Coach Justin Longmuir Pt 2

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I think you can't have your cake and eat it too. We over handball at times absolutely but the guys are still figuring the balance out. I think they are being coached to control the ball and go to far with it sometimes.

Now if you want JL to get them to play with more freedom you need to be honest and say what you think of the smaller transitioning forwards because I query your objectivity if you don't think they are bottom 4 in the league at best and I'd argue more like the worst in comp.

I think JL knows we don't have the cattle to play as fast as other team because our forwards can't win contests and/or can't make good decisions consistently. And when I say fast I mean the Pies/Richmond chaos type fast, we can go fast on rebound but we still want to control the ball. I think it's not a coincidence we are keen for Baker and for that exact role.

So if you want more speed and chaos, be honest with you opinion on the forwards and let me know of you think they can pull it off. I personally don't think many of them can win a good number of 1v1s and I think a couple struggle to win 1v0 at the moment.
come on Snuff...tell us what you really think
"worst in the comp", surely theyre much worse than that?
Its a wonder we ever score.
I just watched the replay...we scared the chit out of the reigning premiers!
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come on Snuff...tell us what you really think
"worst in the comp" surely theyre much worse than that?
Its a wonder we ever score.
We score because our midfield and backline are dominant. Emmett and Walters kill us every week and are saved by Treacy breaking out and Freddy. I stand by our small forwards being the worst in the comp
I'm coming into bat for Justin. Not that he needs nor probably cares individually for my help! :tearsofjoy:

I acknowledge things are far from perfect (what in life ever is..!?), well except maybe Curt Hennig, but he was also mortal, like the rest of us... and the "handball happy" stuff is overkill. I think even Justin knows this. ANDDDDDDDD we can't score, our ragtag forward line isn't up to scratch, Walters is over the hill (probably) and...yadayadayada!

But guess what, so is the criticism of him and his coaching and the excessive almost...cry-baby stuff over not being successful and in finals. For a start Justin had to manage his newly appointed team in his first ever outing during unprecedented weirdness called COVID and whilst he spent time in the hubble bubble toil and trouble galvanising his playing group and getting to know them and implementing defensive strategies and whatnots, West Coke off just a 2 year Premiership-previous victory were moaning like kids without i-pads in McDonalds scolded by world-weary parents! In many ways this paved the way for their current 'decline'. 2021 was better but he still had to go with the flow of fluctuations whilst the world adapted. With still a very young team at the helm, we eventually broke the hoodoo of WC derby victories with a thrilling outing at the end of that year. Something Ross couldn't do since 2015. That for me was a big turning point. In the off season cry baby Cerra wants out and off he goes to Carltoon. We draft a KEY POSITION FORWARD in Amiss in his place. Not a bad bit of business if I do say so myself, as good a player as Cez looked to be.

The next year, in 2022 we make finals and we WIN a final (hooray)...and no one (well, not true...but hardly anyone) is feeling unhappy, throughout the year FLAGMANTLE emerges as a hashtag/trending/thingy-ma-bob and we beat undefeated reigning Prems Melbourne at the MCG in a thrilling exhibition, including Frederick's infamous Flick of Flabbergasting Brilliance. The place erupts and Flagmantle gains traction and everyone is feeling, to quote General Levy alongside the M-Beat ("the world is in trouble"). "I am, I am...the Incredible general! S-s-s-s-sensational". Anyway. I digress.....

2022 off season and we lose a slew of dudes, some best 22, some....not. Then 2023 stuffs us right up the left turkey and we lose some more best 22s in Henry and Sarge and we're back to feeling a tad glum again. Typical Freo territory.

So we get to 2024 and it's now J-Lo's 5th year in charge and we're all a bit shifty,'s time to get a bit Sex Machine like James Brown J-Lo and show us what moves ya got. And so, of we goooooooo.......

Of the 4 losses (to date this year) - now, I could be one of those savant-posters who knows every nuanced stat and can wade out paragraphs of intellectual reasoning and have the proof, but I am not that poster. I'm too f***in' lazy!

What I will say though is this:

4 losses. 2 in Adelaide, 1 under VERY suss circumstances and possibly another game we could have (should have?) won against Port. Neither game we were amazeballs in, but we didn't get spanked either. In it up to our eyeballs in some AFL equivalent of chaos-chess.

