Hey all,

Seeing as multiple people seem to have forgotten, abuse is against the rules of BF. Continuous, page long attacks directed at a single poster in this thread will result in threadbans for a week from this point; doing so again once you have returned will make the bans permanent and will be escalated to infractions.

This thread still has misinformation rules, and occasionally you will be asked to demonstrate a claim you have made by moderation. If you cannot, you will be offered the opportunity to amend the post to reflect that it's opinion, to remove the post, or you will be threadbanned and infracted for sharing misinformation.

Addendum: from this point, use of any variant of the word 'orc' to describe combatants, politicians or russians in general will be deleted and the poster will receive a warning. If the behaviour continues, it will be escalated. Consider this fair warning.

Finally: If I see the word Nazi or Hitler being flung around, there had better have a good faith basis as to how it's applicable to the Russian invasion - as in, video/photographic evidence of POW camps designed to remove another ethnic group - or to the current Ukrainian army. If this does not occur, you will be threadbanned for posting off topic

This is a sensitive area, and I understand that this makes for fairly incensed conversation sometimes. This does not mean the rules do not apply, whether to a poster positing a Pro-Ukraine stance or a poster positing an alternative view.

Behave, people.
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Hope you mean ex-president Vis?
Since he is so influential and powerful, maybe he can do one of each....

Meanwhile in Russia proper the 3 day war is going so well, the Russian clowns spray their own cities with anti aircraft ammo.

Russian forces seized a hospital in the city of Vovchansk last week and started using it as a base. The Ukrainians decided to take it out with an airstrike. Reportedly it was filled with dozens of Kadyrov's troops inside as the building was demolished.


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Russian forces seized a hospital in the city of Vovchansk last week and started using it as a base. The Ukrainians decided to take it out with an airstrike. Reportedly it was filled with dozens of Kadyrov's troops inside as the building was demolished.

At least the bloke who fell out of the window was right near a hospital 😁
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Dictionary work, here we go

Yes Poland was divided up, you'll note that Ukraine took a fair chunk of the eastern Europe sphere of influence stuff. USSR reimposing it's empire that collapsed in the first world war

I've been all through this in previous posts, learn more than cold war propaganda.It wasn't an alliance unless we're putting the French/Poles/Denmark/Turkey/Estonia/(other baltics) in the same boat, which would be silly

There are Fascists and there are communists, very different ideologies that have always been at each others throats
The Economist with their summary of the terrorists Kharkiv attack.

Saying that it has been a failure so far and not according to plan.

In the area around Shebekino (Russian territory just over the border from where RF has launched its latest stalled offensive toward Kharkiv), the locals first speak about how garbage has been left uncollected, and also how there is not construction of shelters to preseve lives in the case of Ukrainian shelling.

No garbage collection - agency won't work close to the frontline. [K1 TG]:
The Belgorod regional operator explained the garbage collapse in the border area by the fact that Ukrainians are tracking garbage trucks via satellite

Residents of the Belgorod and Shebekinsky districts en masse complain about problems with garbage disposal in the comments on the page of Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov. The garbage remains in containers for one to three weeks, and due to the heat, an unpleasant odor appears.

" When will the Center for Environmental Safety start working!? Garbage has not been collected for more than 20 days, the answers contain only promises and no work" - wrote a resident of Novaya Tavolzhanka.

The state-owned company responsible for waste removal in the region said that due to the village’s proximity to the Ukrainian border, garbage trucks are tracked through a satellite monitoring system. Therefore, traveling to Novaya Tavolzhanka is dangerous for drivers.

In April, garbage truck drivers began to refuse to work in the border areas of the Belgorod region. Authorities said this was due to drone attacks.

No shelters, but flower beds. [K1 TG]
Instructions for cutting funds from Shebeken officials.

At a time when the regional authorities declare that it is impossible to remove garbage due to “surveillance from satellites,” flower beds are planted in the front-line city.

The mayor of the city, Zhdanov, pleased the residents with the news about planting flowers. The post appeared amid widespread complaints from people about the lack of shelters.

When will you organize security for the residents of long-suffering Shebekino? The mayor of the city can't cope! Where are the promised shelters? - writes a dissatisfied resident.

Another Shebekin resident laconicly suggested that Zhdanov take up shelters “instead of this crap.”
Another RF fuel storage goes up, this time in Dovchansk aka Sverdlovsk in far east Luhansk oblast (occupied LPR).
[Donbass today TG]
View attachment video_2024-05-21_11-24-59.mp4

"In Dolzhansk (Sverdlovsk), a blow was struck at a fuel and lubricants warehouse. This was announced by the head of the “LPR” group, Leonid Pasechnik. According to him, the Ukrainian Armed Forces struck with cluster munitions. The Ukrainian side did not comment on the situation."

