Coach Alastair Clarkson - NMFC Senior Coach - Coaching & Football Discussion

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There is so much white knighting on the thing I am not sure it is the issue that is being made of it.

I find it mildly amusing that when there is a gaff in the media they can use terms like "slip of the tongue" but when a coach sees the player responsible for KO'ing a one of his players laughing a short period after the act of knocking the player out there is little leeway from the media. It is hang him out, suspend him, make an example, does he even have the mental strength to coach.

Honestly that is all a load of shit. It has next to nothing to do with the words he used. Sure they were poor, had he called them c***s would the angle have been then "he's a misogynist" despite that word being pretty entrenched in the Australian vernacular. That is what the media are looking for, the angle, "how do we paint this so that it gets the most traction". It doesn't even matter if the angle paints the media as hypocritical.

What this furore has shown is that there is clear sharks out there with axes to grind against him. they have very vocal positions and are going to jump on him at every opportunity they have.

But what do I know? I am just a rank and file member.

So my perspective as that is that we have a coach that cares and sometimes gets so close to the line it blurs. That is not a thing that you can do every time. But it is a thing that shows me at the most basic level our coach cares to the point that sometimes he will fore go the rules for his players. He is invested completely.

Our coach has passion and sometimes that'll take over but I would much prefer that to him clocking in and out and playing golf when he should be coaching.

I also think is just a little bit of the media getting their licks in while they can, because the wheel is turning.
Yikes, you knew from the get go Carro was going to sink into Clarkson before he was appointed- but now this has eventuated to a point where everyone who has had some beef with him is coming out hard and looking for blood.

All those panel members except Bartel dont realise that Webster nearly killed him.
Storm in a teacup, but the media has to whip up outrage about the despicable Alistair Clarkson. They have to go back 11 years to show that he will never change. Jimmy is the only one with a bit of common sense on that panel and I had expected better from Lloyd. Clarko has just seen his captain wiped out by a dog act and looks at the perpetrator who is showing zero care or remorse, so he blows up momentarily to give him a serve with zero homophobic intentions. The correct interpretation of his words would be along the lines of "you're a farking lowlife" either to Webster or someone who stood up for him.

How has North covered for Clarko? He was exonerated by the AFL in the Hawthorn racism saga, so what's that got to do with the price of eggs? Is our supposed North supporter Damo suggesting that the Human Rights Commission is going to find him guilty and that should be taken into consideration? The AFL botched the Hawthorn investigation which has already caused North to lose Clarko for half a season without compensation for North from the AFL. They owe Clarko and North big time for that complete stuff up.

It seems Eddie is in the know and I'll be surprised if $25k plus a 2 week suspended suspension isn't right on the money. Let the fine at least be directed to a charity of Clarko's choice instead of going into the pockets of the AFL.

Can someone please buy Webster a comb or a brush? He looks a complete mess every time I see him.
Clarko needs a week off. Its obvious that outburst caused Dougie Howser's injury. Where is the duty of care? Won't someone think of the children. Oh the Hugh Manatee.

I ****en love that Clarko and Viney and crucially Jy are building an us against the, here's the standard for our group and we'll defend who we are to the death culture.

I reckon also that a huge element of Clarko's anger has come from him seeing first hand how strong Jy has been through the whole Tarryn shit, how he stood up for the team culture they're building and the cost it would have had on him.

Then some sniping shitman comes along and puts his career in jeopardy the week after.
I *en love that Clarko and Viney and crucially Jy are building an us against the, here's the standard for our group and we'll defend who we are to the death culture.

I reckon also that a huge element of Clarko's anger has come from him seeing first hand how strong Jy has been through the whole Tarryn s**t, how he stood up for the team culture they're building and the cost it would have had on him.

Then some sniping shitman comes along and puts his career in jeopardy the week after.
I will never forgive what that sniper did to Jy. Blood is on his hands come round 8. Boys should be fired up for that one if he plays.

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I will never forgive what that sniper did to Jy. Blood is on his hands come round 8. Boys should be fired up for that one if he plays.

Don't want anyone getting rubbed out by doing something stupid, but any opportunity to hurt him within the rules or only get fined ... do it.

Can we get Cunners back that week to give a class on delivering the $1000k fine gut punches.
"Would Craig Macrae do that?" ....personally I couldn't give a * what Macrae would do.

I'm more interested in what Clatkson or maybe a Hardwick would do.

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Hardwick got stuck into an oppo player a year or two ago didn't he?

EDIT: 5 seconds of googling later.


The AFL will take no further action against Damien Hardwick despite the Richmond coach admitting he overstepped the mark in an expletive-laden verbal spray over opposition players at Richmond’s most recent VFL match.

Hardwick allegedly called Williamstown players “weak f*****g pricks” at quarter-time in the contest at Punt Rd Oval last Saturday.

The blow-up followed an on-field incident between Tigers AFL-listed player Rhyan Mansell and the Seagulls’ Darby Henderson, which led to a melee.

The AFL investigated the matter but decided against sanctioning Hardwick.

“Damien assisted us with our enquiries, and in response he understands his standing in the community as a senior AFL coach and acknowledged if he had his time again he wouldn’t have acted in that manner,” the league said.

“No further action will be taken by the AFL.”
I know he's new to the role, but Dillon comes across as far less impressive than McLachlan did.

McLachlan was clearly a much better communicator.
Where you say communicator, I read ‘bullshit artist’.
What happened to Chris Scott when he had his onfield run in with Chris Fagan ?

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