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Ardern is **** all.

Don’t believe the media hype that all Kiwis adore her. They don’t.

Will be a one term wonder. Same as her globalist, soy, mate Justin.
Justin, like Macron lucked into his win due to circumstance.

Jacinda has her detractors, as all leaders do, but she still has a wide base of support based on personality alone. I say that as a Kiwi.

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They will do to Australia what Trump is doing to the US and the Tories are doing to the UK, wreck the joint.
WTF? The US economy is doing great and unemployment is lower than its been for over half a century. Labor couldn't deliver a surplus to save themselves and with the massive Rud/Gillard debt that we have we need consecutive and numerous surpluses.
It’s a choke but left wing parties are in a bind. The narrative of the left is toxic, even if the parties don’t take part in it.

No. The Libs appealed to self interest and fear. Hip pocket trumps all.
Then the same PM during the GFC got knifed in party and that has set the trend of PMs getting knifed ever since and forever ****** up Australian politics

Shorten is one of them backstabbing snakes and seems like many people haven't forgotten, and ironically it's gonna be another backstabbing snake that's gonna be PM. He will in turn be knifed and replaced by another backstabbing snake, this is Australian politics now and don't see when it'll be fixed
Doubt Morrison will be removed. Both parties have changed their processes for removing a sitting PM.
Don't blame me if they lose, I voted Labor.

I think the government is just too crap and we really need to change, but on the plus side if they don't the meltdown on this board will be hilarious. Plus I get to keep my franking credit refunds I might be getting if they stay in.

Win/win really.

Unlikely you would have been affected by that policy.

They weren't going to abolish franking credits, just stop people who pay no tax getting a refund based on them.

Do you have a job? If so, your franking credits were safe.
I don't think you can win a election with both a socially and economically progressive platform. I think it has to be one or the other.

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Labor followed the Democrats model of abandoning the working class in favour of inner city elites.
This is so wrong and is probably why Labor will lose.

People like this actually believe that LNP favour the working class over Labor? Why do they believe this?

Scare campaigns. It's all about brainwashing these days. The average person doesn't see policies, they react to scares.
It’s a choke but left wing parties are in a bind. The narrative of the left is toxic, even if the parties don’t take part in it.

That’s right UKiP is still very popular even after all the shit they caused, and who seem unable to practically deliver what they want
Stop blaming Queensland, you should never expect anything from Queensland.

This is Victoria and Tassie.

How bad Qld is, they gave the guy who spends majority of the year in the Philippines a 11% swing towards him. :D

Yeah. Nah.

Rents will still go up (Thanks Bill), capital gain set to surge as well now over this political term.

Nope. House prices will continue to slide. Negative equity to rise from it's current 10%. Construction sector to see more job losses and builders go to the wall.
But keep dreaming. The world needs dreamers :cool:
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