Mega Thread The Random Thoughts Thread Part 1

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Keep talking, she gets better every time you post.

When I was showing off my new switchblade bottle opener at the pub, she was obviously overcome with spite at not being the centre of attention for just a moment, and snapped back "SO WHAT? My vagina could do that!"

To which I retort "so that's why no guy will put his **** up you". She could have just said she's a lesbian, but her pride meant she had to think of something witty in return. She didn't and just went with "you're an idiot" after about 10 seconds.

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Haha on the radio show soon mate

That was such good listening though. I literally cackled numerous times during the hypnosis; surely Jordies was acting a little.

Also I hope that isn't the end of the pod. The radio show is like a slightly worse version with Tame Impala playing regularly.
Does she buy a lot of cucumbers?

Possibly but not for that purpose.

All you would have to do is be on a university campus and say "I'm a young lesbian who's still finding myself".

The mutual friend, another lesbian, once told me she had been with 17 people (both sexes) so far that year. It was February the 2nd.
Possibly but not for that purpose.

All you would have to do is be on a university campus and say "I'm a young lesbian who's still finding myself".

The mutual friend, another lesbian, once told me she had been with 17 people (both sexes) so far that year. It was February the 2nd.

All I'm hearing so far is how hot she is.

Also it's beginning to sound like you might have been the only person of either sex that she has knocked back and you are bitter about it.

If you love her, tell her. Her vagina can open bottles, what could go wrong?

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All I'm hearing so far is how hot she is.

Also it's beginning to sound like you might have been the only person of either sex that she has knocked back and you are bitter about it.

If you love her, tell her. Her vagina can open bottles, what could go wrong?

Different girl to the buzzfeed one, and I knocked her back on more then one occasion.

Actually one of those times she wanted me to "walk her home" from the pub, but it was karaoke night and I used the reason "I'm on the list to sing nickelback soon so I'd like to stay".

I'm bitter that someone so pretentious and fake supposedly has a job writing for a widely seen far left leaning internet publication. Again, this person could not stand to be in the same place as aboriginals, and that's one example. If we could drop the blokey banter for just a moment to acknowledge how shit that is?
I've got the boxset and love it, the laugh track is a little jarring in a post-AD, post-Curb world.
Same... the show was genius and has aged beautifully.

I can't believe the last episode was shot almost eighteen years ago!
Just about anything with laugh track now blows... t'wasn't always like that

The TV execs at yankland have a love affair with the laugh track. When "M.A.S.H." was on they tried it once in America without a laugh track and the ratings were the same as the episodes with a laugh track. But they soon returned to showing it with the laugh track.

The BuzzFeed article she wrote about the town's local water supply is not going down well, for being factually inaccurate.


Now I can move on with my life.
I'm not sure that I like the life and times of Edgie.

I just can't get past the whole bon scott poster on the roof, ac/dc alarm clock and bedsheets, no drivers licence sort of life.

It's all incredibly abstract. Like I'm reading the script for some sort of Napoleon Dynamite sequel. It's like an incredibly uninteresting journey, yet I can't bring myself to get off at the next stop.
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