We then get ambushed in some shock and awe move by a hungrier (on the night) West Coast and the derby streak is over and we're all feeling super shiphousery. And that's our worst losing streak to date, 3 in a row.

Of course we know the Sydney situation and the events leading up to that. The tragedy of losing Cam, a beloved ex-player not even 30 years old less than 24 hours before the kick-off/bounce-down. Pretty tough to talk about that, even now.

So really all 4 losses have mitigating feelings behind them and of course recently one draw, 6 wins. Is it so terrible, and is what Justin bad..?! Meh, personally - I don't think so.

It feels like we've come a long way since the dark days of just last year even when it felt like we had backpeddled - it feels like a club that the AFL treats like a bastard son with impetigo, that has a tough travel schedule every year, has (be honest) NOT been given an easier draw for finishing 14th; has had to endure tough years to get access to better picks when the Ross years did yield some success near the top but not ultimately a flag and certainly not an influx of handy picks like North and Gold Toast have recently been slathering over left right and centre. In a world where Harley "Hugger Mugger Face" Reid is the 2nd coming (in more ways than 1..) in the West and over in Vicworld, we're not even a blip on the radar when Footy Classified only wants to talk about Dustin Martin's impending retirement plans, we are irrelevant.

Justin isn't perfect and a part of that is his introverted personality or aspects of it, but...I personally can see growth in him as a person AND as a coach, look at him recently calling out the Amiss stuff, the travel schedule, Justin of 2 years, hell maybe even 1 year might not have felt empowered to do all that...this is a different person emerging and he's taking this playing group with him who drive lofty standards, like Caleb and Andy - future captains in waiting, maybe dual captains. He's also in charge of one of the comp's youngest lists, is the 2nd youngest coach I think - so plenty of upside in him. Is, as seen within the industry - highly valued, respected and even loved (by his own). Fyfe said post-match against the Bulldogs "we're a young group...we're well coached..". He also said in a Channel 7 segment it would be folly to sack him now and then the players have to learn all over again from a new coach, just as traction IS being made, just as progress (albeit at times frustratingly is materializing). This gig ain't easy, but you can clearly see there's a bond and there's a belief. These...are decent foundations, forget the past 29 years. History is what's behind you, it starts NOW!

I'm not patient either and 30 years is .......a painful wait, but it does feel like it's coming and we do have to hold firm because I reckon (and of course, I could be wrong..) that we have the right man at the helm and he is going to deliver...soon. I still think the list is incomplete and needs some Chad and Baker and maybe one or 2 others who we haven't even conceived of yet or another hidden draft gem.....but I have warmed to Justin over the past 6 months or so, he's showing me things.....little signs here & there, and can see some of myself and what struggles I've had to endure, albeit not in a professional domain like J-Lo has, but if he can grow as a coach to a level of empowerment he didn't always feel naturally able to, or capable of - he WILL lead this club to ultimate success. And if I'm wrong, and he can't...the club will have to act and the axe will have to fall.

But....I don't reckon I'm wrong. Each to their own, I respect EVERYONE'S right to have an opinion and I get how frustrating we can be as team at times especially burning chance after chance and how it can feel like J-Lo's fallback is a too defensive strategic set up etc, but we're fighting for a spot in the 8, not to stay out the bottom 4. We might not be Premiers elect in 2024, but we're fighting at the right end of the table and it doesn't feel like we're too far off now, it really doesn't.

However, I get it. Talk is cheap and I'm exhausted writing all this. I won't post again for 2 weeks. Yeah, right!

Just my gut call, but I reckon we have the RIGHT man, we're just not "seeing" it yet. Hold firm Freo crew, just ask poshman what decades about to come ;)

It's coming.


And a lot here are missing the fun of a season with no expectations and all upside and growth. We drew with a top team and flag fancy on the weekend. We were younger and we had a shot to win it at the death! I am pumped about the game and the direction of the club.

He is taking it up to the AFL on the draw, got us playing exciting, attacking football. Some of our chains of possession are the best you will see league wide. Some of our own cognitive bias is not allowing us to recognise it. See it for what it is.