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Dictionary work, here we go

Yes Poland was divided up, you'll note that Ukraine took a fair chunk of the eastern Europe sphere of influence stuff. USSR reimposing it's empire that collapsed in the first world war

I've been all through this in previous posts, learn more than cold war propaganda.It wasn't an alliance unless we're putting the French/Poles/Denmark/Turkey/Estonia/(other baltics) in the same boat, which would be silly

There are Fascists and there are communists, very different ideologies that have always been at each others throats
Amazing that you won't accept the fact that the USSR and Nazi Germany had an agreement to carve up Poland and amazing you fine Russias illegal invasion of Ukraine acceptable
Amazing that you won't accept the fact that the USSR and Nazi Germany had an agreement to carve up Poland and amazing you fine Russias illegal invasion of Ukraine acceptable
ok, to repeat. They had an agreement on spheres of influence in eastern Europe, essentially old Russian empire areas are soviet. A week after the deal is written Germany marches to Warsaw, it takes the soviets 16 days to react(invade), bear in mind Poland is a country barely 20 years old and doesn't have the deep defence to contest this on either side. This doesn't look like a deal to 'carve up' Poland, it looks like the USSR trying to buy time against a rampart fascist state, appeasement some call it

This agreement is broken a year and bit later which everyone knew it would be, Barbarossa, I presume you know the rest

Sorry broken record, I'll not go into this again as it's mostly unimportant to the current conflict

I don't find Russia's invasion of Ukraine acceptable, I find it understandable and legality doesn't mean anything without the power to enforce it.
ok, to repeat. They had an agreement on spheres of influence in eastern Europe, essentially old Russian empire areas are soviet. A week after the deal is written Germany marches to Warsaw, it takes the soviets 16 days to react(invade), bear in mind Poland is a country barely 20 years old and doesn't have the deep defence to contest this on either side. This doesn't look like a deal to 'carve up' Poland, it looks like the USSR trying to buy time against a rampart fascist state, appeasement some call it

This agreement is broken a year and bit later which everyone knew it would be, Barbarossa, I presume you know the rest

Sorry broken record, I'll not go into this again as it's mostly unimportant to the current conflict

I don't find Russia's invasion of Ukraine acceptable, I find it understandable and legality doesn't mean anything without the power to enforce it.
I love mental gymnastics. You have performed a beautiful 'battered sav' followed by a 'hello boys ' and finishing with a splendid 'crazy date.' Sadly to no avail. I think you will find it's a matter of public record that the division of Poland was, as they say, written into the pact. Not a whoops, we forgot Poland kind of thing. All planned, plotted and documented.
3 billion euros can buy a lot of artillery. Oh, the irony of using Russian profits against them to help destroy their military....

Just as a I thought, the whole Ukraine can use foreign weapons inside Russia statement a week or so ago was all lies and bluster.

Biden and his team have really shit the bed on this. Really needs to be pressured into changing their tune.

RF reportedly are making diplomatic moves to extend territory in other regions. It's basically muttered words at this point but they are whispering claims that their maritime borders should extend further into the Baltic Sea (regions bordered by RF, Finland and Estonia, and land borders between RF & Estonia, and between RF exclave Kaliningrad & Lithuania. Basically just expressed "ideas" but there's no doubt that there is a purpose behind the timing. "Reviewing current borders" is the terminology used.
ok, to repeat. They had an agreement on spheres of influence in eastern Europe, essentially old Russian empire areas are soviet. A week after the deal is written Germany marches to Warsaw, it takes the soviets 16 days to react(invade), bear in mind Poland is a country barely 20 years old and doesn't have the deep defence to contest this on either side. This doesn't look like a deal to 'carve up' Poland, it looks like the USSR trying to buy time against a rampart fascist state, appeasement some call it

This agreement is broken a year and bit later which everyone knew it would be, Barbarossa, I presume you know the rest

Sorry broken record, I'll not go into this again as it's mostly unimportant to the current conflict

I don't find Russia's invasion of Ukraine acceptable, I find it understandable and legality doesn't mean anything without the power to enforce it.
So you would wouldn't have any problems with the British invading the US as the US was part of their empire and the same for India?
RF reportedly are making diplomatic moves to extend territory in other regions. It's basically muttered words at this point but they are whispering claims that their maritime borders should extend further into the Baltic Sea (regions bordered by RF, Finland and Estonia, and land borders between RF & Estonia, and between RF exclave Kaliningrad & Lithuania. Basically just expressed "ideas" but there's no doubt that there is a purpose behind the timing. "Reviewing current borders" is the terminology used.
More than expressed. Seems they have put it into law now.

Provoking Finland, Lithuania and thereby NATO. Going on recent history, nothing will be done and Russia will get some territory for free.

Russia changes maritime border in Baltic Sea
I had to have a laugh at this one.

Ukraine hijacked an Iranian drone. This is the ultimate form of EW against drones, taking control of them. Sure a few folks in western militaries will be interested in this.

From the same source as the above, a graph of losses for both sides, divided into those by loitering UAV munitions versus other. This literally charts the rise of the robots.
So you would wouldn't have any problems with the British invading the US as the US was part of their empire and the same for India?
Any problems? Yeh, I'd laugh. You think the UK can extend supply lines 6000km? let alone the other details. MI6 is pretty active in Ukraine though, as is the GRU/FSB

If Mexico started saddling up to china you think the US wouldn't coup(or invade if that failed)? Shit when Gough questioned Pine Gap he was gone in a few months. Not like this is a new action

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