Scott Morrison - How Long? Part 2

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There is no one above the Feds. And there is no one above the Department of Home Affairs - including Morrisson.


What a wonderful world when no one is responsible for anything. I am sure there will be a federal police investigation or some other such bullshit. Of course they won't talk to anybody - to busy trying to stick it to the ABC than to do work that actually protects the public.

This is outright incompetence. And the consequences are absolutely real. There are 133 confirmed coronavirus cases and counting who stepped off that boat and caught the train home. FFS

You might look at WA.

I'm not denying the stuff up that has been the Ruby Princess, I'm more worried about the boats that are still coming with Australians on them. Lets not repeat what has happened.
Having watched on TV the Border Force Chief (& Premier McGowan) I'm comfortable it wont.

That is not to deny the politics.
There is no one above the Feds. And there is no one above the Department of Home Affairs - including Morrisson.


What a wonderful world when no one is responsible for anything. I am sure there will be a federal police investigation or some other such bullshit. Of course they won't talk to anybody - to busy trying to stick it to the ABC than to do work that actually protects the public.

This is outright incompetence. And the consequences are absolutely real. There are 133 confirmed coronavirus cases and counting who stepped off that boat and caught the train home. FFS

Well then why are the Feds stating that they only released passengers because NSW Health green lighted it?

Something doesn't make sense and it seems there is a lot of finger pointing going on..

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No idea of the balance you refer to.

No argument with your right to an opinion, Issy has one too, doesnt make it realistic.
Does Issy use evidence and facts? No.

Invalid comparison.

Show me the Coalition supporters on here that have habitually used reason, logic, facts and verifiable statistics to make their case. Few and far between.

They made a dumb choice and they don't admit it.

Because the truth is, most of them are footy barrackers applying the same paucity of critical analysis to something far more important.
Oh and they’re off till August.
Non essential??

They have the approval to get things done and in a time that they are telling people not to gather, don't travel and exercise social distancing, surely it would be entirely hypocritical to continue having 200+ people flying in and out and congregating in a small area?

Besides, is any parliament running? Victoria shut down last week and they aren't coming back in August, they have shut down indefinitely! But that's ok because Daniel Andrews is loved by all...
I don’t understand the confusion around the way Scomo communicates, or with what he’s said as far as directions go.

I believe he’s been clear and concise and have understood everything loud and clear. My girlfriend and her friends are rusted on green voters who hate the bloke, and surprisingly they’ve said the same thing.

I think those who take exception with what he’s said and how he says it will have an issue with him irrespective of what he says, or how he says it. You probably have always hated him with a passion. That’s fine, you’re entitled to your opinion.

The social media lashings of him doesn’t help anything in this situation though. If anything it causes division in a period of time where we need to find common ground and come together. If politicians can do it surely we as a society can too?
Not bad enough to come on here and spout an alleged $40K share purchase you just made when people have literally lost everything overnight.

Like I said, you're an embarrassment.
Seriously, go **** yourself. I'm putting 20 years of hard slog onto the block here all in the hope of paying off a year or two for my autistic daughers private school fee's. Its a fearsome risk for someone like me but IMO now is the time to get into some premium stocks while the arse has fallen out of them. The effort energy and risk I'm taking is what it takes for the "rich" people to get ahead in this country. It is what it is.
Does Issy use evidence and facts? No.

Invalid comparison.

Show me the Coalition supporters on here that have habitually used reason, logic, facts and verifiable statistics to make their case. Few and far between.

They made a dumb choice and they don't admit it.

Because the truth is, most of them are footy barrackers applying the same paucity of critical analysis to something far more important.

A bit binary, for example there are many conservative and/or Liberal voters that were in full support of SSM. People hate being pigeonholed.

Whilst Dutton is a dork I have no issue with Australia (and Im not Australian) enforcing hard measures to stop an incredibly harsh black market trade.