We have unearthed another A grader this year in Clark. Top line A grader.

Chapman has show he will be an A grader and makes our back half classy and lethal.

Cox is yet to come back.

We have seen enough from Draper and Simpson to know they have a future.

Our Key forwards are babies and have at times taken over games for us. Which is unique in every sense of the word. They will be in peak form four years from now and are bloody good now.

The midfield core can go with anyone and is one of the best groups in the league. And they will get better. We have added a key winger this season for nothing. He will kick 15 goals this year minimum and should be very good for 8 more seasons.

The club is financially sound, we have cash and are extending our facilities.

Oh and we have three firsts at the end of the year. We can make a big splash or bring in top tier talent. Talent that will grow with us through the next decade or more.

The optimism should be abounding. Hope a plenty! Romance your wife, work hard, help a neighbour and bloody well enjoy the beginnings of something... it doesn't come around very often.
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And a lot here are missing the fun of a season with no expectations and all upside and growth. We drew with a top team and flag fancy on the weekend. We were younger and we had a shot to win it at the death! I am pumped about the game and the direction of the club.

He is taking it up to the AFL on the draw, got us playing exciting, attacking football. Some of our chains of possession are the best you will see league wide. Some of our own cognitive bias is not allowing us to recognise it. See it for what it is.

We have unearthed another A grader this year in Clark. Top line A grader.

Chapman has show he will be an A grader and makes our back half classy and lethal.

Cox is yet to come back.

We have seen enough from Draper and Simpson to know they have a future.

Our Key forwards are babies and have at times taken over games for us. Which is unique in every sense of the word. They will be in peak form four years from now and are bloody good now.

The midfield core can go with anyone and is one of the best groups in the league. And they will get better. We have added a key winger this season for nothing. He will kick 15 goals this year minimum and should be very good for 8 more seasons.

The club is financially sound, we have cash and our extending our facilities.

Oh and we have three firsts at the end of the year. We can make a big splash or bring in top tier talent. Talent that will grow with us through the next decade or more.

The optimism should be abounding. Hope a plenty! Romance your wife, work hard, help a neighbour and bloody well enjoy the beginnings of something... it doesn't come around very often.
Big Boi Oh Lord GIF by Fuse
Preach Amy Poehler GIF by Sisters

And a lot here are missing the fun of a season with no expectations and all upside and growth. We drew with a top team and flag fancy on the weekend. We were younger and we had a shot to win it at the death! I am pumped about the game and the direction of the club.

He is taking it up to the AFL on the draw, got us playing exciting, attacking football. Some of our chains of possession are the best you will see league wide. Some of our own cognitive bias is not allowing us to recognise it. See it for what it is.

We have unearthed another A grader this year in Clark. Top line A grader.

Chapman has show he will be an A grader and makes our back half classy and lethal.

Cox is yet to come back.

We have seen enough from Draper and Simpson to know they have a future.

Our Key forwards are babies and have at times taken over games for us. Which is unique in every sense of the word. They will be in peak form four years from now and are bloody good now.

The midfield core can go with anyone and is one of the best groups in the league. And they will get better. We have added a key winger this season for nothing. He will kick 15 goals this year minimum and should be very good for 8 more seasons.

The club is financially sound, we have cash and our extending our facilities.

Oh and we have three firsts at the end of the year. We can make a big splash or bring in top tier talent. Talent that will grow with us through the next decade or more.

The optimism should be abounding. Hope a plenty! Romance your wife, work hard, help a neighbour and bloody well enjoy the beginnings of something... it doesn't come around very often.
I still think about that move Simpson did in the Bulldogs match and can't wait to see more of that type of stuff, oh boy.....
in a couple of passages of play he showed he has a future and can be damaging at the level... you beauty!
I was just watching it then on the AFL replay. Little sample size but it gives me goosebumps dude. I can't wait to see move of him, Voss and others coming through and wearing their hearts on their sleeve. Exciting stuff

And a lot here are missing the fun of a season with no expectations and all upside and growth. We drew with a top team and flag fancy on the weekend. We were younger and we had a shot to win it at the death! I am pumped about the game and the direction of the club.

