Society/Culture Feminism part 1 - continued in part 2

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Which has 300,000 members apparently. Even if that's only half true.....
Out of 7 billion oh oh, we are going down! ( though find it hard to believe that many members.) And a lot of people might be dopey enough to join up organizations like this, but hopefully take it no further than unbalanced rants on the internet. Ridiculous ideas based on flawed thinking on both sides. I don't think it helps in anyway. I don't think it is healthy. I don't like such unpleasant ideas being out there. But its allowed.
So the two biggest (if not only) proponents of MGTOW are one poster who openly hates women, and the other who openly believes that Satan is controlling Barrack Obama and is opposed to sex outside marriage. Brilliant.

A friend of mine has chosen not to enter another live in relationship following a messy break up. He loves the single life and enjoys the company of women in a no strings kind of way.

The difference is that he doesn't need to make it into a political statement, I guess he lacks the desperate need for attention.
Ahh yes, disagreeing with feminism apparently equates with hating women in general.

Love all the abuse I've gotten since telling everyone I'm MGTOW: especially being successful: reeks of a "man up" culture- successful men are there to serve women and make their lives easier.

I 100% guarantee I respect women as basic human beings far more than the white knights on this thread. 100%
Ahh yes, disagreeing with feminism apparently equates with hating women in general.

Love all the abuse I've gotten since telling everyone I'm MGTOW: especially being successful: reeks of a "man up" culture- successful men are there to serve women and make their lives easier.

I 100% guarantee I respect women as basic human beings far more than the white knights on this thread. 100%
Of course you do dear, we all know that.;)
I 100% guarantee I respect women as basic human beings far more than the white knights on this thread. 100%
Guarantee you don't...

I did this once. I had two profiles, my own and one I created with Woody Allens son (hes a model). I made his profile as shitty as I could, with spelling mistakes and sleaze all other the place.

I then contact ten women in turn, with my profile and with the fake profile. Plus one woman that I had actually gone out with on a date a few weeks before who had subsequently ignored me. Fine, whatever, Im used to it.

It was hilarious. Many of the women would make funny jokes about the spelling mistakes I made as the model within ten seconds, yet I would spell perfectly as myself and they would take forever to respond. Their profiles would be filled with how they wanted men to be kind, considerate and helpful. As the model I would then tell them about how I would laugh at homeless people and give them US pennies instead of Aus currency and how I had slept with dozens of women. They would lap it up.

The woman I went out with for a first date? I treated her like shit as the model, even called her a **** and a turd, then arranged a date somewhere expensive. She gobbled it up. I naturally didnt turn up. She was back online asking "what did I do wrong?" Then it was "When can we meet up again?"

And feminists wonder why men dont respect women :rolleyes:
As per the part in the quote that I bolded, underlined and italicised, I see you once again equating being a woman with being a feminist...

Just thought I'd call you out on your bullshit, again.

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Wow, you cant even use colloquial acronyms properly. Not sure you should be commenting on the sole of your foot let alone gender relations.

But any event, how have you proven that I hate women in general? All you've proven is that I believe that women hate man, which I note that you have not disproven either.

You do hate women, but that wasn't the argument I made. Perhaps you're the one that needs to brush up on his basic reading comprehension.

You stated that you respect women as basic human beings more than the people in this thread.

You've also stated some pretty hateful shit about feminists and women, and equated feminists and women on multiple occasions.

As for disproving the statement that "women hate men":

Some women hate men. Some women hate women. Some women have been to space. Some women are right now as I type this solving a rubix cube. Every woman is different, because women are people. The fact that you think you can lump an half the world's population into a category and make statements about that category of people is absolute proof that you don't like or respect women.

If you respected women you would talk about them as if they were people and not a separate species.
Please. I can say ihatemen is a shit site.,... that's probably because, well, I don't hate men. Only an idiot would hate an entire gender :)

Can you say the same about that incel/mgtow (hahahahah) site?

Incel? Here's what the biggest name in MGTOW, Barbarossa, looks like:

Here is a MGTOW YouTuber with some good looking women on his arm:

And another:

Here's another man, Canadian, Lui Marco, who's both a popular bodybuilder and MGTOW, who's far from being incel in that gets criticized by some MGTOW purists for being seen with a couple of women he's getting down with.

So much for your incel theory. MGTOW guys are just regular guys, like these guys in the videos, who've had enough of likes of you to the point of no longer providing women with money and resources. Shaming these men is all you and your ilk have, because MGTOW not only won't marry or defacto women, but they don't spend money on and pay women's way, and yet they still get all the poon they can be bothered to get, as shown especially in the second video.

In a way, I think it's great what feminists/women are doing wrt shaming men who're opting out of their traditional role as provider/protector, for the more it occurs and the more men that are exposed to it the more men that wake up to feminists/women's indifference and apathy for the humanity and suffering of men. That's what I like about feminism - its hatred of men is so blatant and in your face that it's been MGTOW's greatest recruiter. Keep up the fine work. Onward and upwards.
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Suddenly you pretend that you can separate women from feminists... let alone extremists from feminists.
Well you can try and pretend that you can separate men from misogynists.......which I highly doubt.

But let's not pretend that women don't hate men. Of course, let's hate on the men who don't like that......:rolleyes:
Well you can try and pretend that you can separate men from misogynists.......which I highly doubt.

But let's not pretend that women don't hate men. Of course, let's hate on the men who don't like that......:rolleyes:
It's pretty simple... I'm a man, and I'm not a misogynist... and most men I know, aren't misogynist...
Just because you're so troubled, doesn't mean everyone else is...
To be a man... does not a misogynist make...

Women don't hate men... in fact, quite a few love them...
Didn't you see your tinder quote? Do they hate men? Or are you just upset at being rejected?
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