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I don’t think posting an article from the guardian does anything in this instance?
I do. I feel the article spells out fairly clearly how inadequate and confused Morrison’s response has been, and uses our nearest neighbour Ardern’s example to show how much better it might have been.
Seriously, go fu** yourself. I'm putting 20 years of hard slog onto the block here all in the hope of paying off a year or two for my autistic daughers private school fee's. Its a fearsome risk for someone like me but IMO now is the time to get into some premium stocks while the arse has fallen out of them. The effort energy and risk I'm taking is what it takes for the "rich" people to get ahead in this country. It is what it is.
Only one of these is true.
^^^ like hell. Anyhoo the biggest flog move has been announced by McGowan to limit alcohol sales in WA to 1 carton or 1L of wine/spirits. Not to preserve stocks mind you but to stop people drinking more than the state says they can because the police are worried we can be trusted to not to drink ourselves to ablivion. Absolute dickhead. This will achieve nothing other than making people go to the shops more.
I do. I feel the article spells out fairly clearly how inadequate and confused Morrison’s response has been, and uses our nearest neighbour Ardern’s example to show how much better it might have been.
It’s only been confusing to people that want to have a reason to lambast him. Put your pom-poms aside, take off your skirt, and stop cheerleading for the political side you align yourself with.

He’s been clear and concise. The comparison to Ardern as if she is a beacon of what all things a leader should be in this crisis is laughable considering she’s on death row as far as her term as PM over there goes.

Next presser I’ll be more than happy to explain to you the directive from Scomo to help you understand if you genuinely are confused. Though I suspect you’re one of the many thousands out there who will use this pandemic as a cheap political point scoring opportunity.

“OmG wHy ArE tHeRe TeN aLlOwEd At FuNeRaLs BuT fIvE aLlOwEd At WeDdInGs?!? HoW wIlL i EvEr GeT tHrOuGh ThIs!? So CoNfUsInG!!”

Shut up and do as you’re told Karen. It’s simple.
Seriously, go fu** yourself. I'm putting 20 years of hard slog onto the block here all in the hope of paying off a year or two for my autistic daughers private school fee's. Its a fearsome risk for someone like me but IMO now is the time to get into some premium stocks while the arse has fallen out of them. The effort energy and risk I'm taking is what it takes for the "rich" people to get ahead in this country. It is what it is.

And that is all well and good but why come in here and big your own financial situation up?

You must really crave acceptance, or are that mentally vacuous that you don't get that others are doing it tough and don't want to read about some keyboard hero cashing in whilst they are trying to pay their rent after they have just lost their job. And it's nice that you can send your kid to private school. I am sure the people on here who are trying to find the cash to even feed their kids are impressed.

Get over yourself you embarrassing, self-centered douchebag.
And that is all well and good but why come in here and big your own financial situation up?

You must really crave acceptance, or are that mentally vacuous that you don't get that others are doing it tough and don't want to read about some keyboard hero cashing in whilst they are trying to pay their rent after they have just lost their job. And it's nice that you can send your kid to private school. I am sure the people on here who are trying to find the cash to even feed their kids are impressed.

Get over yourself you embarrassing, self-centered douchebag.
Not yet, it's only on paper. This is a sucker's rally, sell, sell, SELL!!!
How would you know how much work he might have or have not put in to get that money for such an investment?

It's not relevant mate. The clown had to just come in here and tell everybody. He just couldn't keep the fact that he is in a position to profit form the world's misfortune to himself. He's the guy who eats hamburgers in front of starving children.

I'd be embarrassed to be him. I really would.
It's not relevant mate. The clown had to just come in here and tell everybody. He just couldn't keep the fact that he is in a position to profit form the world's misfortune to himself. He's the guy who eats hamburgers in front of starving children.

I'd be embarrassed to be him. I really would.
If it makes you feel better then I guess it serves a purpose.

Wealth is made in down times, those who have some disposable money will get heavy discounts on everything - including hiring employees, get ready for that when hiring starts again with a new low figure.

People plan and prepare for events like this, others struggle to get to the next weekend. That's life.
He was talking in the present tense; there's no effort and energy required to buy shares, a helluva lot of risk though.

Some financial words I was told by a very rich man who took a shine to me was "you never know how hard someone had to work for what they have" regarding either a rusty old bucket of a car or a shiny new tesla.

Someone who was saving a home deposit in cash working two jobs and staying in a share place might find themselves in a better place to buy $50,000 of shares at 50% off at the moment.
Some financial words I was told by a very rich man who took a shine to me was "you never know how hard someone had to work for what they have" regarding either a rusty old bucket of a car or a shiny new tesla.

Someone who was saving a home deposit in cash working two jobs and staying in a share place might find themselves in a better place to buy $50,000 of shares at 50% off at the moment.
As I said above, his quote was 'the effort, energy and risk I'm taking', not the 'energy and effort I've put in to be able to take this risk'.
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