He is taking it up to the AFL on the draw, got us playing exciting, attacking football. Some of our chains of possession are the best you will see league wide. Some of our own cognitive bias is not allowing us to recognise it. See it for what it is.

We have unearthed another A grader this year in Clark. Top line A grader.

Chapman has show he will be an A grader and makes our back half classy and lethal.

Cox is yet to come back.

We have seen enough from Draper and Simpson to know they have a future.

Our Key forwards are babies and have at times taken over games for us. Which is unique in every sense of the word. They will be in peak form four years from now and are bloody good now.

The midfield core can go with anyone and is one of the best groups in the league. And they will get better. We have added a key winger this season for nothing. He will kick 15 goals this year minimum and should be very good for 8 more seasons.

The club is financially sound, we have cash and are extending our facilities.

Oh and we have three firsts at the end of the year. We can make a big splash or bring in top tier talent. Talent that will grow with us through the next decade or more.

The optimism should be abounding. Hope a plenty! Romance your wife, work hard, help a neighbour and bloody well enjoy the beginnings of something... it doesn't come around very often.
This is Brillant, I bet the negative Nellie’s are looking for grammar errors right now.
Top 2 in Clearances
Top 2 Scores Against

Makes us really hard to play against.

I reckon if we had 1 more outside mid and a couple of elite small forwards we'd be pretty close to a top 4 team.

The fact that Banfield is now our best forward really speaks volumes about what JL is working with up front.
There are some posters that seem to think eternal optimism is the only way to support our team, and others that seem to have psychological scarring and the only possible way forward is to fire everyone and re-draft the whole list.

Probably more a reflection on humanity than Fremantle, although previous administrations probably take the blame for the scarring.

We've shown flashes of what we're capable of, some people think it will improve because we're young and others think we've been worked out / it's a gameplan issue. Time will tell, as long as we don't make a stupid decision in the short term.

The bit that personally irks me are the people that are convinced JLo isn't the right coach because of the way he publicly speaks, i.e. the "mumbles" crew.
There are some posters that seem to think eternal optimism is the only way to support our team, and others that seem to have psychological scarring and the only possible way forward is to fire everyone and re-draft the whole list.

Probably more a reflection on humanity than Fremantle, although previous administrations probably take the blame for the scarring.

We've shown flashes of what we're capable of, some people think it will improve because we're young and others think we've been worked out / it's a gameplan issue. Time will tell, as long as we don't make a stupid decision in the short term.

The bit that personally irks me are the people that are convinced JLo isn't the right coach because of the way he publicly speaks, i.e. the "mumbles" crew.

If you look at my posting history you will know I don't think eternal optimism is 'the only way to support the team'. Far from it.

I do believe we are at the beginning of something this year and I hope as many people enjoy it as possible before things get more serious over the coming years.

I was talking with a mate who supports the hawks, one of his wishes was that he just enjoyed their wins and the journey more, that he wasn't so serious about picking everything apart.

Anyway, if it was me you were directing your post at, then I was the wrong target, and I do think there are those posters around.

Happy Monday! Another stunning morning in Perth!

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Top 2 in Clearances
Top 2 Scores Against

Makes us really hard to play against.

I reckon if we had 1 more outside mid and a couple of elite small forwards we'd be pretty close to a top 4 team.

The fact that Banfield is now our best forward really speaks volumes about what JL is working with up front.
Thats the thing isnt it. I dont think we have executed the strategy perfectly but we have been in every game (bar WC).

I dont think teams fear playing us, but I dont think anyone particularly enjoys playing against us, which is a good starting point.
Top 2 in Clearances
Top 2 Scores Against

Makes us really hard to play against.

I reckon if we had 1 more outside mid and a couple of elite small forwards we'd be pretty close to a top 4 team.

The fact that Banfield is now our best forward really speaks volumes about what JL is working with up front.

Even one A grade small and another B grade small and we would have won a couple more. Huge upside tere.
Forwards get too much blame on here. Longmuir and Lyon have made it so bloody difficult for our forwards for years through a dogmatic approach to scoring that involves a predictable reliance on our key forwards being central to all avenues to goal.

If you watch Collingwood, Sydney, Geelong etc, they are a lot less predictable in their avenues to goal as they also rely a lot on running the ball into F50 with their midfielders/half forwards getting on the end of possession chains and taking shots.

Lyon's mantra was kick it to the forwards, who are to at the minimum provide a contest and bring it to ground, so the smalls can go to work or lock it in. Longmuir is not much different, less bomb it long, but the key forwards are almost always the focus.

It makes it so easy for defences to sag off at the half forward line and clog up the space for our forwards, knowing there is little threat of our midfielders/half forwards taking shots from around 50/running into 50. Sure it happens a few times, but no-where near as much as it should to create uncertainty in defenders and increase the spacing for our forwards to operate.

Its like Longmuir/Lyon are stuck in the 1980s NBA game style. Relying on bigs close to the basket (goal). Modern NBA and AFL is about spacing in the forward arc. Create unpredictability with mids/half forwards that can kick goals through quick movement to the 50 or ideally take pings from the 50 arc. Doesn't help for sure that Serong/Brayshaw aren't big kicks and Fyfe can't kick anymore.

Its not the forwards we have. Its Longmuir and a succession of Freo coaches stuck in the past with their tactics.
Forwards get too much blame on here. Longmuir and Lyon have made it so bloody difficult for our forwards for years through a dogmatic approach to scoring that involves a predictable reliance on our key forwards being central to all avenues to goal.

If you watch Collingwood, Sydney, Geelong etc, they are a lot less predictable in their avenues to goal as they also rely a lot on running the ball into F50 with their midfielders/half forwards getting on the end of possession chains and taking shots.

Lyon's mantra was kick it to the forwards, who are to at the minimum provide a contest and bring it to ground, so the smalls can go to work or lock it in. Longmuir is not much different, less bomb it long, but the key forwards are almost always the focus.

It makes it so easy for defences to sag off at the half forward line and clog up the space for our forwards, knowing there is little threat of our midfielders/half forwards taking shots from around 50/running into 50. Sure it happens a few times, but no-where near as much as it should to create uncertainty in defenders and increase the spacing for our forwards to operate.

Its like Longmuir/Lyon are stuck in the 1980s NBA game style. Relying on bigs close to the basket (goal). Modern NBA and AFL is about spacing in the forward arc. Create unpredictability with mids/half forwards that can kick goals through quick movement to the 50 or ideally take pings from the 50 arc. Doesn't help for sure that Serong/Brayshaw aren't big kicks and Fyfe can't kick anymore.

Its not the forwards we have. Its Longmuir and a succession of Freo coaches stuck in the past with their tactics.
I can't disagree more. Simply watching the game and watching Emmett and Walters either completely butcher a disposal or be unable to pick it up tells me it's as much a personal issue as anything. It's not even about their lack of scoring (which can definitely be attributed a bit to slower movement and a coaching because it's crowded like you say), it's about butchering opportunities in the first place.

Like, how many times this year have we seen Emmett completely butcher an easy possession that should lead to a goal or at least a shot on goal. Walters is one step back where he can hardly stay on his feet to pick it up in the first place
I dunno but I really like it. Gets his point across really well. I particularly like how he said it feels like some media analyst don’t even watch Fremantle games. David king being the prime example.
I personally think that remark was MOSTLY aimed at Cornes. But Kingy and a few others probably have crossed his mind. Time to throw the darts at print-outs of their ugly mushes when choosing a team
Yeah this idea that some of us spend hours every week in BF talking about our club, something we are all passionate about, and then turn around and actually Hope we lose at the weekend to prove some nuffie point we were making on here, is absolute horseshit.

Maybe there is one of two like that but I can tell mattis117 who recently is regularly replying to my comments refuting even mild criticisms of the club and made the initial comment earlier in response to me, that I’m damn f**king well not one of them, and I resent completely even the suggestion that I am.

I. Want. Freo. To. Win. Every. Game.

I also actually don’t want JL sacked. I do want him to switch tack away from the overhandballing gameplan because I’m absolutely convinced it will not hold up in finals. I have every right as a member of the FFC and a regular poster on here to hold and express that opinion without having some gestapo style comments police jumping on what I say as overly negative. It’s an opinions board. If you don’t agree - tough shit.

Wanting JL to change the gameplan is NOT the same as wanting JL to fail and be sacked.
I can definitely be an A hole, but my statement is not a nuffie post. It is human nature and there are many egos that would rather their original opinions be correct above all else, because admitting they were wrong is too painful.

You aren't in that category, and I was not specifically talking about you. There are others that I believe are in this category.

You're more susceptible to focus on everything that is going wrong, without balancing it out with what is going right. It comes across as FOMO - if we don't attain perfection right now then we're going to miss our chance. When the situation is viewed holistically, I see these opinions as fear-based (emotive) rather than rational. I have a 'Dominant' personality on the DISC assessment, so can be harsh towards reactions that I perceive to be purely based on emotion. Basically I focus on the task and not the person.

So going back to the start of all this - you were asking what does the board do at seasons end if we fail, and imply that this is the most likely outcome. This is triggering because you are incorrect. Failure is not the most likely outcome. It's been a bit frustrating because sometimes we're good and sometimes we're not, so it's hard to gauge exactly where we are and what's going to happen.

I also don't agree with comments that suggest we're not a top team because of our game plan. This is overly simplistic. There is so much going on in football that affects gameplan. Strategies going into the game, tactics employed during the game, player availability before and during games, freshness of players, experience of players, other external factors (McCarthy).

Not sure how many times JL needs to say it, but we're not a team that is intentionally trying to play a chip/mark style.

My argument is that we (still) do not have enough data, and JL needs to be given some room to move in light of having massive holes in the forward line. We cannot play like other teams if we do not have the personnel to play like them.

I think we will make finals, but we're not really a threat to the premiership. We could become one as soon as next year though if we're able to recruit a Baker or Warner and Cooper Simpson really comes on quickly.

A couple of other points:
  • the media are piling on Freo at the moment and it's affecting how our supporters view our team. It's actually pretty fkd up how bad it is and we have guys like Buckley and Montagna having to go against the grain and speaking out because even they can see how unfair a lot of what is being said about us is.
  • the constant rotation of our forward line has been a massive problem this year. Plus Emmett has been extremely disappointing and hasn't come close to filling the role we needed filled.
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I can't disagree more. Simply watching the game and watching Emmett and Walters either completely butcher a disposal or be unable to pick it up tells me it's as much a personal issue as anything. It's not even about their lack of scoring (which can definitely be attributed a bit to slower movement and a coaching because it's crowded like you say), it's about butchering opportunities in the first place.

Like, how many times this year have we seen Emmett completely butcher an easy possession that should lead to a goal or at least a shot on goal. Walters is one step back where he can hardly stay on his feet to pick it up in the first place
Even know he got like 5 touches one as sub one as full game I thought every touch he had was gold and so damaging which is why I’d rather coop in the side then walters/emmett atm
I think you can't have your cake and eat it too. We over handball at times absolutely but the guys are still figuring the balance out. I think they are being coached to control the ball and go to far with it sometimes.

Now if you want JL to get them to play with more freedom you need to be honest and say what you think of the smaller transitioning forwards because I query your objectivity if you don't think they are bottom 4 in the league at best and I'd argue more like the worst in comp.

I think JL knows we don't have the cattle to play as fast as other team because our forwards can't win contests and/or can't make good decisions consistently. And when I say fast I mean the Pies/Richmond chaos type fast, we can go fast on rebound but we still want to control the ball. I think it's not a coincidence we are keen for Baker and for that exact role.

So if you want more speed and chaos, be honest with you opinion on the forwards and let me know of you think they can pull it off. I personally don't think many of them can win a good number of 1v1s and I think a couple struggle to win 1v0 at the moment.
I think the most pleasing part of the year has been for the most part, our ball movement has been materially better then it was last year. first 15 minutes of friday night i thought was outstanding, weren't able to keep it up with generating front half turnovers, but it's for sure not the same that we saw so often last year
The anti over handballing narrative is an interesting one. It's not some new tactic, it was used by the 04-05 Eagles (They did have Cousins, Kerr, Judd and Cox) to get out of congestion and break through defensive zones. Bomber Thompson's Geelong outfit was a very run and gun over handball team too.

As other have said we don't have the cattle up forward and the young ones like Amiss and Treacy simply need more reps. If we had Curnow and McKay up forward we're a top 4 side. I think that's obvious to everyone.

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